CMA_polypharmacy {AdhereR}R Documentation

CMA constructor for polypharmacy.


Constructs a CMA (continuous multiple-interval measures of medication availability/gaps) object for polypharmacy.


  data = data,
  medication.groups = medication.class.colname, = NA,
  aggregate.first = TRUE,
  aggregation.method = NA,
  aggregation.method.arguments = NA,
  thresholds = NA,
  ID.colname = NA, = NA,
  event.duration.colname = NA,
  event.daily.dose.colname = NA,
  medication.class.colname = NA,
  carry.only.for.same.medication = NA,
  consider.dosage.change = NA,
  followup.window.start = 0,
  followup.window.start.unit = c("days", "weeks", "months", "years")[1],
  followup.window.duration = 365 * 2,
  followup.window.duration.unit = c("days", "weeks", "months", "years")[1],
  observation.window.start = 0,
  observation.window.start.unit = c("days", "weeks", "months", "years")[1],
  observation.window.duration = 365 * 2,
  observation.window.duration.unit = c("days", "weeks", "months", "years")[1],
  date.format = "%m/%d/%Y",
  summary = "CMA for polypharmacy",
  force.NA.CMA.for.failed.patients = TRUE,
  parallel.backend = c("none", "multicore", "snow", "snow(SOCK)", "snow(MPI)",
  parallel.threads = "auto",
  suppress.warnings = FALSE,
  suppress.special.argument.checks = TRUE,



A data.frame containing the events (prescribing or dispensing) used to compute the CMA. Must contain, at a minimum, the patient unique ID, the event date and duration, medication type, and might also contain the daily dosage (the actual column names are defined in the following four parameters).


A string with the name of the column containing the medication groups. If multiple medication classes should belong to the same treatment group, they can be differentiated here (important to investigate treatment switches)

A string giving the name of the CMA function (1 to 9) that will be computed for each treatment group.


Logical, if TRUE, aggregate across treatment groups before summarizing over time during OW.


A string giving the name of the function to aggregate CMA values of medication group, or NA to return only raw CMA estimates per medication group. Accepts summary functions such as "mean", "sd", "var", "min", "max", and "median". Custom functions are possible as long as they take a numeric vector as input and return a single numeric value.


optional, A named list of additional arguments to the function given in aggregation method, e.g. na.rm = TRUE.


optional, a number to apply as threshold between aggregation and summarizing.


A string, the name of the column in data containing the medication type. Defaults to medication.class.colname.

A string, the name of the column in data containing the start date of the event (in the format given in the date.format parameter); must be present.


A string, the name of the column in data containing the event duration (in days); must be present.


A string, the name of the column in data containing the prescribed daily dose, or NA if not defined.


A string, the name of the column in data containing the medication type, or NA if not defined.


Logical, if TRUE, the carry-over applies only across medication of the same type; valid only for CMAs 5 to 9, in which case it is coupled (i.e., the same value is used for computing the treatment episodes and the CMA on each treatment episode).


Logical, if TRUE, the carry-over is adjusted to also reflect changes in dosage; valid only for CMAs 5 to 9, in which case it is coupled (i.e., the same value is used for computing the treatment episodes and the CMA on each treatment episode).


If a Date object, it represents the actual start date of the follow-up window; if a string it is the name of the column in data containing the start date of the follow-up window either as the numbers of followup.window.start.unit units after the first event (the column must be of type numeric) or as actual dates (in which case the column must be of type Date); if a number it is the number of time units defined in the followup.window.start.unit parameter after the begin of the participant's first event; or NA if not defined.


can be either "days", "weeks", "months" or "years", and represents the time units that followup.window.start refers to (when a number), or NA if not defined.


either a number representing the duration of the follow-up window in the time units given in followup.window.duration.unit, or a string giving the column containing these numbers. Should represent a period for which relevant medication events are recorded accurately (e.g. not extend after end of relevant treatment, loss-to-follow-up or change to a health care provider not covered by the database).


can be either "days", "weeks", "months" or "years", and represents the time units that followup.window.duration refers to, or NA if not defined.

observation.window.start, observation.window.start.unit, observation.window.duration, observation.window.duration.unit

the definition of the observation window (see the follow-up window parameters above for details). Can be defined separately for each patient and treatment group.


A string giving the format of the dates used in the data and the other parameters; see the format parameters of the as.Date function for details (NB, this concerns only the dates given as strings and not as Date objects).


Metadata as a string, briefly describing this CMA.


Logical describing how the patients for which the CMA estimation fails are treated: if TRUE they are returned with an NA CMA estimate, while for FALSE they are omitted.


Can be "none" (the default) for single-threaded execution, "multicore" (using mclapply in package parallel) for multicore processing (NB. not currently implemented on MS Windows and automatically falls back on "snow" on this platform), or "snow", "snow(SOCK)" (equivalent to "snow"), "snow(MPI)" or "snow(NWS)" specifying various types of SNOW clusters (can be on the local machine or more complex setups – please see the documentation of package snow for details; the last two require packages Rmpi and nws, respectively, not automatically installed with AdhereR).


Can be "auto" (for parallel.backend == "multicore", defaults to the number of cores in the system as given by options("cores"), while for parallel.backend == "snow", defaults to 2), a strictly positive integer specifying the number of parallel threads, or a more complex specification of the SNOW cluster nodes for parallel.backend == "snow" (see the documentation of package snow for details).


Logical, if TRUE don't show any warnings.


Logical parameter for internal use; if FALSE (default) check if the important columns in the data have some of the reserved names, if TRUE this check is not performed.


other possible parameters


An S3 object of class CMA_polypharmacy with the following fields:


## Not run: 
CMA_PP <- CMA_polypharmacy(data =,
medication.groups = med.groups, = "CMA7",
aggregate.first = TRUE, # aggregate before summarizing
aggregation.method = "mean", # compute mean of CMAs
aggregation.method.arguments = list(na.rm = TRUE), # remove NA's during calculation
thresholds = NA, # don't apply threshold
carry.only.for.same.medication = TRUE);
## End(Not run)

[Package AdhereR version 0.8.1 Index]