Arothron-package | eometric Morphometric Methods and Virtual Anthropology Tools |
Altapic | example dataset |
aro.clo.points | aro.clo.points |
Arothron | eometric Morphometric Methods and Virtual Anthropology Tools |
arraytolist | arraytolist |
bary.mesh | bary.mesh |
compare_check.set | compare_check.set |
CScorreffect | CScorreffect Plot showing the correlation in the shape space between original and combined dataset omitting or including the normalization factors calculated with Arothron and MLECScorrection |
dec.curve | dec.curve |
DM_base_sur | example dataset |
DM_face_sur | example dataset |
DM_set | example dataset |
dta | dta |
endomaker | endomaker |
endomaker_dir | endomaker_dir |
endo_set | example dataset |
export_amira | export_amira |
export_amira.path | export_amira.path | | |
ext.mesh.rai | ext.mesh.rai |
femsets | example dataset |
grid_pov | grid_pov |
human_skull | example dataset |
image2palettes | image2palettes |
krd1_tooth | example dataset |
landmark_frm2amira | landmark_frm2amira |
listtoarray | listtoarray convert a list into an array |
localmeshdiff | localmeshdiff Calculate and Visualize local differences between two meshes |
Lset2D_list | example dataset |
Lset3D_array | example dataset |
malleus_bone | example dataset |
MAs_sets | example dataset |
MLECScorrection | MLECScorrection Maximum Likelihood Estimation of the normalization factor to be applied to optimize the correlation between two landmark configurations to be combined by using twodviews and |
noise.mesh | noise.mesh |
out.inn.mesh | out.inn.mesh |
patches_frm2amira | patches_frm2amira |
PCscoresCorr | PCscoresCorr Perform a correlation test between two matrices of PCscores |
permutangle | permutangle |
pov_selecter | pov_selecter |
primendoR | example dataset |
read.amira.dir | read.amira.dir |
read.amira.set | read.amira.set |
read.path.amira | read.path.amira |
repmat | repmat |
RMs_sets | example dataset |
SCP1.mesh | example dataset |
sinus_set | example dataset |
SM_set | example dataset |
spherical.flipping | spherical.flipping |
trasf.mesh | trasf.mesh |
twodvarshape | twodvarshape Calculates the shape variation associated to a value of PC scores associated to a specific combined landmark configuration or view |
twodviews | twodviews Combine and calculate the PCscores matrix from a list of different landmark configurations to be combined |
volendo | volendo |
yoda_set | example dataset |
yoda_sur | example dataset |