predict.clustvar {ClustOfVar}R Documentation

Scores of new objects on the synthetic variables of a given partition


A partition of variables obtained with kmeansvar or with cutreevar is given in input. Each cluster of this partition is associated with a synthetic variable which is a linear combination of the variables of the cluster. The coefficients of these k linear combinations (one for each cluster) are used here to calculate new scores of a objects described in a new dataset (with the same variables). The output is the matrix of the scores of these new objects on the k synthetic variables.


## S3 method for class 'clustvar'
predict(object, X.quanti = NULL, X.quali = NULL, ...)



an object of class clustvar


numeric matrix of data for the new objects


a categorical matrix of data for the new objects


Further arguments to be passed to or from other methods. They are ignored in this function.


Returns the matrix of the scores of the new objects on the k syntetic variables of the k-clusters partition given in input.


n <- nrow(wine)
sub <- 10:20
data.sub <- wine[sub,] #learning sample
X.quanti <- wine[sub,c(3:29)] #learning sample
X.quali <- wine[sub,c(1,2)]
part <-kmeansvar(X.quanti, X.quali, init=5)
X.quanti.t <- wine[-sub,c(3:29)]
X.quali.t <- wine[-sub,c(1,2)]
new <- predict(part,X.quanti.t,X.quali.t)

[Package ClustOfVar version 1.1 Index]