BCRA-package | A Package for Breast Cancer Risk Assessment |
absolute.risk | Estimate absolute risks |
BCRA | A Package for Breast Cancer Risk Assessment |
BrCa_1_AR | Breast cancer 1-Attributable Risk |
BrCa_beta | Breast cancer beta |
BrCa_lambda1 | Breast cancer composite incidences |
BrCa_lambda2 | Breast cancer competing mortality |
check.summary | Summarize the error indicators, relative risks and absolute risks |
error.table | List the records and errors for IDs with missing absolute risks |
error.table.all | List all records and errors |
exampledata | Example data set |
list.constants | List all constants required for BrCa absolute risk projections |
recode.check | Recode and check the relative risk covariate values |
relative.risk | Estimate relative risks |
risk.summary | List the records with relative risks and absolute risks |