Graphical Aid in Correspondence Analysis Interpretation and Significance Testings

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Documentation for package ‘CAinterprTools’ version 1.1.0

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CAinterprTools-package Package for Graphical Aid in Correspondence Analysis Interpretation and Significance Testings
aver.rule Average Rule chart
brand_coffee Dataset: Cross-tabulation of coffee brands vs. consumers' opinion
breakfast Dataset: Cross-tabulation of breakfast food vs consumers' opinion
caCluster Clustering row/column categories on the basis of Correspondence Analysis coordinates from a space of user-defined dimensionality.
caCorr Chart of correlation between rows and columns categories
CAinterprTools Package for Graphical Aid in Correspondence Analysis Interpretation and Significance Testings
caPercept Perceptual map-like Correspondence Analysis scatterplot
caPlot Intepretation-oriented Correspondence Analysis scatterplots, with informative and flexible (non-overlapping) labels.
caPlus Facility for interpretation-oriented CA scatterplot
caScatter Scatterplot visualization facility
cols.cntr Columns contribution chart
cols.cntr.scatter Scatterplot for column categories contribution to dimensions
cols.corr Chart of columns correlation with a selected dimension
cols.corr.scatter Scatterplot for column categories correlation with dimensions
cols.qlt Chart of columns quality of the display
diseases Dataset: Cross-tabulation of quantity of tobacco smoked daily vs. cause of death
fire_loss Dataset: Cross-tabulation of cause of fire vs. amount of money loss
greenacre_data Dataset: Cross-tabulation of funding category vs. University faculty
groupBycoord Define groups of categories on the basis of a selected partition into k groups employing the Jenks' natural break method on the selected dimension's coordinates
malinvaud Malinvaud's test for significance of the CA dimensions
rescale Rescaling row/column categories coordinates between a minimum and maximum value
rows.cntr Rows contribution chart
rows.cntr.scatter Scatterplot for row categories contribution to dimensions
rows.corr Chart of rows correlation with a selected dimension
rows.corr.scatter Scatterplot for row categories correlation with dimensions
rows.qlt Chart of rows quality of the display
sig.dim.perm Permuted significance of CA dimensions
sig.dim.perm.scree Scree plot to test the significance of CA dimensions by means of a randomized procedure
sig.tot.inertia.perm Permuted significance of the CA total inertia
table.collapse Collapse rows and columns of a table on the basis of hierarchical clustering