"Risk Model Regression and Analysis with Complex Non-Linear Models"

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Documentation for package ‘Colossus’ version 1.1.1

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Check_Dupe_Columns checks for duplicated column names
Check_Trunc Applies time duration truncation limits
Correct_Formula_Order Corrects the order of terms/formula/etc
Cox_Relative_Risk Calculates hazard ratios for a reference vector
Date_Shift Automates creating a date difference column
Def_Control Automatically assigns missing control values
Def_Control_Guess Automatically assigns missing guessing control values
Def_modelform_fix Automatically assigns geometric-mixture values
Def_model_control Automatically assigns missing model control values
factorize Splits a parameter into factors
factorize_par Splits a parameter into factors in parallel
Gather_Guesses_CPP Performs checks to gather a list of guesses and iterations
gcc_version Checks default c++ compiler
gen_time_dep Applies time dependence to parameters
GetCensWeight Calculates and returns data for time by hazard and survival to estimate censoring rate
get_os Checks system OS
interact_them Defines Interactions
Joint_Multiple_Events Automates creating data for a joint competing risks analysis
Likelihood_Ratio_Test Defines the likelihood ratio test
Linked_Dose_Formula Calculates Full Parameter list for Special Dose Formula
Linked_Lin_Exp_Para Calculates The Additional Parameter For a linear-exponential formula with known maximum
OMP_Check Checks the OMP flag
Rcomp_version Checks how R was compiled
Rcpp_version Checks default R c++ compiler
Replace_Missing Automatically assigns missing values in listed columns
RunCoxEventAssignment Approximates how many events were due to baseline vs excess risk
RunCoxNull Performs basic Cox Proportional Hazards regression with the null model
RunCoxPlots Performs Cox Proportional Hazard model plots
RunCoxRegression Performs basic Cox Proportional Hazards regression without special options
RunCoxRegression_Basic Performs basic Cox Proportional Hazards regression with a multiplicative log-linear model
RunCoxRegression_CR Performs basic Cox Proportional Hazards regression with competing risks
RunCoxRegression_Guesses_CPP Performs basic Cox Proportional Hazards regression, Allows for multiple starting guesses on c++ side
RunCoxRegression_Omnibus Performs Cox Proportional Hazards regression using the omnibus function
RunCoxRegression_Single Performs basic Cox Proportional Hazards calculation with no derivative
RunCoxRegression_STRATA Performs basic Cox Proportional Hazards regression with strata effect
RunCoxRegression_Tier_Guesses Performs basic cox regression, with multiple guesses, starts with solving for a single term
RunPoissonEventAssignment Predicts how many events are due to baseline vs excess
RunPoissonRegression Performs basic poisson regression
RunPoissonRegression_Guesses_CPP Performs basic Poisson regression, Allows for multiple starting guesses on c++ side
RunPoissonRegression_Joint_Omnibus Performs basic Poisson regression using the omnibus function
RunPoissonRegression_Omnibus Performs basic Poisson regression using the omnibus function
RunPoissonRegression_Single Performs poisson regression with no derivative calculations
RunPoissonRegression_STRATA Performs poisson regression with strata effect
RunPoissonRegression_Tier_Guesses Performs basic poisson regression, with multiple guesses, starts with a single term
System_Version Checks OS, compilers, and OMP
Time_Since Automates creating a date since a reference column