Commodore Amiga File Format Handler

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Documentation for package ‘AmigaFFH’ version 0.4.5

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A B C D F G H I N P R S T U W misc

-- A --

AmigaBasic The S3 AmigaBasic class
AmigaBasic-files 'demo.bas', 'r_logo.shp' and 'ball.shp' as example files for AmigaBasic and AmigaBasicShape objects
AmigaBasic.reserved List Amiga Basic reserved words.
AmigaBasicBMAP The S3 AmigaBasicBMAP class
AmigaBasicShape The S3 AmigaBasicShape class
AmigaBitmapFont The S3 AmigaBitmapFont and AmigaBitmapFontSet classes
AmigaBitmapFontSet The S3 AmigaBitmapFont and AmigaBitmapFontSet classes
AmigaIcon The S3 AmigaIcon class
amigaRawToColour Convert colours to Amiga compatible raw data or vice versa
amiga_display_keys A list of special display modes
amiga_display_modes A table of display modes on the Amiga and corresponding 'raw' codes
amiga_monitors A list of Amiga monitors
amiga_palettes Commonly used palettes on the Commodore Amiga
as.AmigaBasic Coerce raw or character data to an AmigaBasic class object
as.AmigaBasicBMAP Coerce raw or named list to an AmigaBasicBMAP class object
as.character Coerce an AmigaBasic class object to its character representation
as.character.AmigaBasic Coerce an AmigaBasic class object to its character representation
as.raster Convert AmigaFFH objects into grDevices raster images
as.raster-method Convert AmigaFFH objects into grDevices raster images
as.raster.AmigaBasicShape Convert AmigaFFH objects into grDevices raster images
as.raster.AmigaBitmapFont Convert AmigaFFH objects into grDevices raster images
as.raster.AmigaBitmapFontSet Convert AmigaFFH objects into grDevices raster images
as.raster.AmigaIcon Convert AmigaFFH objects into grDevices raster images
as.raster.hardwareSprite Convert AmigaFFH objects into grDevices raster images
as.raster.IFFChunk Convert AmigaFFH objects into grDevices raster images
as.raw Convert AmigaFFH objects into raw data
as.raw-method Convert AmigaFFH objects into raw data
as.raw.AmigaBasic Convert AmigaFFH objects into raw data
as.raw.AmigaBasicBMAP Convert AmigaFFH objects into raw data
as.raw.AmigaBasicShape Convert AmigaFFH objects into raw data
as.raw.AmigaBitmapFont Convert AmigaFFH objects into raw data
as.raw.AmigaBitmapFontSet Convert AmigaFFH objects into raw data
as.raw.AmigaIcon Convert AmigaFFH objects into raw data
as.raw.AmigaTimeVal Convert AmigaFFH objects into raw data
as.raw.IFF.ANY Convert AmigaFFH objects into raw data
as.raw.SysConfig Convert AmigaFFH objects into raw data
availableFontSizes Get available font sizes from an AmigaBitmapFontSet

-- B --

ball.shp 'demo.bas', 'r_logo.shp' and 'ball.shp' as example files for AmigaBasic and AmigaBasicShape objects
bitmapToRaster Convert an Amiga bitmap image into a raster

-- C --

c Combine multiple AmigaFFH objects
c.AmigaBasic Combine multiple AmigaFFH objects
c.AmigaBitmapFont Combine multiple AmigaFFH objects
check.names.AmigaBasic Check Amiga Basic label/variable names for validity
colourToAmigaRaw Convert colours to Amiga compatible raw data or vice versa

-- D --

deltaFibonacciCompress (De)compress 8-bit continuous signals.
deltaFibonacciDecompress (De)compress 8-bit continuous signals.
demo.bas 'demo.bas', 'r_logo.shp' and 'ball.shp' as example files for AmigaBasic and AmigaBasicShape objects
dither Image dithering
dither.matrix Image dithering
dither.raster Image dithering

-- F --

fontName Extract or replace a font name
fontName<- Extract or replace a font name
font_example An example object for the AmigaBitmapFontSet class

-- G --

getAmigaBitmapFont Extract a specific AmigaBitmapFont from a AmigaBitmapFontSet
getIFFChunk Get a specific IFFChunk nested inside other IFFChunks
getIFFChunk-method Get a specific IFFChunk nested inside other IFFChunks
getIFFChunk<- Get a specific IFFChunk nested inside other IFFChunks
getIFFChunk<--method Get a specific IFFChunk nested inside other IFFChunks

-- H --

hardwareSprite The hardwareSprite class
hardwareSprite-class The hardwareSprite class

-- I --

IFFChunk Coerce to and create IFFChunk objects
IFFChunk-class A class structure to represent IFF files
IFFChunk-method Coerce to and create IFFChunk objects
IFFChunk.character Coerce to and create IFFChunk objects
IFFChunk.IFF.8SVX Coerce to and create IFFChunk objects
IFFChunk.IFF.ANHD Coerce to and create IFFChunk objects
IFFChunk.IFF.ANIM Coerce to and create IFFChunk objects
IFFChunk.IFF.ANNO Coerce to and create IFFChunk objects
IFFChunk.IFF.AUTH Coerce to and create IFFChunk objects
IFFChunk.IFF.BMHD Coerce to and create IFFChunk objects
IFFChunk.IFF.BODY Coerce to and create IFFChunk objects
IFFChunk.IFF.CAMG Coerce to and create IFFChunk objects
IFFChunk.IFF.CHAN Coerce to and create IFFChunk objects
IFFChunk.IFF.CHRS Coerce to and create IFFChunk objects
IFFChunk.IFF.CMAP Coerce to and create IFFChunk objects
IFFChunk.IFF.copyright Coerce to and create IFFChunk objects
IFFChunk.IFF.CRNG Coerce to and create IFFChunk objects
IFFChunk.IFF.DLTA Coerce to and create IFFChunk objects
IFFChunk.IFF.DPAN Coerce to and create IFFChunk objects
IFFChunk.IFF.FORM Coerce to and create IFFChunk objects
IFFChunk.IFF.ILBM Coerce to and create IFFChunk objects
IFFChunk.IFF.NAME Coerce to and create IFFChunk objects
IFFChunk.IFF.TEXT Coerce to and create IFFChunk objects
IFFChunk.IFF.VHDR Coerce to and create IFFChunk objects
ilbm8lores.iff An example file of a bitmap image stored in the Interchange File Format
index.colours Quantisation of colours and indexing a grDevices raster image
interpretIFFChunk Interpret an IFFChunk object
interpretIFFChunk-method Interpret an IFFChunk object

-- N --

names.AmigaBasic Extract or replace variable and label names from Amiga Basic scripts
names<-.AmigaBasic Extract or replace variable and label names from Amiga Basic scripts

-- P --

packBitmap A routine to (un)pack bitmap data
play Playing Amiga audio data
play-method Playing Amiga audio data
plot Plot AmigaFFH objects
plot.AmigaBasicShape Plot AmigaFFH objects
plot.AmigaBitmapFont Plot AmigaFFH objects
plot.AmigaBitmapFontSet Plot AmigaFFH objects
plot.AmigaIcon Plot AmigaFFH objects
plot.hardwareSprite Plot AmigaFFH objects
plot.IFF.8SVX Plot AmigaFFH objects
plot.IFF.ANIM Plot AmigaFFH objects
plot.IFF.FORM Plot AmigaFFH objects
plot.IFF.ILBM Plot AmigaFFH objects
plot.IFFChunk Plot AmigaFFH objects
plot.SysConfig Plot AmigaFFH objects

-- R --

rasterToAmigaBasicShape Convert a grDevices raster object into an AmigaBasicShape class object.
rasterToAmigaBitmapFont Convert a raster image into an AmigaBitmapFont
rasterToBitmap Convert a grDevices 'raster' object into binary bitmap data
rasterToHWSprite Convert a raster object into an hardwareSprite object
rasterToIFF Convert a grDevices raster image into an IFF formated bitmap image
rawToAmigaBasic Coerce raw data into an AmigaBasic class object
rawToAmigaBasicBMAP Coerce raw data into an AmigaBasicBMAP class object
rawToAmigaBasicShape Coerce raw data into an AmigaBasicShape class object
rawToAmigaBitmapFont Coerce raw data into an AmigaBitmapFont class object
rawToAmigaBitmapFontSet Coerce raw data into an AmigaBitmapFontSet class object
rawToAmigaIcon Coerce raw data into an AmigaIcon class object
rawToHWSprite Convert raw data into an Amiga hardware sprite
rawToHWSprite-method Convert raw data into an Amiga hardware sprite
rawToIFFChunk Coerce raw data to an IFFChunk class object
rawToIFFChunk-method Coerce raw data to an IFFChunk class object
rawToSysConfig Coerce raw data into a SysConfig class object
read.AmigaBasic Read Amiga Basic files
read.AmigaBasicBMAP Read and write Amiga Basic BMAP files
read.AmigaBasicShape Read Amiga Basic Shape files
read.AmigaBitmapFont Read an AmigaBitmapFont class object from a file
read.AmigaBitmapFontSet Read AmigaBitmapFontSet from *.font file
read.AmigaIcon Read an Amiga Workbench icon (info) file
read.iff Read Interchange File Format (IFF)
read.SysConfig Read an Amiga system-configuration file
r_logo.shp 'demo.bas', 'r_logo.shp' and 'ball.shp' as example files for AmigaBasic and AmigaBasicShape objects

-- S --

simpleAmigaIcon Create simple AmigaIcon objects
simpleSysConfig Function to generate a simple Amiga system-configuration representation
SysConfig The S3 SysConfig class

-- T --

timeval Get an Amiga timeval struct value from raw data

-- U --

unPackBitmap A routine to (un)pack bitmap data

-- W --

WaveToIFF Convert WaveMC objects into an Interchange File Format object
write.AmigaBasic Write an AmigaBasic object to a file
write.AmigaBasicBMAP Read and write Amiga Basic BMAP files
write.AmigaBasicShape Write an AmigaBasicShape object to a file
write.AmigaBitmapFont Write an AmigaBitmapFont(set) file
write.AmigaBitmapFontSet Write an AmigaBitmapFont(set) file
write.AmigaIcon Write an Amiga Workbench icon (info) file
write.iff Write Interchange File Format (IFF)
write.SysConfig Write an Amiga system-configuration file

-- misc --

[.AmigaBasic Extract or replace lines of Amiga Basic code
[<-.AmigaBasic Extract or replace lines of Amiga Basic code
[[.AmigaBasic Extract or replace lines of Amiga Basic code
[[<-.AmigaBasic Extract or replace lines of Amiga Basic code
`[[.AmigaBasic` Extract or replace lines of Amiga Basic code
`[[<-.AmigaBasic` Extract or replace lines of Amiga Basic code