newStateLogger {ABM}R Documentation

Create a logger of the StateLogger class


When state changes occur, it is passed to each logger, which then change its value. At the specified time points in a run, the values of the logger are reported and recorded in a data.frame object, where the columns represent variables, and rows represent the observation at each time point given to each run. Each logger has a name, which becomes the the column name in the data.frame.



the name of the logger. A length-1 character vector


the agent whose state will be logged. An external pointer

the state name of the state of the agent to be logged. A character vector of length 1.


If a state changed happened to any agent, the specified state of the agent given by the "agent" argument will be logged. If then the state of the agent who just changed is logged.

The agent must be an external pointer. To use an R6 object, we need to use its $get method to get the external pointer.

The state to be logged must have a numeric value.

[Package ABM version 0.4.1 Index]