Bounded Time Series Regression

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Documentation for package ‘BTSR’ version 0.1.5

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BARC.extract Functions to simulate, extract components and fit BARC models Functions to simulate, extract components and fit BARC models
BARC.functions Functions to simulate, extract components and fit BARC models
BARC.sim Functions to simulate, extract components and fit BARC models
BARFIMA.extract Functions to simulate, extract components and fit BARFIMA models Functions to simulate, extract components and fit BARFIMA models
BARFIMA.functions Functions to simulate, extract components and fit BARFIMA models
BARFIMA.sim Functions to simulate, extract components and fit BARFIMA models
btsr.extract Generic functions to simulate, extract components and fit BTSR models Generic functions to simulate, extract components and fit BTSR models
btsr.functions Generic functions to simulate, extract components and fit BTSR models
btsr.sim Generic functions to simulate, extract components and fit BTSR models
coefs.start Initial values for optimization
fit.control Default control list
GARFIMA.extract Functions to simulate, extract components and fit GARFIMA models Functions to simulate, extract components and fit GARFIMA models
GARFIMA.functions Functions to simulate, extract components and fit GARFIMA models
GARFIMA.sim Functions to simulate, extract components and fit GARFIMA models
KARFIMA.extract Functions to simulate, extract components and fit KARFIMA models Functions to simulate, extract components and fit KARFIMA models
KARFIMA.functions Functions to simulate, extract components and fit KARFIMA models
KARFIMA.sim Functions to simulate, extract components and fit KARFIMA models
link.btsr Create a Link for BTSR models
predict.btsr Predict method for BTSR
print.btsr Print Method of class BTSR
print.summary.btsr Summary Method of class BTSR
summary Summary Method of class BTSR
summary.btsr Summary Method of class BTSR
UWARFIMA.extract Functions to simulate, extract components and fit UWARFIMA models Functions to simulate, extract components and fit UWARFIMA models
UWARFIMA.functions Functions to simulate, extract components and fit UWARFIMA models
UWARFIMA.sim Functions to simulate, extract components and fit UWARFIMA models