DIC {BAMBI}R Documentation

Deviance Information Criterion (DIC) for angmcmc objects


Deviance Information Criterion (DIC) for angmcmc objects


DIC(object, form = 2, ...)



angular MCMC object.


form of DIC to use. Available choices are 1 and 2 (default). See details.


additional model specific arguments to be passed to DIC. For example, int.displ specifies integer dispacement in wnorm and wnorm2 models. See fit_wnormmix and fit_wnorm2mix for more details.


Given a deviance function D(θ)=2log(p(yθ))D(\theta) = -2 log(p(y|\theta)), and an estimate θ=(θi)/N\theta* = (\sum \theta_i) / N of the posterior mean E(θy)E(\theta|y), where yy denote the data, θ\theta are the unknown parameters of the model, θ1,...,θN\theta_1, ..., \theta_N are MCMC samples from the posterior distribution of θ\theta given yy and p(yθ)p(y|\theta) is the likelihood function, the (form 1 of) Deviance Infomation Criterion (DIC) is defined as

DIC=2((s=1ND(θs))/ND(θ))DIC = 2 ( (\sum_{s=1}^N D(\theta_s)) / N - D(\theta*) )

The second form for DIC is given by

DIC=D(θ)4var^logp(yθs)DIC = D(\theta*) - 4 \hat{var} \log p(y|\theta_s)

where for i=1,...,ni = 1, ..., n, var^logp(yθ)\hat{var} \log p(y|\theta) denotes the estimated variance of the log likelihood based on the realizations θ1,...,θN\theta_1, ..., \theta_N.

Like AIC and BIC, DIC is an asymptotic approximation for large samples, and is only valid when the posterior distribution is approximately normal.


Computes the DIC for a given angmcmc object


# illustration only - more iterations needed for convergence
fit.vmsin.20 <- fit_vmsinmix(tim8, ncomp = 3, n.iter =  20,
                             n.chains = 1)

[Package BAMBI version 2.3.5 Index]