compute_observation_frequency {BayesMallows}R Documentation

Frequency distribution of the ranking sequences


Construct the frequency distribution of the distinct ranking sequences from the dataset of the individual rankings. This can be of interest in itself, but also used to speed up computation by providing the observation_frequency argument to compute_mallows().





A matrix with the individual rankings in each row.


Numeric matrix with the distinct rankings in each row and the corresponding frequencies indicated in the last (n_items+1)-th column.

See Also

Other rank functions: compute_expected_distance(), compute_rank_distance(), create_ranking(), get_mallows_loglik(), sample_mallows()


# Create example data. We set the burn-in and thinning very low
# for the sampling to go fast
data0 <- sample_mallows(rho0 = 1:5, alpha = 10, n_samples = 1000,
                        burnin = 10, thinning = 1)
# Find the frequency distribution
compute_observation_frequency(rankings = data0)

# The function also works when the data have missing values
rankings <- matrix(c(1, 2, 3, 4,
                     1, 2, 4, NA,
                     1, 2, 4, NA,
                     3, 2, 1, 4,
                     NA, NA, 2, 1,
                     NA, NA, 2, 1,
                     NA, NA, 2, 1,
                     2, NA, 1, NA), ncol = 4, byrow = TRUE)


[Package BayesMallows version 2.2.1 Index]