Bernadette-package |
Bayesian inference and model selection for stochastic epidemics |
age_distribution |
Country-specific age distribution |
age_specific_cusum_infection_counts |
Age distribution of cumulative reported infections for Greece |
age_specific_infection_counts |
Age distribution of new reported infections for Greece |
age_specific_mortality_counts |
Age distribution of new reported deaths for Greece |
aggregate_age_distribution |
Aggregate the age distribution matrix |
aggregate_contact_matrix |
Aggregate a contact matrix |
aggregate_ifr_react |
Aggregate the Infection Fatality Ratio |
Bernadette |
Bayesian inference and model selection for stochastic epidemics |
cauchy |
Prior distributions and options |
contact_matrices |
Contact matrices per country |
contact_matrix |
Country-specific contact matrix |
countries_un |
Names of countries with an available age distribution |
country_contact_matrices |
Names of countries for which a contact matrix is available |
exponential |
Prior distributions and options |
gamma |
Prior distributions and options |
itd_distribution |
Distribution of the time between infection and death |
normal |
Prior distributions and options |
plot_age_distribution |
Bar plot of the age distribution |
plot_contact_matrix |
Contact matrix heatmap |
plot_posterior_cm |
Plot the posterior contact matrix |
plot_posterior_infections |
Plot the posterior distribution of the infection counts |
plot_posterior_mortality |
Plot the posterior distribution of the mortality counts |
plot_posterior_rt |
Plot the estimated effective reproduction number trajectory |
plot_posterior_transmrate |
Plot the estimated age-specific transmission rate |
posterior_infections |
Summarize the posterior distribution of the infection counts |
posterior_mortality |
Summarize the posterior distribution of the mortality counts |
posterior_rt |
Estimate the effective reproduction number with the next generation matrix approach |
posterior_transmrate |
Estimate the age-specific transmission rate |
priors |
Prior distributions and options |
stan_igbm |
Bayesian diffusion-driven multi-type epidemic models via Stan | |
Bayesian diffusion-driven multi-type epidemic models via Stan |
student_t |
Prior distributions and options |
summary.stanigbm |
Summary of stanigbm posterior output |