Bayesian Optimal INterval (BOIN) Design for Single-Agent and Drug- Combination Phase I Clinical Trials

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Documentation for package ‘BOIN’ version 2.7.2

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get.boundary Generate the optimal dose escalation and deescalation boundaries for conducting the trial.
get.oc Generate operating characteristics for single agent trials
get.oc.comb Generate operating characteristics for drug combination trials
next.comb Determine the dose combination for the next cohort of new patients for drug-combination trials that aim to find a MTD
next.subtrial Determine the starting dose and the dose-searching space for next subtrial in waterfall design
plot.boin Plot the flowchart and simulation results for BOIN designs
print.boin Generate descriptive summary for objects returned by other functions
select.mtd Select the maximum tolerated dose (MTD) for single agent trials
select.mtd.comb Select the maximum tolerated dose (MTD) or MTD contour for drug combination trials
summary.boin Generate descriptive summary for objects returned by other functions