readGedcom {BGmisc}R Documentation

Read a GEDCOM File


This function reads a GEDCOM file and parses it into a structured data frame of individuals. Inspired by


  verbose = FALSE,
  add_parents = TRUE,
  remove_empty_cols = TRUE,
  combine_cols = TRUE,
  skinny = FALSE



The path to the GEDCOM file.


A logical value indicating whether to print messages.


A logical value indicating whether to add parents to the data frame.


A logical value indicating whether to remove columns with all missing values.


A logical value indicating whether to combine columns with duplicate values.


A logical value indicating whether to return a skinny data frame.


A data frame containing information about individuals, with the following potential columns: - 'id': ID of the individual - ‘momID': ID of the individual’s mother - ‘dadID': ID of the individual’s father - 'sex': Sex of the individual - 'name': Full name of the individual - 'name_given': First name of the individual - 'name_surn': Last name of the individual - 'name_marriedsurn': Married name of the individual - 'name_nick': Nickname of the individual - 'name_npfx': Name prefix - 'name_nsfx': Name suffix - 'birth_date': Birth date of the individual - 'birth_lat': Latitude of the birthplace - 'birth_long': Longitude of the birthplace - 'birth_place': Birthplace of the individual - 'death_caus': Cause of death - 'death_date': Death date of the individual - 'death_lat': Latitude of the place of death - 'death_long': Longitude of the place of death - 'death_place': Place of death of the individual - 'attribute_caste': Caste of the individual - 'attribute_children': Number of children of the individual - 'attribute_description': Description of the individual - 'attribute_education': Education of the individual - 'attribute_idnumber': Identification number of the individual - 'attribute_marriages': Number of marriages of the individual - 'attribute_nationality': Nationality of the individual - 'attribute_occupation': Occupation of the individual - 'attribute_property': Property owned by the individual - 'attribute_religion': Religion of the individual - 'attribute_residence': Residence of the individual - 'attribute_ssn': Social security number of the individual - 'attribute_title': Title of the individual - 'FAMC': ID(s) of the family where the individual is a child - 'FAMS': ID(s) of the family where the individual is a spouse

[Package BGmisc version 1.3.2 Index]