Fast Cross-Validation via Sequential Testing

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Documentation for package ‘CVST’ version 0.2-3

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CVST-package Fast Cross-Validation via Sequential Testing
blocks Generate Donoho's Toy Data Sets
bumps Generate Donoho's Toy Data Sets
cochranq.test Cochran's Q Test with Permutation
constructCVSTModel Setup for a CVST Run.
constructData Construction and Handling of '' Objects
constructKlogRegLearner Construction of Specific Learners for CVST
constructKRRLearner Construction of Specific Learners for CVST
constructLearner Construction of Specific Learners for CVST
constructParams Construct a Grid of Parameters
constructSequentialTest Construct and Handle Sequential Tests.
constructSVMLearner Construction of Specific Learners for CVST
constructSVRLearner Construction of Specific Learners for CVST
CV Perform a k-fold Cross-validation
CVST Fast Cross-Validation via Sequential Testing
doppler Generate Donoho's Toy Data Sets
fastCV The Fast Cross-Validation via Sequential Testing (CVST) Procedure
getCVSTTest Construct and Handle Sequential Tests.
getN Construction and Handling of '' Objects
getSubset Construction and Handling of '' Objects
getX Construction and Handling of '' Objects
heavisine Generate Donoho's Toy Data Sets
isClassification Construction and Handling of '' Objects
isRegression Construction and Handling of '' Objects
noisyDonoho Generate Donoho's Toy Data Sets
noisySinc Regression and Classification Toy Data Set
noisySine Regression and Classification Toy Data Set
plotSequence Construct and Handle Sequential Tests.
shuffleData Construction and Handling of '' Objects
testSequence Construct and Handle Sequential Tests.