CVST-package | Fast Cross-Validation via Sequential Testing |
blocks | Generate Donoho's Toy Data Sets |
bumps | Generate Donoho's Toy Data Sets |
cochranq.test | Cochran's Q Test with Permutation |
constructCVSTModel | Setup for a CVST Run. |
constructData | Construction and Handling of '' Objects |
constructKlogRegLearner | Construction of Specific Learners for CVST |
constructKRRLearner | Construction of Specific Learners for CVST |
constructLearner | Construction of Specific Learners for CVST |
constructParams | Construct a Grid of Parameters |
constructSequentialTest | Construct and Handle Sequential Tests. |
constructSVMLearner | Construction of Specific Learners for CVST |
constructSVRLearner | Construction of Specific Learners for CVST |
CV | Perform a k-fold Cross-validation |
CVST | Fast Cross-Validation via Sequential Testing |
doppler | Generate Donoho's Toy Data Sets |
fastCV | The Fast Cross-Validation via Sequential Testing (CVST) Procedure |
getCVSTTest | Construct and Handle Sequential Tests. |
getN | Construction and Handling of '' Objects |
getSubset | Construction and Handling of '' Objects |
getX | Construction and Handling of '' Objects |
heavisine | Generate Donoho's Toy Data Sets |
isClassification | Construction and Handling of '' Objects |
isRegression | Construction and Handling of '' Objects |
noisyDonoho | Generate Donoho's Toy Data Sets |
noisySinc | Regression and Classification Toy Data Set |
noisySine | Regression and Classification Toy Data Set |
plotSequence | Construct and Handle Sequential Tests. |
shuffleData | Construction and Handling of '' Objects |
testSequence | Construct and Handle Sequential Tests. |