Toolkit to Identify Candidate Synthetic Lethality

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Documentation for package ‘BiSEp’ version 2.2

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BiSEp-package BiSEp: Bimodality in gene expression to dissect tumours and reveal synthetic lethal drug targets and biomarkers
BEEM BEEM: Bimodal Expression Exclusive with Mutation
BIGEE BIGEE: Bimodal Gene Expression Exclusivity.
BISEP BISEP: Bimodality in Gene Expression data.
BiSEp BiSEp: Bimodality in gene expression to dissect tumours and reveal synthetic lethal drug targets and biomarkers
BISEP_dat A list object containing 3 data frames.
BISEP_data A list object containing 3 data frames.
expressionPlot expressionPlot: Create visualisations from BIGEE output
FURE FURE: Functional redundancy between synthetic lethal gene pairs
FURE_data Output matrix from the BIGEE tool
INPUT_data A Log2 Gene Expression matrix
MUT_data A matrix containing discreet mutation calls
waterfallPlot waterfallPlot: Create visualisations from BEEM output