nmds {BinMat} | R Documentation |
Creates a non-metric multidimensional scaling plot (nMDS).
Creates an nMDS plot from a consolidated binary matrix with grouping information. Colours and shapes of plotted points need to be specified. For example, if there are two groups, then: clrs = c("red", "blue"), sh = c(16, 16). This assigns red to the first group name, and blue to the second. Both will have a pch shape of 16 (round dot). These two vectors are then passed to the function nmds() as: colours = clrs, shapes = sh.
dist_meth = "binary",
k_val = 2,
pt_size = 1,
colours = c("dodgerblue", "black", "red", "green3", "orange", "darkblue", "gold2",
"darkgreen", "darkred", "grey", "darkgrey", "magenta", "darkorchid", "purple",
"brown", "coral3", "turquoise", "deeppink", "lawngreen", "deepskyblue", "tomato",
"yellow", "yellowgreen", "royalblue", "olivedrab", "midnightblue", "indianred1",
labs = FALSE,
legend_pos = "right",
include_ellipse = FALSE,
ellipse_type = "norm",
dimension1 = 1,
dimension2 = 2
x |
Consolidated binary matrix with grouping information in the second column. |
dist_meth |
Distance method. Set to "binary" by default. Other options are "euclidean", "maximum", "manhattan", "canberra", or "minkowski". |
k_val |
Number of dimensions for the nMDS plot. Set to 2 by default. |
pt_size |
Point size for symbols on the plot. Set to 1 by default. |
colours |
Vector containing colours to be assigned to groups. This can be changed to the options available in the RColorBrewer palette set (e.g. "Set1"). See <http://applied-r.com/rcolorbrewer-palettes/> for more palette options. Alternatively, the colours can be set manually using, for example, c("red", "green", "blue"), thereby setting a colour for each group in your dataset. There are 28 default colours that will be set automatically to your groups. |
labs |
Indicate whether labels should appear on the graph or not (TRUE or FALSE). Default = FALSE. |
legend_pos |
Indicate the position of the legend. Default = "right", but other options are "left", "bottom", "top", or "none" |
include_ellipse |
Indicate whether ellipses should be included around groups. Default = FALSE. |
ellipse_type |
Select the type of ellipses to include around groups. Options are "convex", "confidence", "t", "norm", and "euclid". See the ggpubr::ggscatter() function documentation for more details. |
dimension1 |
Indicate the first dimension to plot (1, 2, or 3) for the x axis. If k = 2, the first two dimensions will automatically be plotted. If k = 3, select between the three. |
dimension2 |
Indicate the second dimension to plot (1, 2, or 3) for the y axis |
nMDS plot.
mat = BinMatInput_ordination
clrs = c("red", "green", "black")
nmds(mat, colours = clrs, labs = TRUE, include_ellipse = TRUE)