Boom-package |
Boom |
add.segments |
Function to add horizontal line segments to an existing plot |
AddExternalLegend |
Add an external legend to an array of plots. |
AddSegments |
Function to add horizontal line segments to an existing plot |
Ar1CoefficientPrior |
Normal prior for an AR1 coefficient |
BetaPrior |
Beta prior for a binomial proportion |
Boom |
Boom |
boxplot.mcmc.matrix |
Plot the distribution of a matrix |
boxplot.true |
Compare Boxplots to True Values |
BoxplotMcmcMatrix |
Plot the distribution of a matrix |
BoxplotTrue |
Compare Boxplots to True Values | |
Checking data formats |
check.nonnegative.scalar |
Checking data formats |
check.positive.scalar |
Checking data formats |
check.probability.distribution |
Checking data formats |
check.scalar.boolean |
Checking data formats |
check.scalar.integer |
Checking data formats |
check.scalar.probability |
Checking data formats |
CheckMcmcMatrix |
Check MCMC Output |
CheckMcmcVector |
Check MCMC Output |
circles |
Draw Circles |
compare.den |
Compare several density estimates. |
compare.densities |
Compare several density estimates. |
compare.many.densities |
Compare several density estimates. |
compare.many.ts |
Compares several density estimates. |
compare.vector.boxplots |
Boxplots to compare distributions of vectors |
CompareDen |
Compare several density estimates. |
CompareDensities |
Compare several density estimates. |
CompareDynamicDistributions |
Compare Dynamic Distributions |
CompareManyDensities |
Compare several density estimates. |
CompareManyTs |
Compares several density estimates. |
CompareVectorBoxplots |
Boxplots to compare distributions of vectors |
ddirichlet |
The Dirichlet Distribution |
DiffDoubleModel |
DiffDoubleModel |
dInverseWishart |
Inverse Wishart Distribution |
dinvgamma |
Inverse Gamma Distribution |
DirichletPrior |
Dirichlet prior for a multinomial distribution |
DiscreteUniformPrior |
Discrete prior distributions |
dmvn |
Multivariate Normal Density |
double.model |
Prior distributions for a real valued scalar |
DoubleModel |
Prior distributions for a real valued scalar |
dWishart |
Wishart Distribution |
ExternalLegendLayout |
Add an external legend to an array of plots. |
GammaPrior |
Gamma prior distribution |
GaussianSuf |
Sufficient Statistics |
GenerateFactorData |
Generate a data frame of all factor data |
histabunch |
A Bunch of Histograms |
InverseWishartPrior |
Inverse Wishart Distribution |
is.even |
Check whether a number is even or odd. |
is.odd |
Check whether a number is even or odd. |
IsEven |
Check whether a number is even or odd. |
IsOdd |
Check whether a number is even or odd. |
lmgamma |
Log Multivariate Gamma Function |
LogIntegratedGaussianLikelihood |
Log Integrated Gaussian Likelihood |
LognormalPrior |
Lognormal Prior Distribution |
MarkovPrior |
Prior for a Markov chain |
MatchDataFrame |
MatchDataFrame |
McmcMatrixReport |
Check MCMC Output |
mscan |
Scan a Matrix |
MvnDiagonalPrior |
diagonal MVN prior |
MvnGivenSigmaMatrixPrior |
Conditional Multivaraite Normal Prior Given Variance |
MvnIndependentSigmaPrior |
Independence prior for the MVN |
MvnPrior |
Multivariate normal prior |
NormalInverseGammaPrior |
Normal inverse gamma prior |
NormalInverseWishartPrior |
Normal inverse Wishart prior |
NormalPrior |
Normal (scalar Gaussian) prior distribution |
PairsDensity |
Pairs plot for posterior distributions. |
pinvgamma |
Inverse Gamma Distribution |
plot.macf |
Plots individual autocorrelation functions for many-valued time series |
plot.many.ts |
Multiple time series plots |
PlotDensityContours |
Contour plot of a bivariate density. |
PlotDynamicDistribution |
Plots the pointwise evolution of a distribution over an index set. |
PlotMacf |
Plots individual autocorrelation functions for many-valued time series |
PlotManyTs |
Multiple time series plots |
PointMassPrior |
Discrete prior distributions |
PoissonPrior |
Discrete prior distributions |
qinvgamma |
Inverse Gamma Distribution |
rdirichlet |
The Dirichlet Distribution |
RegressionCoefficientConjugatePrior |
Regression Coefficient Conjugate Prior |
RegressionSuf |
Sufficient Statistics |
RepList |
Repeated Lists of Objects |
rinvgamma |
Inverse Gamma Distribution |
rmvn |
Multivariate Normal Simulation |
RVectorFunction |
RVectorFunction |
rWishart |
Wishart Distribution |
ScaledMatrixNormalPrior |
Scaled Matrix-Normal Prior |
SdPrior |
Prior for a standard deviation or variance |
SuggestBurnLogLikelihood |
Suggest MCMC Burn-in from Log Likelihood |
thin |
Thin the rows of a matrix |
ThinMatrix |
Thin a Matrix |
TimeSeriesBoxplot |
Time Series Boxplots |
ToString |
Convert to Character String |
ToString.default |
Convert to Character String |
ToString.table |
Convert to Character String |
TraceProduct |
Trace of the Product of Two Matrices |
TruncatedGammaPrior |
Gamma prior distribution |
UniformPrior |
Uniform prior distribution |