Biologically Explainable Machine Learning Framework

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Documentation for package ‘BioM2’ version 1.0.8

Help Pages

AddUnmapped Add unmapped probe
baseModel Prediction by Machine Learning
BioM2 Biologically Explainable Machine Learning Framework
FindParaModule Find suitable parameters for partitioning pathways modules
GO2ALLEGS_BP An example about pathlistDB
GO_Ancestor Pathways in the GO database and their Ancestor
GO_Ancestor_exact Pathways in the GO database and their Ancestor
HybaseModel Selection of the optimal base model
HyBioM2 BioM2 Hyperparametric Combination
MethylAnno An example about FeatureAnno for methylation data
MethylData_Test An example about TrainData/TestData for methylation data
PathwaysModule Delineate differential pathway modules with high biological interpretability
PlotCorModule Correlalogram for Biological Differences Modules
PlotPathFearture Visualisation of significant pathway-level features
PlotPathInner Visualisation Original features that make up the pathway
PlotPathNet Network diagram of pathways-level features
ShowModule Display biological information within each pathway module
Stage1_FeartureSelection Stage 1 Fearture Selection
Stage2_FeartureSelection Stage 2 Fearture Selection
TransAnno An example about FeatureAnno for gene expression
TransData_Test An example about TrainData/TestData for gene expression
VisMultiModule Visualisation of the results of the analysis of the pathway modules