Management and Processing of Autonomous Recording Unit (ARU) Data

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Documentation for package ‘ARUtools’ version 0.6.2

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ARUtools-package ARUtools: Management and Processing of Autonomous Recording Unit (ARU) Data
acoustic_indices Get acoustic complexity values
add_sites Add site-level data to the metadata
add_wildtrax Add file name formated for Wildtrax to metadata
ARUtools ARUtools: Management and Processing of Autonomous Recording Unit (ARU) Data
calc_selection_weights Calculate Selection Weights
calc_sun Calculate time to sunrise/sunset
check_file Explore a file
check_meta Check output of 'clean_metadata()'
check_problems Check problems in output of 'clean_metadata()'
clean_gps Check and clean GPS data
clean_logs Extract log data from BAR-LT log files
clean_metadata Extract and clean ARU metadata from file names
clean_site_index Prepare and clean site index file
clip_wave Clip multiple wave files and format names
clip_wave_single Clip single wave file
count_files Count files in a project directory
create_dirs Create directory structure for recording folders
create_pattern Create a pattern to match date
create_pattern_aru_id Create a pattern to match date
create_pattern_date Create a pattern to match date
create_pattern_dt_sep Create a pattern to match date
create_pattern_site_id Create a pattern to match date
create_pattern_time Create a pattern to match date
example_clean Example cleaned recording meta data
example_files Example recording files
example_files_long Example long-term deployment recording files
example_sites Example site-level meta data
example_sites_clean Example cleaned site-level meta data
get_wav_length Get the length of a recording in seconds
sample_recordings Sample recordings
sim_selection_weights Create parameters and simulate selection weights
sox_spectro Create spectrogram image from wave file
task_template Example template of tasks for WildTrax
template_observers Example template of tasks for WildTrax
temp_wavs Helper function to create test wave files
test_pattern Create a pattern to match date
wind_detection_pre_processing Pre-processing of files for Wind Detection program
wind_detection_summarize_json Summarize wind detection results
wt_assign_tasks Assign tasks for interpretation on Wildtrax