MCMC for Spike and Slab Regression

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Documentation for package ‘BoomSpikeSlab’ version 1.2.6

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BayesNnet Bayesian Feed Forward Neural Networks
BsplineBasis Spline Basis Expansions
CoefficientGroup Shrinking Regression Coefficients
ConditionalZellnerPrior Create a spike and slab prior for use with lm.spike.
GetPredictorMatrix GetPredictorMatrix
HiddenLayer Bayesian Feed Forward Neural Networks
IndependentSpikeSlabPrior A spike and slab prior assuming a priori independence.
IsplineBasis Spline Basis Expansions
knots Spline Basis Expansions
knots.SplineBasis Spline Basis Expansions
lm.spike Spike and slab regression
logit.spike Spike and slab logistic regression
LogitPrior Zellner Prior for Logistic Regression
LogitZellnerPrior Zellner Prior for Logistic Regression
mlm.spike Spike and slab multinomial logistic regression
model.matrix.glm.spike Construct Design Matrices
MsplineBasis Spline Basis Expansions
MultinomialLogitSpikeSlabPrior Create a spike and slab prior for use with mlm.spike.
NestedRegression Nested Regression
OdaOptions Spike and slab regression
PartialDependencePlot Plot a Bayesian Neural Network
plot.BayesNnet Plot a Bayesian Neural Network
plot.lm.spike Plot the results of a spike and slab regression.
plot.logit.spike Plot a 'logit.spike' object
plot.poisson.spike Plot a 'poisson.spike' object
plot.probit.spike Plot a 'logit.spike' object
plot.qreg.spike Plot the results of a spike and slab regression.
PlotBayesNnetPredictions Plot a Bayesian Neural Network
PlotBayesNnetResiduals Plot a Bayesian Neural Network
PlotLmSpikeCoefficients Plot Coefficients.
PlotLmSpikeFit Predicted vs actual plot for lm.spike.
PlotLmSpikeResiduals Residual plot for lm.spike
PlotLogitSpikeFitSummary Plot Logit or Probit Fit Summary
PlotLogitSpikeResiduals Residual plot for 'logit.spike' objects.
PlotMarginalInclusionProbabilities Plot marginal inclusion probabilities.
PlotModelSize Plot a distribution of model size
PlotNetworkStructure Plot a Bayesian Neural Network
PlotProbitSpikeFitSummary Plot Logit or Probit Fit Summary
PlotProbitSpikeResiduals Residual plot for 'logit.spike' objects.
poisson.spike Spike and slab Poisson regression
PoissonZellnerPrior Zellner Prior for Poisson Regression
predict.BayesNnet Predictions using spike-and-slab regression.
predict.lm.spike Predictions using spike-and-slab regression.
predict.logit.spike Predictions using spike-and-slab regression.
predict.poisson.spike Predictions using spike-and-slab regression.
predict.probit.spike Predictions using spike-and-slab regression.
predict.qreg.spike Predictions using spike-and-slab regression.
print.summary.lm.spike Print method for spikeslab objects.
print.summary.logit.spike Print method for spikeslab objects.
probit.spike Spike and slab probit regression
qreg.spike Quantile Regression
residuals.lm.spike Extract lm.spike Residuals
ShrinkageRegression Shrinking Regression Coefficients
spikeslab Spike and slab regression
SpikeSlabGlmPrior Zellner Prior for Glm's.
SpikeSlabGlmPriorDirect Zellner Prior for Glm's.
SpikeSlabPrior Create a spike and slab prior for use with lm.spike.
SpikeSlabPriorBase Base class for spike and slab priors
SpikeSlabPriorDirect Create a spike and slab prior for use with lm.spike.
SsvsOptions Spike and slab regression
StudentIndependentSpikeSlabPrior Spike and Slab Prior for Regressions with Student T Errors
StudentSpikeSlabPrior Spike and Slab Prior for Student-T Regression
SuggestBurn Suggest Burn-in
SummarizeSpikeSlabCoefficients Numerical summaries of coefficients from a spike and slab regression.
summary.lm.spike Numerical summaries of the results from a spike and slab regression.
summary.logit.spike Numerical summaries of the results from a spike and slab logistic regression.
summary.probit.spike Numerical summaries of the results from a spike and slab logistic regression.