acquire_lease | Operations on blob leases |
adls_dir_exists | Operations on an Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 filesystem |
adls_endpoint | Create a storage endpoint object |
adls_filesystem | Operations on an Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 endpoint |
adls_filesystem.adls_endpoint | Operations on an Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 endpoint |
adls_filesystem.character | Operations on an Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 endpoint |
adls_file_exists | Operations on an Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 filesystem |
azcopy | Call the azcopy file transfer utility |
azure_dir_exists | Operations on a file share |
azure_file_exists | Operations on a file share |
az_storage | Storage account resource class |
blob_container | Operations on a blob endpoint |
blob_container.blob_endpoint | Operations on a blob endpoint |
blob_container.character | Operations on a blob endpoint |
blob_dir_exists | Operations on a blob container or blob |
blob_endpoint | Create a storage endpoint object |
blob_exists | Operations on a blob container or blob |
break_lease | Operations on blob leases |
call_azcopy | Call the azcopy file transfer utility |
call_storage_endpoint | Carry out operations on a storage account container or endpoint |
change_lease | Operations on blob leases |
copy_url_to_blob | Operations on a blob container or blob |
copy_url_to_storage | Upload and download generics |
copy_url_to_storage.blob_container | Upload and download generics |
create_adls_dir | Operations on an Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 filesystem |
create_adls_filesystem | Operations on an Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 endpoint |
create_adls_filesystem.adls_endpoint | Operations on an Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 endpoint |
create_adls_filesystem.adls_filesystem | Operations on an Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 endpoint |
create_adls_filesystem.character | Operations on an Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 endpoint |
create_azure_dir | Operations on a file share |
create_blob_container | Operations on a blob endpoint |
create_blob_container.blob_container | Operations on a blob endpoint |
create_blob_container.blob_endpoint | Operations on a blob endpoint |
create_blob_container.character | Operations on a blob endpoint |
create_blob_dir | Operations on a blob container or blob |
create_blob_snapshot | Create, list and delete blob snapshots |
create_file_share | Operations on a file endpoint |
create_file_share.character | Operations on a file endpoint |
create_file_share.file_endpoint | Operations on a file endpoint |
create_file_share.file_share | Operations on a file endpoint |
create_storage_account | Create Azure storage account |
create_storage_container | Storage client generics |
create_storage_container.adls_endpoint | Storage client generics |
create_storage_container.blob_endpoint | Storage client generics |
create_storage_container.character | Storage client generics |
create_storage_container.file_endpoint | Storage client generics |
create_storage_container.storage_container | Storage client generics |
create_storage_dir | Storage client generics |
create_storage_dir.adls_filesystem | Storage client generics |
create_storage_dir.blob_container | Storage client generics |
create_storage_dir.file_share | Storage client generics |
create_storage_snapshot | Storage client generics |
create_storage_snapshot.blob_container | Storage client generics |
delete_adls_dir | Operations on an Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 filesystem |
delete_adls_file | Operations on an Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 filesystem |
delete_adls_filesystem | Operations on an Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 endpoint |
delete_adls_filesystem.adls_endpoint | Operations on an Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 endpoint |
delete_adls_filesystem.adls_filesystem | Operations on an Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 endpoint |
delete_adls_filesystem.character | Operations on an Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 endpoint |
delete_azure_dir | Operations on a file share |
delete_azure_file | Operations on a file share |
delete_blob | Operations on a blob container or blob |
delete_blob_container | Operations on a blob endpoint |
delete_blob_container.blob_container | Operations on a blob endpoint |
delete_blob_container.blob_endpoint | Operations on a blob endpoint |
delete_blob_container.character | Operations on a blob endpoint |
delete_blob_dir | Operations on a blob container or blob |
delete_blob_snapshot | Create, list and delete blob snapshots |
delete_blob_version | List and delete blob versions |
delete_file_share | Operations on a file endpoint |
delete_file_share.character | Operations on a file endpoint |
delete_file_share.file_endpoint | Operations on a file endpoint |
delete_file_share.file_share | Operations on a file endpoint |
delete_storage_account | Delete an Azure storage account |
delete_storage_container | Storage client generics |
delete_storage_container.adls_endpoint | Storage client generics |
delete_storage_container.blob_endpoint | Storage client generics |
delete_storage_container.character | Storage client generics |
delete_storage_container.file_endpoint | Storage client generics |
delete_storage_container.storage_container | Storage client generics |
delete_storage_dir | Storage client generics |
delete_storage_dir.adls_filesystem | Storage client generics |
delete_storage_dir.blob_container | Storage client generics |
delete_storage_dir.file_share | Storage client generics |
delete_storage_file | Storage client generics |
delete_storage_file.adls_filesystem | Storage client generics |
delete_storage_file.blob_container | Storage client generics |
delete_storage_file.file_share | Storage client generics |
delete_storage_snapshot | Storage client generics |
delete_storage_snapshot.blob_container | Storage client generics |
delete_storage_version | Storage client generics |
delete_storage_version.blob_container | Storage client generics |
download_adls_file | Operations on an Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 filesystem |
download_azure_file | Operations on a file share |
download_blob | Operations on a blob container or blob |
download_from_url | Upload and download generics |
do_container_op | Carry out operations on a storage account container or endpoint |
endpoint | Create a storage endpoint object |
file_endpoint | Create a storage endpoint object |
file_share | Operations on a file endpoint |
file_share.character | Operations on a file endpoint |
file_share.file_endpoint | Operations on a file endpoint |
get_account_sas | Generate shared access signatures |
get_account_sas.az_storage | Generate shared access signatures |
get_account_sas.default | Generate shared access signatures |
get_account_sas.storage_endpoint | Generate shared access signatures |
get_adls_file_acl | Get storage properties for an object |
get_adls_file_status | Get storage properties for an object |
get_service_sas | Generate shared access signatures |
get_service_sas.az_storage | Generate shared access signatures |
get_service_sas.default | Generate shared access signatures |
get_service_sas.storage_endpoint | Generate shared access signatures |
get_storage_account | Get existing Azure storage account(s) |
get_storage_metadata | Get/set user-defined metadata for a storage object |
get_storage_metadata.adls_filesystem | Get/set user-defined metadata for a storage object |
get_storage_metadata.blob_container | Get/set user-defined metadata for a storage object |
get_storage_metadata.file_share | Get/set user-defined metadata for a storage object |
get_storage_properties | Get storage properties for an object |
get_storage_properties.adls_filesystem | Get storage properties for an object |
get_storage_properties.blob_container | Get storage properties for an object |
get_storage_properties.file_share | Get storage properties for an object |
get_user_delegation_key | Generate shared access signatures |
get_user_delegation_key.az_resource | Generate shared access signatures |
get_user_delegation_key.blob_endpoint | Generate shared access signatures |
get_user_delegation_sas | Generate shared access signatures |
get_user_delegation_sas.az_storage | Generate shared access signatures |
get_user_delegation_sas.blob_endpoint | Generate shared access signatures |
get_user_delegation_sas.default | Generate shared access signatures |
list_adls_files | Operations on an Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 filesystem |
list_adls_filesystems | Operations on an Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 endpoint |
list_adls_filesystems.adls_endpoint | Operations on an Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 endpoint |
list_adls_filesystems.character | Operations on an Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 endpoint |
list_azure_files | Operations on a file share |
list_blobs | Operations on a blob container or blob |
list_blob_containers | Operations on a blob endpoint |
list_blob_containers.blob_endpoint | Operations on a blob endpoint |
list_blob_containers.character | Operations on a blob endpoint |
list_blob_snapshots | Create, list and delete blob snapshots |
list_blob_versions | List and delete blob versions |
list_file_shares | Operations on a file endpoint |
list_file_shares.character | Operations on a file endpoint |
list_file_shares.file_endpoint | Operations on a file endpoint |
list_storage_accounts | Get existing Azure storage account(s) |
list_storage_containers | Storage client generics |
list_storage_containers.adls_endpoint | Storage client generics |
list_storage_containers.blob_endpoint | Storage client generics |
list_storage_containers.character | Storage client generics |
list_storage_containers.file_endpoint | Storage client generics |
list_storage_files | Storage client generics |
list_storage_files.adls_filesystem | Storage client generics |
list_storage_files.blob_container | Storage client generics |
list_storage_files.file_share | Storage client generics |
list_storage_snapshots | Storage client generics |
list_storage_snapshots.blob_container | Storage client generics |
list_storage_versions | Storage client generics |
list_storage_versions.blob_container | Storage client generics |
multicopy_url_to_blob | Operations on a blob container or blob |
multicopy_url_to_storage | Upload and download generics |
multicopy_url_to_storage.blob_container | Upload and download generics |
multidownload_adls_file | Operations on an Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 filesystem |
multidownload_azure_file | Operations on a file share |
multidownload_blob | Operations on a blob container or blob |
multiupload_adls_file | Operations on an Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 filesystem |
multiupload_azure_file | Operations on a file share |
multiupload_blob | Operations on a blob container or blob |
print.adls_endpoint | Create a storage endpoint object |
print.adls_filesystem | Operations on an Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 endpoint |
print.blob_container | Operations on a blob endpoint |
print.file_share | Operations on a file endpoint |
print.storage_endpoint | Create a storage endpoint object |
queue_endpoint | Create a storage endpoint object |
release_lease | Operations on blob leases |
renew_lease | Operations on blob leases |
revoke_user_delegation_keys | Generate shared access signatures |
revoke_user_delegation_keys.az_storage | Generate shared access signatures |
sas | Generate shared access signatures |
set_storage_metadata | Get/set user-defined metadata for a storage object |
set_storage_metadata.adls_filesystem | Get/set user-defined metadata for a storage object |
set_storage_metadata.blob_container | Get/set user-defined metadata for a storage object |
set_storage_metadata.file_share | Get/set user-defined metadata for a storage object |
shared-access-signature | Generate shared access signatures |
shared_access_signature | Generate shared access signatures |
sign_request | Signs a request to the storage REST endpoint with a shared key |
storage_container | Storage client generics |
storage_container.adls_endpoint | Storage client generics |
storage_container.blob_endpoint | Storage client generics |
storage_container.character | Storage client generics |
storage_container.file_endpoint | Storage client generics |
storage_dir_exists | Storage client generics |
storage_dir_exists.adls_filesystem | Storage client generics |
storage_dir_exists.blob_container | Storage client generics |
storage_dir_exists.file_share | Storage client generics |
storage_download | Upload and download generics |
storage_download.adls_filesystem | Upload and download generics |
storage_download.blob_container | Upload and download generics |
storage_download.file_share | Upload and download generics |
storage_endpoint | Create a storage endpoint object |
storage_file_exists | Storage client generics |
storage_file_exists.adls_filesystem | Storage client generics |
storage_file_exists.blob_container | Storage client generics |
storage_file_exists.file_share | Storage client generics |
storage_generics | Storage client generics |
storage_load_rdata | Save and load R objects to/from a storage account |
storage_load_rds | Save and load R objects to/from a storage account |
storage_multidownload | Upload and download generics |
storage_multidownload.adls_filesystem | Upload and download generics |
storage_multidownload.blob_container | Upload and download generics |
storage_multidownload.file_share | Upload and download generics |
storage_multiupload | Upload and download generics |
storage_multiupload.adls_filesystem | Upload and download generics |
storage_multiupload.blob_container | Upload and download generics |
storage_multiupload.file_share | Upload and download generics |
storage_read_csv | Read and write a data frame to/from a storage account |
storage_read_csv2 | Read and write a data frame to/from a storage account |
storage_read_delim | Read and write a data frame to/from a storage account |
storage_save_rdata | Save and load R objects to/from a storage account |
storage_save_rds | Save and load R objects to/from a storage account |
storage_upload | Upload and download generics |
storage_upload.adls_filesystem | Upload and download generics |
storage_upload.blob_container | Upload and download generics |
storage_upload.file_share | Upload and download generics |
storage_write_csv | Read and write a data frame to/from a storage account |
storage_write_csv2 | Read and write a data frame to/from a storage account |
storage_write_delim | Read and write a data frame to/from a storage account |
table_endpoint | Create a storage endpoint object |
upload_adls_file | Operations on an Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 filesystem |
upload_azure_file | Operations on a file share |
upload_blob | Operations on a blob container or blob |
upload_to_url | Upload and download generics |