SpikedApple {BioMark} | R Documentation |
Spike-in metabolomics data for apple extracts
Data from a spike-in experiment for apple extracts. Twenty apple
extracts are divided in two groups, one control, and one spike-in
group. The control group is measured without any spiking - the spike-in
group is spiked with nine chemical compounds in three different
combinations of concentrations. The data provide the experimental data
of the forty apple extracts in lists SpikePos
and SpikeNeg
for positive and negative ionization, respectively, and in two separate
data.frames (pos.markers
and neg.markers
) contains
information of the features of the standards, i.e., the spike-in compounds.
and SpikeNeg
are lists with three
- data
Data matrix, describing for each of the forty injections the intensity of the features (columns). Column names consist of a combination of retention time (in seconds) and m/z values, and are sorted on retention time.
- classes
Class labels for the forty injections (control, or group1, 2 or 3).
- annotation
Matrix, containing for each of the features XCMS and CAMERA information, such as mz, rt, number of times a feature is identified in the control or spike-in samples, possible isotope or adduct annotation, and whether or not the feature is identified in the standards (the spike-in data).
In addition, pos.markers
and neg.markers
contain the
information of the standards, i.e. the compounds that are spiked
in. These data.frames describe in their rows single features
identified with XCMS and CAMERA, using the same settings as the
experimental apple data, and have the following columns:
- comp
The (short) name of the spiked-in compound giving rise to this particular feature.
- mz, rt, isotope, adduct
Feature information, similar to the information in the
fields inSpikePos
.- feature.nr
The number of the corresponding feature in either
.- group1, group2, group3
Approximate spiking levels for the three groups. A value of 1.0 corresponds to an increase that is roughly equal to the naturally occuring concentration in apple. Exceptions are trans-resveratrol and cyanidin-3-galactoside, both not naturally occuring. These two compounds have been spiked in at one constant level which gives features of comparable size.
This is the complete data set, from which spikedApples
is a
subset, basically presenting the control and group1 information with
hand-picked spike-in features. The data in SpikePos and SpikeNeg use
CAMERA grouping to automatically determine which features are
corresponding to which spike-in compounds. Raw data in CDF format are
available from the MetaboLights repository.
Pietro Franceschi
P. Franceschi, D. Masuero, U. Vrhovsek, F. Mattivi and R. Wehrens: A benchmark spike-in data set for biomarker identification in metabolomics. J. Chemom. 26, 16-24 (2012).
See Also
plot(SpikePos$annotation[,c("rt", "mz")],
xlab = "Time (s)", ylab = "m/z",
main = "Positive ionization mode")
points(pos.markers[!is.na(pos.markers$feature.nr), c("rt", "mz")],
pch = 19, col = 2)
plot(SpikeNeg$annotation[,c("rt", "mz")],
xlab = "Time (s)", ylab = "m/z",
main = "Negative ionization mode")
points(neg.markers[!is.na(neg.markers$feature.nr), c("rt", "mz")],
pch = 19, col = 2)