subset_matrix_to_df {CommKern}R Documentation

Convert matrices to list of data frames for subnetworks


Description of the convert matrices to data frame list for subnetworks function.


subset_matrix_to_df(func_matrix, str_matrix)



a square, symmetric matrix to be used as the main input for the hms algorithm. For brain connectivity, this will be a representation of functional (e.g., BOLD) connectivity.


a square, symmetric matrix to be used as the guidance input for the hms algorithm. For brain connectivity, this will be a representation of structural (e.g., white matter) connectivity.


This is an ancillary function that creates a data frame list for the subnetworks created using the multimodal hierarchical spinglass algorithm.


A list of data frame containing the functional matrix, structural matrix, a data frame of the functional edge weights, a data frame of the structural edge weights, and nodal information (functional degree, structural degree, community assignment, and label information)

[Package CommKern version 1.0.1 Index]