AQEval {AQEval}R Documentation

Air Quality Evaluation


R AQEval: R code for the analysis of discrete change in Air Quality time-series.


AQEval was developed for use by those tasked with the routine detection, characterisation and quantification of discrete changes in air quality time-series.

The main functions, quantBreakPoints and quantBreakSegments, use break-point/segment (BP/S) methods based on the consecutive use of methods in the strucchange and segmented R packages to first detection (as break-points) and then characterise and quantify (as segments), discrete changes in air-quality time-series.

AQEval functions adopt an openair-friendly approach using function and data structures that many in the air quality research community are already familiar with. Most notably, most functions expect supplied data to be time-series, to be supplied as a single data.frame (or similar R object), and for time-series to be identified by column names. The main functions are typically structured expect first the data.frame, then the name of the pollutant to be used, then other arguments:

function(data, "", ...)

output <- function(data, "", ...)


Karl Ropkins


Ropkins et al (In Prep).

See Also

For more about data structure and an example data set, see

For more about the main functions, see quantBreakPoints and quantBreakSegments

[Package AQEval version 0.5.7 Index]