average | Calculate the arithmetic mean |
averagebyday | Average all the data collected on the same day. |
blankcorr | Apply a blank correction |
blankcorr.default | Apply a blank correction |
blankcorr.PHdata | Apply a blank correction |
blankcorr.timeresolved | Apply a blank correction |
blankcorrected | The 'blankcorrected' class |
calibration | Detector calibration |
clcorrection | Cl-interference correction |
concat | Merge a list of logratio data |
decaycorrection | Correct for radioactive decay occurred since irradiation |
fitlogratios | Extrapolation to 'time zero' |
fitlogratios.default | Extrapolation to 'time zero' |
fitlogratios.PHdata | Extrapolation to 'time zero' |
fitlogratios.timeresolved | Extrapolation to 'time zero' |
fractionation | Compute the mass fractionation correction |
get4039 | Calculate the 40Ar*/39ArK-ratios |
getages | Calculate 40Ar/39Ar ages |
getJfactors | Calculate the irradiation parameter ('J factor') |
getmasses | Select a subset of isotopes from a dataset |
getmasses.default | Select a subset of isotopes from a dataset |
getmasses.logratios | Select a subset of isotopes from a dataset |
getmasses.redux | Select a subset of isotopes from a dataset |
getmasses.timeresolved | Select a subset of isotopes from a dataset |
interference | define the interference corrections |
loaddata | Load mass spectrometer data |
loadirradiations | Load the irradiation schedule |
logratios | The 'logratios' class |
massfractionation | Apply the mass fractionation correction |
Melbourne | An example dataset |
newredux | Create a new 'redux' object |
param | Set or get Ar-Ar_Redux parameters |
PHdata | The 'PHdata' class |
plot.PHdata | Plot a time resolved mass spectrometry signal |
plot.timeresolved | Plot a time resolved mass spectrometry signal |
plotcorr | Plot a matrix with correlation coefficients |
process | Process logratio data and calculate 40Ar/39Ar ages |
read | Read mass spectrometer data |
redux | The 'redux' class |
redux2isoplotr | Export 'ArArRedux' data to 'IsoplotR' |
results | The 'results' class |
subset.logratios | Select a subset of some data |
subset.redux | Select a subset of some data |
subset.results | Select a subset of some data |
subset.timeresolved | Select a subset of some data |
summary.results | Summary table |
timeresolved | The 'timeresolved' class |
weightedmean | Calculate the weighted mean age |