Rigorous Data Reduction and Error Propagation of Ar40 / Ar39 Data

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Documentation for package ‘ArArRedux’ version 1.0

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average Calculate the arithmetic mean
averagebyday Average all the data collected on the same day.
blankcorr Apply a blank correction
blankcorr.default Apply a blank correction
blankcorr.PHdata Apply a blank correction
blankcorr.timeresolved Apply a blank correction
blankcorrected The 'blankcorrected' class
calibration Detector calibration
clcorrection Cl-interference correction
concat Merge a list of logratio data
decaycorrection Correct for radioactive decay occurred since irradiation
fitlogratios Extrapolation to 'time zero'
fitlogratios.default Extrapolation to 'time zero'
fitlogratios.PHdata Extrapolation to 'time zero'
fitlogratios.timeresolved Extrapolation to 'time zero'
fractionation Compute the mass fractionation correction
get4039 Calculate the 40Ar*/39ArK-ratios
getages Calculate 40Ar/39Ar ages
getJfactors Calculate the irradiation parameter ('J factor')
getmasses Select a subset of isotopes from a dataset
getmasses.default Select a subset of isotopes from a dataset
getmasses.logratios Select a subset of isotopes from a dataset
getmasses.redux Select a subset of isotopes from a dataset
getmasses.timeresolved Select a subset of isotopes from a dataset
interference define the interference corrections
loaddata Load mass spectrometer data
loadirradiations Load the irradiation schedule
logratios The 'logratios' class
massfractionation Apply the mass fractionation correction
Melbourne An example dataset
newredux Create a new 'redux' object
param Set or get Ar-Ar_Redux parameters
PHdata The 'PHdata' class
plot.PHdata Plot a time resolved mass spectrometry signal
plot.timeresolved Plot a time resolved mass spectrometry signal
plotcorr Plot a matrix with correlation coefficients
process Process logratio data and calculate 40Ar/39Ar ages
read Read mass spectrometer data
redux The 'redux' class
redux2isoplotr Export 'ArArRedux' data to 'IsoplotR'
results The 'results' class
subset.logratios Select a subset of some data
subset.redux Select a subset of some data
subset.results Select a subset of some data
subset.timeresolved Select a subset of some data
summary.results Summary table
timeresolved The 'timeresolved' class
weightedmean Calculate the weighted mean age