bounds {CFtime}R Documentation

Bounds of the time offsets


CF-compliant NetCDF files store time information as a single offset value for each step along the dimension, typically centered on the valid interval of the data (e.g. 12-noon for day data). Optionally, the lower and upper values of the valid interval are stored in a so-called "bounds" variable, as an array with two rows (lower and higher value) and a column for each offset. With function ⁠bounds()<-⁠ those bounds can be set for a CFtime instance. The bounds can be retrieved with the bounds() function.


bounds(x, format)

## S4 method for signature 'CFtime'
bounds(x, format)

bounds(x) <- value

## S4 replacement method for signature 'CFtime'
bounds(x) <- value



A CFtime instance


Optional. A single string with format specifiers, see format() for details.


A matrix (or array) with dimensions (2, length(offsets)) giving the lower (first row) and higher (second row) bounds of each offset (this is the format that the CF Metadata Conventions uses for storage in NetCDF files). Use FALSE to unset any previously set bounds, TRUE to set regular bounds at mid-points between the offsets (which must be regular as well).


If bounds have been set, an array of bounds values with dimensions (2, length(offsets)). The first row gives the lower bound, the second row the upper bound, with each column representing an offset of x. If the format argument is specified, the bounds values are returned as strings according to the format. NULL when no bounds have been set.


cf <- CFtime("days since 2024-01-01", "standard", seq(0.5, by = 1, length.out = 366))
bounds(cf) <- rbind(0:365, 1:366)
bounds(cf)[, 1:3]
bounds(cf, "%d-%b-%Y")[, 1:3]

[Package CFtime version 1.4.0 Index]