extractsamples {BAMBI}R Documentation

Extract MCMC samples for parameters from an angmcmc object


Extract MCMC samples for parameters from an angmcmc object


extractsamples(object, par.name, comp.label, chain.no, drop = TRUE, ...)



angular MCMC object


vector of names of parameters for which point estimates are to be computed. If NULL, results for all parameters are provided.


vector of component labels (positive integers, e.g., 1, 2, ...) for which point estimates are to be computed. If NULL, results for all components are provided.


vector of chain numbers whose samples are to be be used. in the estimation. By default all chains are used.


logical. Should the dimension of the output be dropped, if par.name, comp.label or chain.no has a single level?


additional arguments to be passed to the function.


The default for both par.name and comp.label are the all possible choices available in object.


Returns a four dimensional array with

dimension 1 - model parameters and mixing proportions dimention 2 - components dimension 3 - MCMC iterations dimension 4 - chain number


# first fit a vmsin mixture model
# illustration only - more iterations needed for convergence
fit.vmsin.20 <- fit_vmsinmix(tim8, ncomp = 3, n.iter =  20,
                             n.chains = 1)
# extract Markov chain realizations for kappa1 from component 1
extr_kappa1_1 <- extractsamples(fit.vmsin.20, "kappa1", 1)
# for kappa1 from component from all components
extr_kappa1 <- extractsamples(fit.vmsin.20, "kappa1")
# for all parameters in component 1
extr_1 <- extractsamples(fit.vmsin.20, comp.label = 1)

[Package BAMBI version 2.3.5 Index]