CGManalyzer-package {CGManalyzer} | R Documentation |
Continuous Glucose Monitoring Data Analyzer
Contains all of the functions necessary for the complete analysis of a continuous glucose monitoring study and can be applied to data measured by various existing 'CGM' devices such as 'FreeStyle Libre', 'Glutalor', 'Dexcom' and 'Medtronic CGM'. It reads a series of data files, is able to convert various formats of time stamps, can deal with missing values, calculates both regular statistics and nonlinear statistics, and conducts group comparison. It also displays results in a concise format. Also contains two unique features new to 'CGM' analysis: one is the implementation of strictly standard mean difference and the class of effect size; the other is the development of a new type of plot called antenna plot. It corresponds to 'Zhang XD'(2018)<doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btx826>'s article 'CGManalyzer: an R package for analyzing continuous glucose monitoring studies'.
The R package CGManalyzer contains functions for analyzing data from a continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) study. It covers a complete flow of data analysis including reading a series of datasets, obtaining summary statistics of glucose levels, plotting data, transforming time stamp format, fixing missing values, calculating multiscale sample entropy (MSE), conducting pairwise comparison, displaying results using various plots including a new type of plots called an antenna plot, etc.. This package has been developed from our work in directly analyzing data from various CGM devices such as FreeStyle Libre, Glutalor, Dexcom, Medtronic CGM. Thus, this package will greatly facilitate the analysis of various CGM studies.
Xiaohua Douglas Zhang [aut, cph], Dandan Wang [aut], Zhaozhi Zhang [aut], Madalena Costa [ctb], Xinzheng Dong [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Xinzheng Dong <>
Zhang XD, Zhang Z, Wang D. 2018. CGManalyzer: an R package for analyzing continuous glucose monitoring studies. Bioinformatics 34(9): 1609-1611 (DOI: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btx826).
Costa M., Goldberger A.L., Peng C.-K. Multiscale entropy analysis of physiologic time series. Phys Rev Lett 2002; 89:062102.
Goldberger AL, Amaral LAN, Glass L, Hausdorff JM, Ivanov PCh, Mark RG, Mietus JE, Moody GB, Peng C-K, Stanley HE. PhysioBank, PhysioToolkit, and PhysioNet: Components of a New Research Resource for Complex Physiologic Signals (2003). Circulation. 101(23):e215-e220.
# The following are the example in the help file for CGManalyzer, which is also
# the main file for using the Package
# install from local source pacage
# install.packages(paste0(getwd(), "/CGManalyzer_1.2.tar.gz"), repos = NULL)
# or install from CRAN
# install.packages("CGManalyzer")
rm(list = ls()) <- "CGManalyzer"
options(scipen = 999)
mainFolder <- getwd()
# use example data or your own data
useExampleData <- TRUE
if (useExampleData) { <- "SPECexample.R"
} else{
# TODOs before creating file "00filelist.csv":
# Create a folder named "data" in working directory
# and copy files into it manually.
# Create a file named "00filelist.csv" in "data" folder with two columns,
# one for file name and one for group type.
dataFolder <- file.path(mainFolder, "data")
listFile <- file.path(dataFolder, "00filelist.csv")
# create a empty file
# list all files and their types
dataFiles <- list.files(dataFolder)
dataType <- rep("H",length(dataFiles))
fileFrame <- data.frame(dataFiles, dataType)
# save to 00filelist.csv file
write.csv(fileFrame,listFile,row.names = FALSE,quote = F)
stop("No data files found in the \"data\" folder!")
# TODOS after creating file "00filelist.csv":
# Specify the group type for each subject by changing the second
# column of 00filelist.csv manually. The default type is "H",
# which needs to be changed to the actual type manually.
# specify parameters for different CGM devices
# Choose one of the SPEC file that fits the CGM device that you are using for your study
# to use the example data in the package "CGManalyzer", you have to choose "SPECexample.R"
# if you want to run your own data, you cannot choose "SPECexample.R", instead, you need to choose
# one of "SPEC.FreestyleLibre.R", "SPEC.Glutalor.R" and "SPEC.Medtronic.R".
# You may also write your own file following the format in one of them. <- "SPEC.FreestyleLibre.R"
# <- "SPEC.Glutalor.R"
# <- "SPEC.Medtronic.R"
## get summary statistics: number of subjects, minimum, 1st quartile, median, mean,
## mean, 2nd quartile, maximum, number of NA's, standard deviation, MAD
if (Summary) {
summary.arr <-
skip = Skip,
header = Header,
comment.char = Comment.char,
sep = Sep
# write.csv(file = "summaryStatistics.sensor.csv",
# summary.arr[, , 1])
## boxplot the data
if (Boxplot) {
# filename <- paste("boxplot.rawData", responseName, "pdf",sep=".")
# pdf(filename)
yRange <- c(min(summary.arr[, "Min", responseName], na.rm = TRUE),
max(summary.arr[, "Max", responseName], na.rm = TRUE))
skip = Skip,
header = Header,
comment.char = Comment.char,
sep = Sep,
cex.axis1 = 1
## main analytic process including quality control, interval adjustment, MODD, CONGA, MSE
## calculation
fixMissing <- TRUE
fixMethod <- "skip"
calculateMODD <- TRUE
calculateCONGA <- TRUE
n.CONGA <- 2
# filename <- paste("timeSeriesPlot", responseName, "pdf", sep = ".")
# pdf(filename)
par(mfrow = c(3, 2))
for (iFile in 1:nFile) {
# iFile <- 1 #iFile <- 2 # iFile <- 19
print(paste0("Process the ", iFile, "th file: ", dataFiles[iFile]))
data.df0 <-
paste(dataFolder, dataFiles[iFile], sep = "/"),
skip = Skip,
header = Header,
comment.char = Comment.char,
sep = Sep
if (!Header) {
data.df0 <- data.df0[, 1:length(columnNames)]
dimnames(data.df0)[[2]] <- columnNames
if (!
data.df0[data.df0[, responseName] == idxNA, responseName] <- NA
## convert time : timeSeqConversion.fn
for (i in 1:length(timeStamp.column)) {
if (i == 1) {
timeStamp.vec <- data.df0[, timeStamp.column[i]]
} else {
timeStamp.vec <-
paste0(timeStamp.vec, " ", data.df0[, timeStamp.column[i]])
Time.mat <-
timeSeqConversion.fn(time.stamp = timeStamp.vec,
time.format = time.format,
timeUnit = timeUnit)
data.df <-
data.frame(timeStamp.vec, Time.mat[, 1], data.df0[, responseName])
# This needs to be changed if multiple responses
dimnames(data.df)[[2]] <-
c("timeStamp", "timeSeries", responseName)
data.df <- data.df[order(data.df[, "timeSeries"]),]
## derive the data with equal interval: equalInterval.fn
xx0 <- data.df[, "timeSeries"]
yy0 <- data.df[, responseName]
a <- table(diff(xx0))
if (length(a) > 1)
print("the time interval is not fixed and thus may need to be adjusted.")
dataEqualSpace.mat <-
equalInterval.fn(x = xx0, y = yy0, Interval = equal.interval)
## fix missing value: fixMissing.fn
#fixMissing = TRUE; fixMethod = "linearInterpolation"
if (fixMissing == TRUE) {
dataFixNA.mat <- fixMissing.fn(y = dataEqualSpace.mat[, "signal"],
x = dataEqualSpace.mat[, "timeSeries"],
Method = fixMethod)
## calculate MODD: MODD.fn
if (calculateMODD == TRUE) {
theMODD <-
MODD.fn(y = dataEqualSpace.mat[, "signal"], Interval = equal.interval)
} else {
theMODD <- NA
## calculate CONGA: CONGA.fn
if (calculateCONGA == TRUE) {
theCONGA <-
CONGA.fn(y = dataEqualSpace.mat[, "signal"],
Interval = equal.interval,
n = n.CONGA)
} else {
theCONGA <- NA
# calculate multiscale entropy
xx1 <- dataFixNA.mat[, 1]
yy1 <- dataFixNA.mat[, 2]
theMSE.mat <-
mMin = m,
mMax = m,
mStep = 1,
rMin = r,
rMax = r,
I = I
summaryAdj.vec <-
"" = length(yy0),
"N.missing" = sum(,
"Mean" = mean(yy1),
"SD" = sd(yy1),
"Median" = median(yy1),
"MAD" = mad(yy1)
if (iFile == 1) {
summaryAdj.mat <- summaryAdj.vec
MSE.mat <- theMSE.mat[, "SampleEntropy"]
MODD.CONGA.mat <- c(theMODD, theCONGA)
} else {
summaryAdj.mat <- rbind(summaryAdj.mat, summaryAdj.vec)
MSE.mat <- rbind(MSE.mat, theMSE.mat[, "SampleEntropy"])
rbind(MODD.CONGA.mat, c(theMODD, theCONGA))
## plot data : plotTseries.fn
meanY <- mean(yy0, na.rm = TRUE)
x = xx0,
y = yy0,
xAt = NA,
xLab = NA,
yRange = NA,
Frame = TRUE,
xlab = paste("Time in", timeUnit),
ylab = responseName,
pch = 1,
lty = 1,
col.point = 1,
col.line = 1,
cex.point = 0.5,
lwd = 1
lines(range(xx0, na.rm = TRUE), rep(meanY, 2), col = "grey")
main = paste0(iFile, ":", sensorIDs[iFile], ":", subjectTypes[iFile],
" - Raw Data"),
sub = paste0(
", N.noNA=",
", Mean=",
round(meanY, 3),
", SD=",
round(sd(yy0, na.rm =
TRUE), 3)
x = xx1,
y = yy1,
xAt = NA,
xLab = NA,
yRange = NA,
Frame = TRUE,
xlab = paste("Time in", timeUnit),
ylab = responseName,
pch = 1,
lty = 1,
col.point = 1,
col.line = 1,
cex.point = 0.5,
lwd = 1
lines(range(data.df[, "timeSeries"], na.rm = TRUE), rep(mean(yy1, na.rm =
TRUE), 2),
col = "grey")
main = paste0(iFile, ":", sensorIDs[iFile], ":", subjectTypes[iFile],
" - Adjusted Data"),
sub = paste0(
round(summaryAdj.vec[""], 0),
", Entropy=",
theMSE.mat[1, "SampleEntropy"],
", Mean=",
round(summaryAdj.vec["Mean"], 3),
", SD=",
round(summaryAdj.vec["SD"], 3)
dimnames(MSE.mat) <- list(sensorIDs, Scales)
dimnames(MODD.CONGA.mat) <- list(sensorIDs, c("MODD", "CONGA"))
dimnames(summaryAdj.mat)[[1]] <- sensorIDs
# compare mean, median, sample entropy et al by group
# there must be at least 2 different types
# in file "00filelist.csv" by modifying manually
# Calculate the major results for group comparison among different disease statuses
Types <- unique(subjectTypes)
Types <- Types[order(Types)]
nType <- length(Types)
nPair <- nType * (nType - 1) / 2
# for average value in each type
resultMean.vec <-
pairwiseComparison.fn(y = summaryAdj.mat[, "Mean"],
INDEX = subjectTypes, na.rm =
# for MSE in each scale and each type
for (i in 1:dim(MSE.mat)[2]) {
theResult.vec <-
pairwiseComparison.fn(y = MSE.mat[, i],
INDEX = subjectTypes,
na.rm = TRUE)
if (i == 1) {
pvalSSMD.mat <- theResult.vec
} else {
pvalSSMD.mat <- rbind(pvalSSMD.mat, theResult.vec)
dimnames(pvalSSMD.mat)[1] <- list(Scales)
# write.csv(file = "MSE.csv", MSE.mat)
# write.csv(file = "pvalSSMD.csv", pvalSSMD.mat)
# write.csv(file = "groupComp.mean.csv", round(resultMean.vec, 5))
# write.csv(file = "groupMeanSD.MSE.csv", round(pvalSSMD.mat[,-(1:(nPair *5))], 5))
# write.csv(file = "groupSSMDpvalue.MSE.csv", pvalSSMD.mat[, 1:(nPair *5)])
print(round(resultMean.vec, 5))
print(round(pvalSSMD.mat[,-(1:(nPair *5))], 5))
print(pvalSSMD.mat[, 1:(nPair *5)])
outNames <- dimnames(pvalSSMD.mat)[[2]]
isSSMD <- substring(outNames, 1, 4) == "SSMD"
SSMD.mean.vec <- resultMean.vec[isSSMD]
SSMD.mat <- as.matrix(pvalSSMD.mat[, isSSMD])
ssmdEffect.mat <-
nrow = nrow(SSMD.mat),
ncol = ncol(SSMD.mat),
dimnames = dimnames(SSMD.mat)
for (i in 1:ncol(ssmdEffect.mat)) {
ssmdEffect.mat[, i] <-
ssmdEffect.fn(SSMD.mat[, i], criterion = "subType")
dimnames(ssmdEffect.mat)[1] <-
list(paste0("sampleEntropy", substring(Scales + 100, 2, 3)))
# write.csv(file = "groupEffect.csv", data.frame(t(ssmdEffect.mat),
# "glucose" = ssmdEffect.fn(SSMD.mean.vec, criterion =
# "subType")
# ))
"glucose" = ssmdEffect.fn(SSMD.mean.vec, criterion =
# plot sample entropy by individual and by group
scalesInTime <- Scales * equal.interval
# filename <- "MSEplot.pdf"
# pdf(filename)
par(mfrow = c(1, 1))
col.vec <- rep(NA, length(subjectTypes))
for (i in 1:nType) {
col.vec[subjectTypes == Types[i]] <- i
MSE = t(MSE.mat),
Name = Types,
responseName = "glucose",
timeUnit = "minute",
byGroup = FALSE,
MSEsd = NA,
N = NA,
stdError = TRUE,
xRange = NA,
yRange = NA,
pch = 1,
las = 2,
col = col.vec,
Position = "topleft",
cex.legend = 0.0005,
main = "A: MSE by individual"
legend = paste0(Types, "(N=", table(subjectTypes), ")"),
col = 1:nType,
cex = 1,
lty = 1,
pch = 1
outNames <- dimnames(pvalSSMD.mat)[[2]]
MSEmean.mat <- pvalSSMD.mat[, substring(outNames, 1, 4) == "mean"]
MSEsd.mat <- pvalSSMD.mat[, substring(outNames, 1, 2) == "SD"]
N.mat <- pvalSSMD.mat[, substring(outNames, 1, 1) == "N"]
MSE = MSEmean.mat,
Name = Types,
responseName = "glucose",
timeUnit = "minute",
byGroup = TRUE,
MSEsd = MSEsd.mat,
N = N.mat,
stdError = TRUE,
xRange = NA,
yRange = NA,
las = 2,
col = NA,
pch = 1:length(Types),
Position = "topleft",
cex.legend = 0.75,
main = "B: MSE by group"
# plot results by pairwise comparison of groups : antenna plot
# filename <- "antennaPlot.pdf"
# pdf(filename)
par(mfrow = c(1, 1))
# antenna plot for average glucose level
mDiff.vec <- resultMean.vec[substring(outNames, 1, 5) == "mDiff"]
CIlower.vec <-
resultMean.vec[substring(outNames, 1, 7) == "CIlower"]
CIupper.vec <-
resultMean.vec[substring(outNames, 1, 7) == "CIupper"]
pairNames <- gsub("mDiff_", "", names(mDiff.vec), fixed = TRUE)
xRange <-
range(CIlower.vec, na.rm = TRUE),
range(CIupper.vec, na.rm = TRUE)
yRange <- range(c(0, SSMD.mean.vec), na.rm = TRUE)
condt <- ! & !
Mean = mDiff.vec[condt],
SSMD = SSMD.mean.vec[condt],
Name = pairNames[condt],
CIlower = CIlower.vec[condt],
CIupper = CIupper.vec[condt],
xRange = xRange,
yRange = yRange,
col = 1:length(pairNames[condt]),
pch = 1:length(pairNames[condt]),
cex = 0.6,
Position = "bottomright",
main = "Average Glucose Level"
#antenna plots for MSE at each scale
mDiff.mat <-
as.matrix(pvalSSMD.mat[, substring(outNames, 1, 5) == "mDiff"])
CIlower.mat <-
as.matrix(pvalSSMD.mat[, substring(outNames, 1, 7) == "CIlower"])
CIupper.mat <-
as.matrix(pvalSSMD.mat[, substring(outNames, 1, 7) == "CIupper"])
xRange <-
range(CIlower.mat, na.rm = TRUE),
range(CIupper.mat, na.rm = TRUE)
yRange <- range(c(0, range(SSMD.mat, na.rm = TRUE)))
for (i in 1:length(Scales)) {
Main <-
paste0("Sample entropy at Scale = ",
" (i.e., in ",
" ",
condt <- ![i, ]) & ![i, ])
Mean = mDiff.mat[i, condt],
SSMD = SSMD.mat[i, condt],
Name = pairNames[condt],
CIlower = CIlower.mat[i, condt],
CIupper = CIupper.mat[i, condt],
xRange = xRange,
yRange = yRange,
col = 1:length(pairNames[condt]),
pch = 1:length(pairNames[condt]),
cex = 0.6,
Position = "bottomright",
main = Main