Statistical Methods for Anthropometric Data

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Documentation for package ‘Anthropometry’ version 1.19

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Anthropometry-package Statistical Methods for Anthropometric Data
anthrCases Helper generic function for obtaining the anthropometric cases
anthrCases.default Helper generic function for obtaining the anthropometric cases
anthrCases.hipamAnthropom Helper generic function for obtaining the anthropometric cases
anthrCases.trimowa Helper generic function for obtaining the anthropometric cases
archetypesBoundary Archetypal analysis in multivariate accommodation problem
archetypoids Finding archetypoids
array3Dlandm Helper function for the 3D landmarks
bustSizesStandard Helper function for defining the bust sizes
CCbiclustAnthropo Cheng and Church biclustering algorithm applied to anthropometric data
cdfDissWomenPrototypes CDF for the dissimilarities between women and computed medoids and standard prototypes
checkBranchLocalIMO Evaluation of the candidate clustering partition in $HIPAM_IMO$
checkBranchLocalMO Evaluation of the candidate clustering partition in $HIPAM_MO$
computSizesHipamAnthropom Computation of the hipamAnthropom elements for a given number of sizes defined by the EN
computSizesTrimowa Computation of the trimowa elements for a given number of sizes defined by the EN
cube34landm Cube of 34 landmarks
cube8landm Cube of 8 landmarks
descrDissTrunks Description of the dissimilarities between women's trunks
figures8landm Figures of 8 landmarks with labelled landmarks
getBestPamsamIMO Generation of the candidate clustering partition in $HIPAM_IMO$
getBestPamsamMO Generation of the candidate clustering partition in $HIPAM_MO$
getDistMatrix Dissimilarity matrix between individuals and prototypes
HartiganShapes Hartigan-Wong k-means for 3D shapes
hipamAnthropom HIPAM algorithm for anthropometric data
landmarksSampleSpaSurv Landmarks of the sampled women of the Spanish Survey
LloydShapes Lloyd k-means for 3D shapes
nearestToArchetypes Nearest individuals to archetypes
optraShapes Auxiliary optra subroutine of the Hartigan-Wong k-means for 3D shapes
overlapBiclustersByRows Overlapped biclusters by rows
parallelep34landm Parallelepiped of 34 landmarks
parallelep8landm Parallelepiped of 8 landmarks
percentilsArchetypoid Helper function for computing percentiles of a certain archetypoid
plotPrototypes Prototypes representation
plotTreeHipamAnthropom HIPAM dendogram
plotTrimmOutl Trimmed or outlier observations representation
preprocessing Data preprocessing before computing archetypal observations
projShapes Helper function for plotting the shapes
qtranShapes Auxiliary qtran subroutine of the Hartigan-Wong k-means for 3D shapes
sampleSpanishSurvey Sample database of the Spanish anthropometric survey
screeArchetypal Screeplot of archetypal individuals
shapes3dShapes 3D shapes plot
skeletonsArchetypal Skeleton plot of archetypal individuals
stepArchetypesRawData Archetype algorithm to raw data
stepArchetypoids Run the archetypoid algorithm several times
TDDclust Trimmed clustering based on L1 data depth
trimmedLloydShapes Trimmed Lloyd k-means for 3D shapes
trimmedoid Trimmed k-medoids algorithm
trimmOutl Helper generic function for obtaining the trimmed and outlier observations
trimmOutl.default Helper generic function for obtaining the trimmed and outlier observations
trimmOutl.hipamAnthropom Helper generic function for obtaining the trimmed and outlier observations
trimmOutl.trimowa Helper generic function for obtaining the trimmed and outlier observations
trimowa Trimmed PAM with OWA operators
USAFSurvey USAF 1967 survey
weightsMixtureUB Calculation of the weights for the OWA operators
xyplotPCArchetypes PC scores for archetypes