Very Large Numbers in R

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Documentation for package ‘Brobdingnag’ version 1.2-9

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Brobdingnag-package Very Large Numbers in R

-- A --

abs Various logarithmic and circular functions for brobs
acos Various logarithmic and circular functions for brobs
acosh Various logarithmic and circular functions for brobs
Arg Real and imaginary manipulation
Arg-method Real and imaginary manipulation
Arith-method Methods for Function Arith in package Brobdingnag
Arith-method Class '"brobmat"'
Arith-methods Methods for Function Arith in package Brobdingnag
as.brob Brobdingnagian numbers
as.brobmat Brobdingnagian matrices
as.complex Coerces to numeric or complex form
as.complex-method Coerces to numeric or complex form
as.glub Glubbdubdribian numbers: complex numbers with Brobdingnagian real and imaginary parts
as.matrix-method Class '"brobmat"'
as.numeric Coerces to numeric or complex form
as.numeric-method Coerces to numeric or complex form
as.vector-method Class '"brobmat"'
asin Various logarithmic and circular functions for brobs
asinh Various logarithmic and circular functions for brobs
atan Various logarithmic and circular functions for brobs
atanh Various logarithmic and circular functions for brobs

-- B --

brob Brobdingnagian numbers
brob-class Class "brob"
Brobdingnag Very Large Numbers in R
brobmat Brobdingnagian matrices
brobmat-class Class '"brobmat"'
brobmat.add Brobdingagian matrix arithmetic
brobmat.arith Brobdingagian matrix arithmetic Brobdingagian matrix arithmetic
brobmat.equal Brobdingagian matrix arithmetic
brobmat.greater Brobdingagian matrix arithmetic
brobmat.inverse Brobdingagian matrix arithmetic
brobmat.mult Brobdingagian matrix arithmetic
brobmat.power Brobdingagian matrix arithmetic
brobmat_matrixprod Brobdingagian matrix arithmetic
brobmat_to_brob Brobdingnagian matrices

-- C --

cBrob Combine Brobdingnagian vectors
cbrob Combine Brobdingnagian vectors
ceiling Various logarithmic and circular functions for brobs
coerce-method Coerces to numeric or complex form
coerce-method Class '"brobmat"'
colnames-method Class '"brobmat"'
colnames<--method Class '"brobmat"'
Compare-method Methods for Function Compare in Package Brobdingnag
Compare-method Class '"brobmat"'
Compare-methods Methods for Function Compare in Package Brobdingnag
Complex-method Real and imaginary manipulation
Complex-methods Real and imaginary manipulation
Conj Real and imaginary manipulation
Conj-method Real and imaginary manipulation
cos Various logarithmic and circular functions for brobs
cosh Various logarithmic and circular functions for brobs
cumsum Various logarithmic and circular functions for brobs

-- D --

diag Brobdingnagian matrices
diag-method Class '"brobmat"'
dimnames-method Class '"brobmat"'
dimnames<--method Class '"brobmat"'

-- E --

exp Various logarithmic and circular functions for brobs

-- F --

finite Infinite brobs and glubs
floor Various logarithmic and circular functions for brobs

-- G --

gamma Various logarithmic and circular functions for brobs
getat Brobdingagian matrix arithmetic
getP Get and set methods for brob objects
getP-method Class "brob"
getP-method Class '"brobmat"'
getX Get and set methods for brob objects
getX-method Class "brob"
getX-method Class '"brobmat"'
glub Glubbdubdribian numbers: complex numbers with Brobdingnagian real and imaginary parts
glub-class Class "glub"

-- I --

Im Real and imaginary manipulation
Im-method Real and imaginary manipulation
Im<- Real and imaginary manipulation
Im<--method Real and imaginary manipulation
index-class Class '"index"'
infinite Infinite brobs and glubs
is.brob Brobdingnagian numbers
is.brobmat Brobdingnagian matrices
is.finite Infinite brobs and glubs
is.finite-method Infinite brobs and glubs
is.glub Glubbdubdribian numbers: complex numbers with Brobdingnagian real and imaginary parts
is.infinite Infinite brobs and glubs
is.infinite-method Infinite brobs and glubs

-- L --

length Get lengths of brobs and glubs
length-method Class '"brobmat"'
length-method Get lengths of brobs and glubs
lgamma Various logarithmic and circular functions for brobs
log Various logarithmic and circular functions for brobs
Logic-method Logical operations on brobs
logic.brob Logical operations on brobs

-- M --

Math-method Various logarithmic and circular functions for brobs
Math-method Class '"brobmat"'
max Various summary statistics for brobs and glubs
min Various summary statistics for brobs and glubs
Mod Real and imaginary manipulation
Mod-method Real and imaginary manipulation

-- N --

ncol-method Class '"brobmat"'
newbrobmat Brobdingnagian matrices
nrow-method Class '"brobmat"'

-- P --

plot Basic plotting of Brobs
plot-method Basic plotting of Brobs
print.brob Methods for printing brobs and glubs
print.brobmat Brobdingnagian matrices
print.glub Methods for printing brobs and glubs
prod Various summary statistics for brobs and glubs

-- R --

range Various summary statistics for brobs and glubs
Re Real and imaginary manipulation
Re-method Real and imaginary manipulation
Re<- Real and imaginary manipulation
Re<--method Real and imaginary manipulation
rownames-method Class '"brobmat"'
rownames<--method Class '"brobmat"'

-- S --

show-method Methods for printing brobs and glubs
show-method Class '"brobmat"'
sign<- Get and set methods for brob objects
sign<--method Class "brob"
sin Various logarithmic and circular functions for brobs
sinh Various logarithmic and circular functions for brobs
sqrt Various logarithmic and circular functions for brobs
sqrt-method Various logarithmic and circular functions for brobs
sum Various summary statistics for brobs and glubs
Summary-method Various summary statistics for brobs and glubs
swift-class Class "swift"

-- T --

t Brobdingnagian matrices
t-method Class '"brobmat"'
t.brobmat Brobdingnagian matrices
tan Various logarithmic and circular functions for brobs
tanh Various logarithmic and circular functions for brobs
trunc Various logarithmic and circular functions for brobs

-- misc --

%*%-method Class '"brobmat"'
.cPair-method Class "brob"
.cPair-method Class "glub"
[-method Extract or Replace Parts of brobs or glubs
[-method Class '"brobmat"'
[.brob Extract or Replace Parts of brobs or glubs
[.glub Extract or Replace Parts of brobs or glubs
[<--method Extract or Replace Parts of brobs or glubs
[<--method Class '"brobmat"'
[<-.brob Extract or Replace Parts of brobs or glubs
[<-.glub Extract or Replace Parts of brobs or glubs