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R: Average Ability Levels for Multiple Class Mixed Rasch Model
Average Ability Levels for Multiple Class Mixed Rasch Model {mixRaschTools} R Documentation Average Ability Levels for Multiple Class Mixed Rasch Model Description This function produces mean ability...
 cran-help  matching: model, model, model, averaging, averaging and averaging

Size: 3.9K
R: Average Model Checkpoint
...Average Model Checkpoint Description Save the model after every epoch. Usage callback_average_model_checkpoint( filepath, update_weights, monitor = "val_loss", verbose = 0, save_best_only = FALSE...
 cran-help  matching: model, model, model, averaging, averaging and averaging

Size: 5.7K
R: Average predictions from multiple models
model_averaging {mapbayr} R Documentation Average predictions from multiple models Description Model Averaging consists in analyzing the same data with different models and to average their predictions.
 cran-help  matching: model, model, model, averaging, averaging and averaging

Size: 2.6K
R: Compute the average power of many Cox regression models
average.power.coxph {FDRsamplesize2} R Documentation Compute the average power of many Cox regression models Description Compute the average power of many Cox regression models for a given number...
 cran-help  matching: model, model, averaging, averaging and averaging

Size: 3.5K
R: Perform model averaging on a list of DAGs.
...Perform model averaging on a list of DAGs. Description Perform model averaging on a list of DAGs. Usage average_DAGs( fitted_DAGs, weights = rep(1, length(coef)), avg_method = "conditional", ...
 cran-help  matching: model, model, averaging, averaging and averaging

Size: 4.0K
R: Extract and average the best supported models from a...
...average the best supported models from a phylogenetic path analysis. Description Extract and average the best supported models from a phylogenetic path analysis. Usage average(phylopath, cut_off = 2...
 cran-help  matching: model, model, averaging, averaging and averaging

Size: 3.9K
R: Calculate a weighted average of pglm {mmodely} R Documentation Calculate a weighted average of pglm Description These function takes the output of pgls.iter and uses its list of objects model fits, optimzations (e.g...
 cran-help  matching: model, model, averaging, averaging and averaging

Size: 5.3K
R: Posterior draws of parameters averaged across models
posterior_average.brmsfit {brms} R Documentation Posterior draws of parameters averaged across models Description Extract posterior draws of parameters averaged across models. Weighting can be done...
 cran-help  matching: model, model, averaging, averaging and averaging

Size: 4.6K
R: Average forecasts of MIDAS models
...Average forecasts of MIDAS models Description Average MIDAS model forecasts using specified weighting scheme. Produce in-sample and out-of-sample accuracy measures. Usage average_forecast( modlist...
 cran-help  matching: model, model, averaging, averaging and averaging

Size: 5.8K
R: Posterior predictive draws averaged across models
pp_average.brmsfit {brms} R Documentation Posterior predictive draws averaged across models Description Compute posterior predictive draws averaged across models. Weighting can be done in various ways...
 cran-help  matching: model, model, averaging, averaging and averaging


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