Using CF-Compliant Calendars with Climate Projection Data

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Documentation for package ‘CFtime’ version 1.4.0

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+-method Merge two CFtime objects
+-method Extend a CFtime object with additional offsets
==-method Equivalence of CFtime objects
as.character-method Return the timestamps contained in the CFtime instance.
as_timestamp Create a vector that represents CF timestamps
bounds Bounds of the time offsets
bounds-method Bounds of the time offsets
bounds<- Bounds of the time offsets
bounds<--method Bounds of the time offsets
calendar Properties of a CFtime object
CFcomplete Deprecated functions
CFfactor Create a factor from the offsets in an CFtime instance
CFfactor_coverage Coverage of time elements for each factor level
CFfactor_units Number of base time units in each factor level
CFmonth_days Deprecated functions
CFparse Parse series of timestamps in CF format to date-time elements
CFtime Create a CFtime object
CFtime-append Extend a CFtime object with additional offsets
CFtime-class CF Metadata Conventions time representation
CFtime-equivalent Equivalence of CFtime objects
CFtime-merge Merge two CFtime objects
CFtimestamp Deprecated functions
cut Create a factor for a CFtime instance
cut-method Create a factor for a CFtime instance
definition Properties of a CFtime object
deprecated_functions Deprecated functions
format-method Format time elements using format specifiers
indexOf Find the index of timestamps in the time series
indexOf-method Find the index of timestamps in the time series
is_complete Indicates if the time series is complete
length-method The length of the offsets contained in the CFtime instance.
month_days Return the number of days in a month given a certain CF calendar
offsets Properties of a CFtime object
origin Properties of a CFtime object
properties Properties of a CFtime object
range-method Extreme time series values
resolution Properties of a CFtime object
slab Which time steps fall within two extreme values
timezone Properties of a CFtime object
unit Properties of a CFtime object