ahm {AHM} | R Documentation |
This is one of the main functions. The function ahm computes the proposed additive heredity model.
This is one of the main functions. The function ahm computes the proposed additive heredity model.
ahm(y, x, num_major = 3, dist_minor = c(2, 2, 1), type = "weak",
alpha = 0, lambda_seq = seq(0, 5, 0.01), nfolds = NULL,
mapping_type = c("power"), powerh = 0, rep_gcv = 100)
y |
numeric vector |
x |
data.frame Note the column names of the x should be in the order of major components, minor components, and no interactions are needed. |
num_major |
number of major components |
dist_minor |
the allocation of number of minor components nested under major components |
type |
heredity type, weak heredity is the current support type |
alpha |
0 is for the ridge in glmnet https://web.stanford.edu/~hastie/glmnet/glmnet_alpha.html |
lambda_seq |
a numeric vector for the options of lambda used in ridge regression for estimating the initials |
nfolds |
used in cv.glmnet for initial value of parameters in the non-negative garrote method |
mapping_type |
the form of the coefficient function of major components in front of corresponding minor terms. Currently only support "power" |
powerh |
the power parameter used for the power function |
rep_gcv |
the number of choices of tuning parameter used in the GCV selection |
Return a list
data_fat = pringles_fat
h_tmp = 1.3
x = data_fat[,c("c1","c2","c3","x11","x12","x21","x22")]
y = data_fat[,1]
out = ahm (y, x, num_major = 3, dist_minor = c(2,2,1),
type = "weak", alpha=0, lambda_seq=seq(0,5,0.01), nfold = NULL,
mapping_type = c("power"), powerh = h_tmp,