select.explore {BGGM}R Documentation

Graph selection for explore Objects


Provides the selected graph based on the Bayes factor (Williams and Mulder 2019).


## S3 method for class 'explore'
select(object, BF_cut = 3, alternative = "two.sided", ...)



An object of class explore.default


Numeric. Threshold for including an edge (defaults to 3).


A character string specifying the alternative hypothesis. It must be one of "two.sided" (default), "greater", "less", or "exhaustive". See note for further details.


Currently ignored.


Exhaustive provides the posterior hypothesis probabilities for a positive, negative, or null relation (see Table 3 in Williams and Mulder 2019).


The returned object of class select.explore contains a lot of information that is used for printing and plotting the results. For users of BGGM, the following are the useful objects:

alternative = "two.sided"

alternative = "greater" and "less"

alternative = "exhaustive"


Care must be taken with the options alternative = "less" and alternative = "greater". This is because the full parameter space is not included, such, for alternative = "greater", there can be evidence for the "null" when the relation is negative. This inference is correct: the null model better predicted the data than the positive model. But note this is relative and does not provide absolute evidence for the null hypothesis.


Williams DR, Mulder J (2019). “Bayesian Hypothesis Testing for Gaussian Graphical Models: Conditional Independence and Order Constraints.” PsyArXiv. doi:10.31234/

See Also

explore and ggm_compare_explore for several examples.


### example 1 ###

#  data
Y <- bfi[,1:10]

# fit model
fit <- explore(Y, progress = FALSE)

# edge set
E <- select(fit,
            alternative = "exhaustive")

[Package BGGM version 2.1.3 Index]