rawToAmigaBitmapFont {AmigaFFH}R Documentation

Coerce raw data into an AmigaBitmapFont class object


AmigaBitmapFont() objects are comprehensive representations of binary Amiga font subset files. The file name is usually simply a numeric number indicating the font height in pixels. Use this function to convert raw content from such a file to an AmigaBitmapFont() object.


rawToAmigaBitmapFont(x, ...)



An AmigaBitmapFont() object which needs to be converted into raw data.


Currently ignored.


This function converts raw data as stored in font bitmap files. These files are stored in subdirectories with the font's name and usually have the font height in pixels as file name. This function is effectively the inverse of as.raw().


A vector of raw data representing x.


Pepijn de Vries

See Also

Other AmigaBitmapFont.operations: AmigaBitmapFont, availableFontSizes(), c(), fontName(), font_example, getAmigaBitmapFont(), rasterToAmigaBitmapFont(), rawToAmigaBitmapFontSet(), read.AmigaBitmapFontSet(), read.AmigaBitmapFont(), write.AmigaBitmapFont()

Other raw.operations: as.AmigaBasic(), as.raw.AmigaBasic(), colourToAmigaRaw(), packBitmap(), rawToAmigaBasicBMAP(), rawToAmigaBasicShape(), rawToAmigaBasic(), rawToAmigaBitmapFontSet(), rawToAmigaIcon(), rawToHWSprite(), rawToIFFChunk(), rawToSysConfig(), simpleAmigaIcon()


## Not run: 
## first create raw data that can be converted into a AmigaBitmapFont
font.raw <- as.raw(getAmigaBitmapFont(font_example, 9))

## Convert it back into an AmigaBitmapFont object:
font <- rawToAmigaBitmapFont(font.raw)

## End(Not run)

[Package AmigaFFH version 0.4.5 Index]