Analysis of Growth Data

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Documentation for package ‘AGD’ version 0.45.0

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ageGrid Creates an age grid according to a specified format.
boys7482 Growth of Dutch boys
cdc.bmi Reference tables from CDC 2000
cdc.hgt Reference tables from CDC 2000
cdc.wgt Reference tables from CDC 2000
extractLMS Extracts LMS values from a gamlss object.
nl3.bmi Reference tables from Third Dutch Growth Study 1980
nl4.bmi Reference tables from Fourth Dutch Growth Study 1997
nl4.hdc Reference tables from Fourth Dutch Growth Study 1997
nl4.hgt Reference tables from Fourth Dutch Growth Study 1997
nl4.hip Reference tables from Fourth Dutch Growth Study 1997
nl4.lgl Reference tables from Fourth Dutch Growth Study 1997
nl4.shh Reference tables from Fourth Dutch Growth Study 1997
nl4.sit Reference tables from Fourth Dutch Growth Study 1997
nl4.wfh Reference tables from Fourth Dutch Growth Study 1997
nl4.wgt Reference tables from Fourth Dutch Growth Study 1997
nl4.whr Reference tables from Fourth Dutch Growth Study 1997
nl4.wst Reference tables from Fourth Dutch Growth Study 1997
References CDC Reference tables from CDC 2000
References NL3 Reference tables from Third Dutch Growth Study 1980
References NL4 Reference tables from Fourth Dutch Growth Study 1997
References WHO References WHO
who.bmi References WHO
who.hdc References WHO
who.hgt References WHO
who.wfh References WHO
who.wfl References WHO
who.wgt References WHO
wp.twin Superposes two worm plots
y2z Converts measurements to standard deviation scores (SDS)
z2y Convert standard deviation scores (SDS) to measurements