BETS-package |
BETS: A package for obtaining and analysing thousands of Brazilian economic time series. |
arch_test |
Perform an ARCH test |
bcbExpectA |
bcbExpectA |
bcbExpectATop5 |
bcbExpectATop5 |
bcbExpectInf12 |
bcbExpectInf12 |
bcbExpectM |
bcbExpectM |
bcbExpectMTop5 |
bcbExpectMTop5 |
bcbExpectT |
bcbExpectT |
BETS: A package for obtaining and analysing thousands of Brazilian economic time series. |
BETS.addin_en |
BETS search |
BETS.addin_pt |
BETS search |
BETSget |
Get a complete time series from a BETS database |
BETSsearch |
Search for a Brazilian Economic Time Series |
BETSsources |
Display a list of sources available at BETS package |
chart |
Create a chart with BETS aesthetics |
chart.add_basic |
Create a chart of the Unitary Labor Cost time series |
chart.add_extra |
Create a chart of the Unitary Labor Cost time series |
chart.add_notes |
Add notes |
check.series |
Check series |
connection |
Connection with the server |
corrgram |
Plot the ACF or the PACF of a time series |
dashboard |
Create a BETS custom dashboard |
deflate |
Deflate a time series |
draw.cap_utl |
Create a chart of the Base Interest Rate (SELIC) time series |
draw.cdb |
Create a chart of the Time Deposits time series |
draw.cei |
Create a chart of the Base Interest Rate (SELIC) time series |
draw.conf_lvl |
Create a chart of the Base Interest Rate (SELIC) time series |
draw.eap |
Create a chart of the Economically Active Population time series |
draw.ei_comps |
Create a chart of the Base Interest Rate (SELIC) time series |
draw.ei_vars |
Create a chart of the Base Interest Rate (SELIC) time series |
draw.gdp_comps |
Create a chart of the Base Interest Rate (SELIC) time series |
draw.gdp_mon |
Create a chart of the Base Interest Rate (SELIC) time series |
draw.gdp_unemp |
Create a chart of the Base Interest Rate (SELIC) time series |
draw.gdp_vars |
Create a chart of the Base Interest Rate (SELIC) time series |
draw.generic |
Create a chart of the Base Interest Rate (SELIC) time series |
draw.iie_br |
Create a chart of the Base Interest Rate (SELIC) time series |
draw.indprod |
Create a chart of the Production Indicators time series |
draw.ipca |
Create a chart of the National Consumer Price Index time series |
draw.lab_coin |
Create a chart of the Base Interest Rate (SELIC) time series |
draw.lab_lead |
Create a chart of the Base Interest Rate (SELIC) time series |
draw.lei |
Create a chart of the Base Interest Rate (SELIC) time series |
draw.misery_index |
Create a chart of the Base Interest Rate (SELIC) time series |
draw.selic |
Create a chart of the Base Interest Rate (SELIC) time series |
draw.sent_ind |
Create a chart of the Base Interest Rate (SELIC) time series |
draw.survey |
Create a chart of the Base Interest Rate (SELIC) time series |
draw.ulc |
Create a chart of the Unitary Labor Cost time series |
draw.unemp |
Create a chart of the Open Unemployment Rate time series |
draw.vargdp |
Create a chart of the Real Percentage Change of GDP in the Year time series |
dummy |
Create a monthly or quarterly dummy |
get.series |
Get a complete time series from a BETS database |
get.series.bacen |
A function to extract BACEN series using their API |
grnn.test |
Test a set of General Regression Neural Networks |
grnn.train |
Train a General Regression Neural Network |
msg |
Format and show a console message. |
normalize |
Normalize a time series |
predict |
Get the predicted values of a model and visualize it |
report |
Create dynamic reports with a full analysis of a set of time series |
save |
Prepare a time series to be exported |
saveSas |
Export a time series to SAS |
saveSpss |
Export a time series to SPSS |
saveStata |
Export a time series to STATA |
sidra.aux |
Search for Sidra Series |
sidraGet |
A function to extract Sidra series using their API |
sidraSearch |
Search for Sidra Series |
std_resid |
Plot standardized residuals |
t_test |
Test the significance of the parameters of an ARIMA model |
ur_test |
Perform unit root tests |