BARC.functions {BTSR}R Documentation

Functions to simulate, extract components and fit BARC models


These functions can be used to simulate, extract components and fit any model of the class barc. A model with class barc is a special case of a model with class btsr . See ‘The BTSR structure’ in BARC.functions for more details on the general structure. See ‘Details’.


BARC.sim(n = 1, burn = 0, xreg = NULL, map = 4, coefs = list(alpha =
  0, beta = NULL, phi = NULL, theta = 0.5, nu = 20, u0 = pi/4),
  y.start = NULL, xreg.start = NULL, xregar = TRUE, error.scale = 0,
  complete = FALSE, linkg = c("linear", "linear"), linkh = "linear",
  ctt.h = 1, seed = NULL, rngtype = 2, debug = FALSE)

BARC.extract(yt, xreg = NULL, nnew = 0, xnew = NULL, p, r,
  coefs = list(), lags = list(), fixed.values = list(),
  fixed.lags = list(), y.start = NULL, xreg.start = NULL,
  xregar = TRUE, error.scale = 0, map = 4, linkg = c("linear",
  "linear"), linkh = "linear", ctt.h = 1, llk = TRUE, sco = FALSE,
  info = FALSE, debug = FALSE), xreg = NULL, nnew = 0, xnew = NULL, p = 0, r = 1,
  start = list(), lags = list(), fixed.values = list(),
  ignore.start = FALSE, fixed.lags = list(), lower = list(nu = 0, u0 =
  0), upper = list(nu = Inf, u0 = 1), map = 4, linkg = c("linear",
  "linear"), linkh = "linear", ctt.h = 1, sco = FALSE, info = FALSE,
  xregar = TRUE, y.start = NULL, xreg.start = NULL, error.scale = 0,
  control = list(), report = TRUE, debug = FALSE, ...)



a strictly positive integer. The sample size of yt (after burn-in). Default is 1.


a non-negative integer. length of "burn-in" period. Default is 0.


optionally, a vector or matrix of external regressors. For simulation purposes, the length of xreg must be n+burn. Default is NULL. For extraction or fitting purposes, the length of xreg must be the same as the length of the observed time series yty_t.


a non-negative integer from 1 to 5 corresponding to the map function. Default is 4. See ‘The map function’.


a list with the coefficients of the model. An empty list will result in an error. The arguments that can be passed through this list are:

  • alpha optionally, a numeric value corresponding to the intercept. If the argument is missing, it will be treated as zero. See ‘The BTSR structure’ in btsr.functions.

  • beta optionally, a vector of coefficients corresponding to the regressors in xreg. If xreg is provided but beta is missing in the coefs list, an error message is issued.

  • phi optionally, for the simulation function this must be a vector of size pp, corresponding to the autoregressive coefficients (including the ones that are zero), where pp is the AR order. For the extraction and fitting functions, this is a vector with the non-fixed values in the vector of autoregressive coefficients.

  • theta the parameter (or vector of parameters) corresponding to the map function. If map = 5 this value is ignored. For simulation, purposes, the default is map = 4 and theta = 0.5.

  • nu the dispersion parameter. If missing, an error message is issued.

  • u0 a numeric value in the interval (0,1)(0,1), corresponding to the value of the random variable U0U_0. For simulation purposes, the default is u0 = pi/4.


optionally, a initial value for yt (to be used in the recursions). Default is NULL, in which case, the recursion assumes that g2(yt)=0g_2(y_t) = 0, for t<1t < 1.


optionally, a vector of initial value for xreg (to be used in the recursions). Default is NULL, in which case, the recursion assumes that Xt=0X_t = 0, for t<1t < 1. If xregar = FALSE this argument is ignored.


logical; indicates if xreg is to be included in the AR part of the model. See ‘The BTSR structure’. Default is TRUE.


the scale for the error term. See ‘The BTSR structure’ in btsr.functions. Default is 0.


logical; if FALSE the function returns only the simulated time series yt, otherwise, additional time series are provided. Default is FALSE


character or a two character vector indicating which links must be used in the model. See ‘The BTSR structure’ in btsr.functions for details and link.btsr for valid links. If only one value is provided, the same link is used for mutmu_t and for yty_t in the AR part of the model. Default is c("linear", "linear")


a character indicating which link must be associated to the the chaotic process. See ‘The BTSR structure’ in btsr.functions for details and link.btsr for valid links. Default is "linear".


numeric; the constant to be associated to the link hh, when linkh = "linear". Default is 1.


optionally, an integer which gives the value of the fixed seed to be used by the random number generator. If missing, a random integer is chosen uniformly from 1,000 to 10,000.


optionally, an integer indicating which random number generator is to be used. Default is 2. See ‘Common Arguments’ in btsr.functions.


logical, if TRUE the output from FORTRAN is return (for debuggin purposes). Default is FALSE for all models.


a numeric vector with the observed time series. If missing, an error message is issued.


optionally, the number of out-of sample predicted values required. Default is 0.


a vector or matrix, with nnew observations of the regressors observed/predicted values corresponding to the period of out-of-sample forecast. If xreg = NULL, xnew is ignored.


a non-negative integer. The order of AR polynomial. If missing, the value of p is calculated from length(coefs$phi) and length(fixed.values$phi). For fitting, the default is 0.


a non-negative integer. The size of the vector theta. If missing, the value of t is calculated from length(coefs$theta) and length(fixed.values$theta). For fitting, the default is 1.


optionally, a list with the lags that the values in coefs correspond to. The names of the entries in this list must match the ones in coefs. For one dimensional coefficients, the lag is obviously always 1 and can be suppressed. An empty list indicates that either the argument fixed.lags is provided or all lags must be used.


optionally, a list with the values of the coefficients that are fixed. By default, if a given vector (such as the vector of AR coefficients) has fixed values and the corresponding entry in this list is empty, the fixed values are set as zero. The names of the entries in this list must match the ones in coefs.


optionally, a list with the lags that the fixed values in fixed.values correspond to. The names of the entries in this list must match the ones in fixed.values. ##' For one dimensional coefficients, the lag is obviously always 1 and can be suppressed. If an empty list is provided and the model has fixed lags, the argument lags is used as reference.


logical, if TRUE the value of the log-likelihood function is returned. Default is TRUE.


logical, if TRUE the score vector is returned. Default is FALSE.


logical, if TRUE the information matrix is returned. Default is FALSE. For the fitting function, info is automatically set to TRUE when report = TRUE.


a list with the starting values for the non-fixed coefficients of the model. If an empty list is provided, the function coefs.start is used to obtain starting values for the parameters.


logical, if starting values are not provided, the function uses the default values and ignore.start is ignored. In case starting values are provided and ignore.start = TRUE, those starting values are ignored and recalculated. The default is FALSE.


optionally, list with the lower bounds for the parameters. The names of the entries in these lists must match the ones in start. The default is to assume that the parameters have no lower bound except for nu, for which de default is 0. Only the bounds for bounded parameters need to be specified.


optionally, list with the upper bounds for the parameters. The names of the entries in these lists must match the ones in start. The default is to assume that the parameters have no upper bound. Only the bounds for bounded parameters need to be specified.


a list with configurations to be passed to the optimization subroutines. Missing arguments will receive default values. See fit.control.


logical, if TRUE the summary from model estimation is printed and info is automatically set to TRUE. Default is TRUE.


further arguments passed to the internal functions.


Neither the beta regression or an i.i.d. sample from a beta distribution can be obtained as special cases of the β\betaARC model since the term h(T(U0))h(T(U_0)) is always present

The model from Pumi et al. (2021) is obtained by setting xregar = TRUE (so that the regressors are included in the AR part of the model) and using the same link for yty_t and μt\mu_t.

The function BARC.sim generates a random sample from a β\betaARC(p) model.

The function BARC.extract allows the user to extract the components yty_t, μt\mu_t, ηt=g(μt)\eta_t = g(\mu_t), rtr_t, Tt(u0)T^t(u_0), the log-likelihood, and the vectors and matrices used to calculate the score vector and the information matrix associated to a given set of parameters.

This function can be used by any user to create an objective function that can be passed to optimization functions not available in BTSR Package. At this point, there is no other use for which this function was intended.

The function fits a BARC model to a given univariate time series. For now, available optimization algorithms are "L-BFGS-B" and "Nelder-Mead". Both methods accept bounds for the parameters. For "Nelder-Mead", bounds are set via parameter transformation.


The function BARC.sim returns the simulated time series yt by default. If complete = TRUE, a list with the following components is returned instead:

The function BARC.extract returns a list with the following components.

The function returns a list with the following components. Each particular model can have additional components in this list.

The map function

The map function T:[0,1][0,1]T:[0,1] \to [0,1] is a dynamical system, i.e., a function, potentially depending on a rr-dimensional vector of parameters θ\theta. Available choices are


Pumi, G.; Prass, T.S. and Souza, R.R. (2021). A dynamic model for double bounded time series with chaotic driven conditional averages. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics. Vol 48 (1), 68-86.

See Also

btsr.sim, btsr.extract,



m1 <- BARC.sim(linkg = "linear", linkh = "linear",
              n = 100, seed = 2021, complete = TRUE, ctt.h = 0.6,
             coefs = list(nu = 15, theta = 0.85, u0 = pi/4))

lines(m1$mut, col = "red")

 # Generating a sample from a BARC model

 m1 <- BARC.sim(linkg = "linear", linkh = "linear",
               n = 100, seed = 2021, complete = TRUE, ctt.h = 0.6,
               coefs = list(nu = 15, theta = 0.85, u0 = pi/4))

 #  Extracting the conditional time series given yt and
 #  a set of parameters

  e1 = BARC.extract(yt = m1$yt, map = 4, ctt.h = 0.6,
                    coefs = list(nu = 15, theta = 0.85),
                    fixed.values = list(u0 = pi/4),
                    linkg = "linear", linkh = "linear", llk = TRUE,
                    sco = TRUE, info = TRUE)

 # comparing the simulated and the extracted values
 cbind(head(m1$mut), head(e1$mut))

 # the log-likelihood, score vector and information matrix
 # score vector and information matrix are obtained
 # numerically.

 # Generating a sample from a BARC model

 m1 <- BARC.sim(linkg = "linear", linkh = "linear",
               n = 100, seed = 2021, complete = TRUE, ctt.h = 0.6,
               coefs = list(nu = 15, theta = 0.85, u0 = pi/4))

 #  Fitting a BARC model. Assuming only alpha fixed.
  f1 = = m1$yt, map = 4, ctt.h = 0.6,
                start = list(nu = 10, theta = 0.6, u0 = 0.5),
                lower = list(nu = 0, theta = 0, u0 = 0),
                upper = list(theta = 1, u0 = 1),
                fixed.values = list(alpha = 0),
                control = list(iprint = -1, method = "Nelder-Mead"))


  lines(f1$fitted.values, col = "red")

 #  Out-of-sample forecast
 pred = predict(f1, nnew = 5)

[Package BTSR version 0.1.5 Index]