Burr_Type_III_Formula {CalcThemAll.PRM}R Documentation

Burr Type III (Inverse Burr) Equation Formula


Burr Type III (Inverse Burr) Equation Formula


Burr_Type_III_Formula(concentration, scale, shape_location, shape_location_2)



The vector of concentration values for a selected pesticide, that has a Burr Type III shaped species sensitivity distribution, to run the equation on.


The Burr Type III scale/b value for the selected pesticide. These can be found in the "pesticide_info" data frame provided in this package. If you are including other pesticides you will need to append them with their respective distribution variables to the "pesticide_info" data frame.


The Burr Type III c/shape value for the selected pesticide. These can be found in the "pesticide_info" data frame provided in this package. If you are including other pesticides you will need to append them with their respective distribution variables to the "pesticide_info" table.


The Burr Type III k/shape value for the selected pesticide. These can be found in the "pesticide_info" data frame provided in this package. If you are including other pesticides you will need to append them with their respective distribution variables to the "pesticide_info" table.


a numeric vector


#Chlorpyrifos is used as its species sensitivity distribution fits Burr Type III
Chlorpyrifos <- c(0.000000001, 0.5, 2.7, 11)
Burr_Type_III_Formula(concentration = Chlorpyrifos,
scale = pesticide_info$scale[pesticide_info$pesticide == "Chlorpyrifos"],
shape_location = pesticide_info$shape_location[pesticide_info$pesticide == "Chlorpyrifos"],
shape_location_2 = pesticide_info$shape_location_2[pesticide_info$pesticide == "Chlorpyrifos"])

[Package CalcThemAll.PRM version 1.1.1 Index]