Anthology of Mixture Analysis Tools

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Documentation for package ‘AntMAN’ version 1.1.0

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AM_clustering Return the clustering matrix
AM_coclustering Return the co-clustering matrix
AM_demo_mvb_poi Returns an example of 'AM_mcmc_fit' output produced by the multivariate bernoulli model
AM_demo_mvn_poi Returns an example of 'AM_mcmc_fit' output produced by the multivariate gaussian model
AM_demo_uvn_poi Returns an example of 'AM_mcmc_fit' output produced by the univariate Gaussian model
AM_demo_uvp_poi Returns an example of 'AM_mcmc_fit' output produced by the univariate Poisson model
AM_emp_bayes_uninorm compute the hyperparameters of an Normal-Inverse-Gamma distribution using an empirical Bayes approach
AM_extract Extract values within a 'AM_mcmc_output' object
AM_find_gamma_Delta Given that the prior on M is a dirac delta, find the gamma hyperparameter of the weights prior to match E(K)=K*, where K* is user-specified
AM_find_gamma_NegBin Given that the prior on M is a Negative Binomial, find the gamma hyperparameter of the weights prior to match E(K)=K*, where K* is user-specified
AM_find_gamma_Pois Given that the prior on M is a shifted Poisson, find the gamma hyperparameter of the weights prior to match E(K)=K^{*}, where K^{*} is user-specified
AM_mcmc_configuration S3 class AM_mcmc_configuration
AM_mcmc_fit Performs a Gibbs sampling
AM_mcmc_output S3 class AM_mcmc_output
AM_mcmc_parameters MCMC Parameters
AM_mcmc_refit Performs a Gibbs sampling reusing previous configuration
AM_mix_components_prior S3 class AM_mix_components_prior
AM_mix_components_prior_dirac Generate a configuration object that contains a Point mass prior
AM_mix_components_prior_negbin Generate a configuration object for a Shifted Negative Binomial prior on the number of mixture components
AM_mix_components_prior_pois Generate a configuration object for a Poisson prior on the number of mixture components
AM_mix_hyperparams S3 class AM_mix_hyperparams
AM_mix_hyperparams_multiber multivariate Bernoulli mixture hyperparameters (Latent Class Analysis)
AM_mix_hyperparams_multinorm multivariate Normal mixture hyperparameters
AM_mix_hyperparams_uninorm univariate Normal mixture hyperparameters
AM_mix_hyperparams_unipois univariate Poisson mixture hyperparameters
AM_mix_weights_prior S3 class AM_mix_weights_prior
AM_mix_weights_prior_gamma specify a prior on the hyperparameter gamma for the Dirichlet mixture weights prior
AM_plot_chaincor Plot the Autocorrelation function
AM_plot_density Plot the density of variables from 'AM_mcmc_output' object
AM_plot_mvb_cluster_frequency Visualise the cluster frequency plot for the multivariate bernoulli model
AM_plot_pairs Plot 'AM_mcmc_output' scatterplot matrix
AM_plot_pmf Plot the probability mass function of variables from 'AM_mcmc_output' object
AM_plot_similarity_matrix Plot the Similarity Matrix
AM_plot_traces Plot traces of variables from an 'AM_mcmc_output' object
AM_plot_values Plot posterior interval estimates obtained from MCMC draws
AM_prior S3 class AM_prior
AM_prior_K_Delta Computes the prior on the number of clusters
AM_prior_K_NegBin computes the prior number of clusters
AM_prior_K_Pois Computes the prior number of clusters
AM_salso Sequentially Allocated Latent Structure Optimisation
AntMAN AntMAN: A package for fitting finite Bayesian Mixture models with a random number of components
brain Teen Brain Images from the National Institutes of Health, U.S.
carcinoma Carcinoma dataset
galaxy Galaxy velocities dataset
plot.AM_mcmc_output plot AM_mcmc_output
plot.AM_prior plot AM_prior
said Usage frequency of the word "said" in the Brown corpus
summary.AM_mcmc_configuration summary information of the AM_mcmc_configuration object
summary.AM_mcmc_output summary information of the AM_mcmc_output object
summary.AM_mix_components_prior summary information of the AM_mix_components_prior object
summary.AM_mix_hyperparams summary information of the AM_mix_hyperparams object
summary.AM_mix_weights_prior summary information of the AM_mix_weights_prior object
summary.AM_prior summary information of the AM_prior object