optimCEGO {CEGO} | R Documentation |
Combinatorial Efficient Global Optimization
Model-based optimization for combinatorial or mixed problems. Based on measures of distance or dissimilarity.
optimCEGO(x = NULL, fun, control = list())
x |
Optional initial design as a list. If NULL (default), creationFunction (in control list) is used to create initial design.
If x has less individuals than specified by control$evalInit , creationFunction will fill up the design.
fun |
target function to be minimized
control |
(list), with the options of optimization and model building approaches employed:
evalInit Number of initial evaluations (i.e., size of the initial design), integer, default is 2
vectorized Boolean. Defines whether target function is vectorized (takes a list of solutions as argument) or not (takes single solution as argument). Default: FALSE
verbosity Level of text output during run. Defaults to 0, no output.
plotting Plot optimization progress during run (TRUE) or not (FALSE). Default is FALSE.
targetY optimal value to be found, stopping criterion, default is -Inf
budget maximum number of target function evaluations, default is 100
creationRetries When a model does not predict an actually improving solution, a random exploration step is performed. creationRetries solutions are created randomly.
For each, distance to all known solutions is calculated. The minimum distance is recorded for each random solution.
The random solution with maximal minimum distance is chosen doe be evaluated in the next iteration.
model Model to be used as a surrogate of the target function. Default is "K" (Kriging). Also
available are: "LM" (linear, distance-based model), "RBFN" Radial Basis Function Network.
modelSettings List of settings for model building, passed on as the control argument to the model training functions modelKriging , modelLinear , modelRBFN .
infill This parameter specifies a function to be used for the infill criterion (e.g., the default is expected improvement infillExpectedImprovement ).
To use no specific infill criterion this has to be set to NA , in which case the prediction of the surrogate model is used. Infill criteria are only used with models that may provide some error estimate with predictions.
optimizer Optimizer that finds the minimum of the surrogate model. Default is optimEA , an Evolutionary Algorithm.
optimizerSettings List of settings (control ) for the optimizer function.
initialDesign Design function that generates the initial design. Default is designMaxMinDist , which creates a design that maximizes the minimum distance between points.
initialDesignSettings List of settings (control ) for the initialDesign function.
creationFunction Function to create individuals/solutions in search space. Default is a function that creates random permutations of length 6
distanceFunction distanceFunction a suitable distance function of type f(x1,x2), returning a scalar distance value, preferably between 0 and 1.
Maximum distances larger 1 are not a problem, but may yield scaling bias when different measures are compared.
Should be non-negative and symmetric. With the setting control$model="K" this can also be a list of different fitness functions.
Default is Hamming distance for permutations: distancePermutationHamming.
a list:
best solution found
fitness of the best solution
history of all evaluated solutions
corresponding target function values f(x)
model-fit created in the last iteration
prediction function created in the last iteration
number of performed target function evaluations
message string, giving information on termination reason
error/status code: -1
for termination due
to failed model building, 0
for termination due to depleted budget,
if attained objective value is equal to or below target (control$targetY
Zaefferer, Martin; Stork, Joerg; Friese, Martina; Fischbach, Andreas; Naujoks, Boris; Bartz-Beielstein, Thomas. (2014). Efficient global optimization for combinatorial problems. In Proceedings of the 2014 conference on Genetic and evolutionary computation (GECCO '14). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 871-878. DOI=10.1145/2576768.2598282
Zaefferer, Martin; Stork, Joerg; Bartz-Beielstein, Thomas. (2014). Distance Measures for Permutations in Combinatorial Efficient Global Optimization. In Parallel Problem Solving from Nature - PPSN XIII (p. 373-383). Springer International Publishing.
See Also
, modelLinear
, modelRBFN
, buildModel
, optimEA
seed <- 0
dF <- distancePermutationHamming
mF <- mutationPermutationSwap
rF <- recombinationPermutationCycleCrossover
cF <- function()sample(5)
#objective function
lF <- landscapeGeneratorUNI(1:5,dF)
#start optimization
res1 <- optimCEGO(,lF,list(
vectorized=TRUE)) ##target function is "vectorized", expects list as input
res2 <- optimCEGO(,lF,list(
vectorized=TRUE)) ##target function is "vectorized", expects list as input
CEGO version 2.4.3