Tolerance Interval and EIV Regression - Method Comparison Studies

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Documentation for package ‘BivRegBLS’ version 1.1.1

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BivRegBLS-package Tolerance Intervals and Errors-in-Variables Regressions in Method Comparison Studies (Bridging Studies)
antilog.pred Back transforms the results if a logarithmic transformation is used
Aromatics Aromatics petroleum data
BivRegBLS Tolerance Intervals and Errors-in-Variables Regressions in Method Comparison Studies (Bridging Studies)
BLS Bivariate Least Square regression (BLS) Fit a Bivariate Least Square regression (BLS): estimates table Bivariate Least Square regression (BLS)
CBLS Correlated Bivariate Least Square regression (CBLS) Fit a Correlated Bivariate Least Square regression (CBLS): estimates table
desc.stat Descriptive statistics in method comparison studies
df.WS Degrees of freedom by Welch-Satterthwaite
DR Deming Regression
FullCIs.MD Confidence Intervals by CBLS with all potential solutions
FullCIs.XY Confidence Intervals from OLSv to OLSh by DR and BLS
GraphFullCIs.MD Plot all the CBLS potential solutions
GraphFullCIs.XY Plot all the DR and BLS potential solutions
lambdas Measurement error variances ratio
MD.horiz.lines Tolerance intervals in a (M,D) plot
MD.plot Display the CBLS regression, or univariate tolerance intervals in a (M,D) plot
OLSh Horizontal Ordinary Least Square regression
OLSv Vertical Ordinary Least Square regression
raw.plot Raw plot for descriptive statistics
SBP Systolic blood pressure data
XY.plot Display the BLS regression in a (X,Y) plot