optimEA {CEGO} | R Documentation |
Evolutionary Algorithm for Combinatorial Optimization
A basic implementation of a simple Evolutionary Algorithm for Combinatorial Optimization. Default evolutionary operators
aim at permutation optimization problems.
optimEA(x = NULL, fun, control = list())
x |
Optional start individual(s) as a list. If NULL (default), creationFunction (in control list) is used to create initial design.
If x has less individuals than the population size, creationFunction will fill up the rest.
fun |
target function to be minimized
control |
(list), with the options:
budget The limit on number of target function evaluations (stopping criterion) (default: 1000).
popsize Population size (default: 100).
generations Number of generations (stopping criterion) (default: Inf).
targetY Target function value (stopping criterion) (default: -Inf).
vectorized Boolean. Defines whether target function is vectorized (takes a list of solutions as argument) or not (takes single solution as argument). Default: FALSE.
verbosity Level of text output during run. Defaults to 0, no output.
plotting Plot optimization progress during run (TRUE) or not (FALSE). Default is FALSE.
archive Whether to keep all candidate solutions and their fitness in an archive (TRUE) or not (FALSE). Default is TRUE. New solutions that are identical to an archived one, will not be evaluated. Instead, their fitness is taken from the archive.
recombinationFunction Function that performs recombination, default: recombinationPermutationCycleCrossover , which is cycle crossover for permutations.
recombinationRate Number of offspring, defined by the fraction of the population (popsize) that will be recombined.
mutationFunction Function that performs mutation, default: mutationPermutationSwap , which is swap mutation for permutations.
parameters Default parameter list for the algorithm, e.g., mutation rate, etc.
selection Survival selection process: "tournament" (default) or "truncation".
tournamentSize Tournament size (default: 2).
tournamentProbability Tournament probability (default: 0.9).
localSearchFunction If specified, this function is used for a local search step. Default is NULL.
localSearchRate Specifies on what fraction of the population local search is applied. Default is zero. Maximum is 1 (100 percent).
localSearchSettings List of settings passed to the local search function control parameter.
stoppingCriterionFunction Custom additional stopping criterion. Function evaluated on the population, receiving all individuals (list) and their fitness (vector). If the result is FALSE, the algorithm stops.
verbosity >0 for text output.
creationFunction Function to create individuals/solutions in search space. Default is a function that creates random permutations of length 6.
selfAdaption An optional ParamHelpers object, that describes parameters of the optimization (see parameters ) which are subject to self-adaption. An example is given in mutationSelfAdapt.
selfAdaptTau Positive numeric value, that controls the learning rate of numerical/integer self-adaptive parameters.
selfAdaptP Value in [0,1]. A probability of mutation for all categorical, self-adaptive parameters.
a list:
best solution found.
fitness of the best solution.
history of all evaluated solutions.
corresponding target function values f(x).
number of performed target function evaluations.
Termination message: Which stopping criterion was reached.
Last population.
Fitness of last population.
See Also
, optimRS
, optim2Opt
, optimMaxMinDist
#First example: permutation optimization
dF <- distancePermutationHamming
mF <- mutationPermutationSwap
rF <- recombinationPermutationCycleCrossover
cF <- function()sample(5)
#objective function
lF <- landscapeGeneratorUNI(1:5,dF)
#start optimization
res <- optimEA(,lF,list(creationFunction=cF,mutationFunction=mF,recombinationFunction=rF,
vectorized=TRUE)) ##target function is "vectorized", expects list as input
#Second example: binary string optimization
#number of bits
N <- 50
#target function (simple example)
f <- function(x){
#function to create random Individuals
cf <- function(){
#control list
cntrl <- list(
budget = 100,
popsize = 5,
creationFunction = cf,
vectorized = FALSE, #set to TRUE if f evaluates a list of individuals
recombinationFunction = recombinationBinary2Point,
recombinationRate = 0.1,
mutationFunction = mutationBinaryBitFlip,
parameters=list(mutationRate = 1/N),
archive=FALSE #recommended for larger budgets. do not change.
#start algorithm
res <- optimEA(fun=f,control=cntrl)
CEGO version 2.4.3