Anthropometry-package |
Statistical Methods for Anthropometric Data |
anthrCases |
Helper generic function for obtaining the anthropometric cases |
anthrCases.default |
Helper generic function for obtaining the anthropometric cases |
anthrCases.hipamAnthropom |
Helper generic function for obtaining the anthropometric cases |
anthrCases.trimowa |
Helper generic function for obtaining the anthropometric cases |
archetypesBoundary |
Archetypal analysis in multivariate accommodation problem |
archetypoids |
Finding archetypoids |
array3Dlandm |
Helper function for the 3D landmarks |
bustSizesStandard |
Helper function for defining the bust sizes |
CCbiclustAnthropo |
Cheng and Church biclustering algorithm applied to anthropometric data |
cdfDissWomenPrototypes |
CDF for the dissimilarities between women and computed medoids and standard prototypes |
checkBranchLocalIMO |
Evaluation of the candidate clustering partition in $HIPAM_IMO$ |
checkBranchLocalMO |
Evaluation of the candidate clustering partition in $HIPAM_MO$ |
computSizesHipamAnthropom |
Computation of the hipamAnthropom elements for a given number of sizes defined by the EN |
computSizesTrimowa |
Computation of the trimowa elements for a given number of sizes defined by the EN |
cube34landm |
Cube of 34 landmarks |
cube8landm |
Cube of 8 landmarks |
descrDissTrunks |
Description of the dissimilarities between women's trunks |
figures8landm |
Figures of 8 landmarks with labelled landmarks |
getBestPamsamIMO |
Generation of the candidate clustering partition in $HIPAM_IMO$ |
getBestPamsamMO |
Generation of the candidate clustering partition in $HIPAM_MO$ |
getDistMatrix |
Dissimilarity matrix between individuals and prototypes |
HartiganShapes |
Hartigan-Wong k-means for 3D shapes |
hipamAnthropom |
HIPAM algorithm for anthropometric data |
landmarksSampleSpaSurv |
Landmarks of the sampled women of the Spanish Survey |
LloydShapes |
Lloyd k-means for 3D shapes |
nearestToArchetypes |
Nearest individuals to archetypes |
optraShapes |
Auxiliary optra subroutine of the Hartigan-Wong k-means for 3D shapes |
overlapBiclustersByRows |
Overlapped biclusters by rows |
parallelep34landm |
Parallelepiped of 34 landmarks |
parallelep8landm |
Parallelepiped of 8 landmarks |
percentilsArchetypoid |
Helper function for computing percentiles of a certain archetypoid |
plotPrototypes |
Prototypes representation |
plotTreeHipamAnthropom |
HIPAM dendogram |
plotTrimmOutl |
Trimmed or outlier observations representation |
preprocessing |
Data preprocessing before computing archetypal observations |
projShapes |
Helper function for plotting the shapes |
qtranShapes |
Auxiliary qtran subroutine of the Hartigan-Wong k-means for 3D shapes |
sampleSpanishSurvey |
Sample database of the Spanish anthropometric survey |
screeArchetypal |
Screeplot of archetypal individuals |
shapes3dShapes |
3D shapes plot |
skeletonsArchetypal |
Skeleton plot of archetypal individuals |
stepArchetypesRawData |
Archetype algorithm to raw data |
stepArchetypoids |
Run the archetypoid algorithm several times |
TDDclust |
Trimmed clustering based on L1 data depth |
trimmedLloydShapes |
Trimmed Lloyd k-means for 3D shapes |
trimmedoid |
Trimmed k-medoids algorithm |
trimmOutl |
Helper generic function for obtaining the trimmed and outlier observations |
trimmOutl.default |
Helper generic function for obtaining the trimmed and outlier observations |
trimmOutl.hipamAnthropom |
Helper generic function for obtaining the trimmed and outlier observations |
trimmOutl.trimowa |
Helper generic function for obtaining the trimmed and outlier observations |
trimowa |
Trimmed PAM with OWA operators |
USAFSurvey |
USAF 1967 survey |
weightsMixtureUB |
Calculation of the weights for the OWA operators |
xyplotPCArchetypes |
PC scores for archetypes |