BRVM.index |
BRVM Available Indexes |
BRVM_bySector |
BRVM By Sector |
BRVM_cap |
BRVM Capitalization |
BRVM_company_cap |
BRVM companies capitalization value - To get the capitalization value data of all companies listed on BRVM stock exchange |
BRVM_company_info |
BRVM Get info about a ticker beta, RSI, Closing, Valorisation, etc. |
BRVM_company_rank |
BRVM Companies Rank - Get all tickers rank according to last quotation |
BRVM_company_url |
BRVM company url |
BRVM_direction |
BRVM Rank |
BRVM_get |
BRVM Get - Get Ticker Data |
BRVM_get1 |
BRVM Get - Get BRVM stock exchange Ticker Data |
BRVM_index |
BRVM Get - Get BRVM indexes Data |
BRVM_index_stock |
BRVM index stock - Given a set of indexes, return their stock data |
BRVM_market_activity |
BRVM_plot |
BRVM_rank |
BRVM_rank - Get top or flop data of BRVM stock exchange |
BRVM_stock_market |
BRVM Official Quotation reviews |
BRVM_tickers |
BRVM Tickers - Information about listed companies on BRVM Stock exchange |
BRVM_ticker_desc |
BRVM ticker description - BRVM ticker information |
BRVM_traded_val |
BRVM traded value - To get the traded volume value data of all companies listed on BRVM stock exchange |
company_cap |
Company capitalization - To know the capitalization of a given company |
company_country |
Company's country - To know the country of a given company |
company_nbrank |
BRVM get company rank - Get a ticker rank according to brvm quote |
company_sector |
Company's sector - To know the sector of a given company |
company_traded_val |
Brvm Company traded volume value - To know the traded volume value of each company |
normality_test |
Normality test with univariate data |
stationarity_test |
Stationarity test with univariate data |