Additive Heredity Model: Method for the Mixture-of-Mixtures Experiments

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Documentation for package ‘AHM’ version 1.0.1

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ahm This is one of the main functions. The function ahm computes the proposed additive heredity model.
check_col_correlation Check column correlations
coating Photoresist-coating experiment data
coef.ahm Coefficient method for the fitted ahm object Coefficient method for the fitted cv.ahm object
compute_aicc compute AICc
cv.ahm This is one of the main functions. It perform the cross validation on ahm models to select the optimal setting of hyper parameter h
design_simplex_centroid_design_3_major_component Design points for the simplex centroid design with 3 components
enlist Create a list
expand_interactions Expand the interaction terms for each subset group, say x11, x12, or c1, c2, c3
find_condition_num Compute the conditional number of design matrix
mapping_function Mapping_function is a function to add the functional coefficients of major components in front of minor components terms
mymaximin The mymaximin function generates the matrix of maximin design points. It uses the simplex centroid design as the base design, then in a stochastics way sample the candidate design points generated by the function partition.
predict.ahm Predict method for the fitted ahm object Predict method for the fitted cv.ahm object
pringles_candidates2search The candidate search points in the nonlinear optimization for the optimal value in the Pringles experiment
pringles_fat Pringles experiment data set with the percent of Fat as the response
pringles_hardness Pringles experiment data set with the Hardness as the response
summary.ahm Summary method for the fitted ahm object