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Size: 8.3K
CRAN: Package REDCapDM
REDCapDM: 'REDCap' Data Management REDCap Data Management - REDCapDM is an R package that allows users to manage data exported directly from REDCap or using an API connection.
 cran-info  matching: redcap

Size: 9.6K
CRAN: Package REDCapR
...R and REDCap Encapsulates functions to streamline calls from R to the REDCap API. REDCap (Research Electronic Data CAPture) is a web application for building and managing online surveys and databases...
 cran-info  matching: redcap

Size: 8.9K
CRAN: Package tidyREDCap
tidyREDCap: Helper Functions for Working with 'REDCap' Data Helper functions for processing 'REDCap' data in R. 'REDCap' is a web-enabled application for building and managing surveys and databases...
 cran-info  matching: redcap

Size: 8.2K
CRAN: Package REDCapTidieR
REDCapTidieR: Extract 'REDCap' Databases into Tidy 'Tibble's Convert 'REDCap' exports into tidy tables for easy handling of 'REDCap' repeat instruments and event arms. Version: 1.1.1...
 cran-info  matching: redcap

Size: 9.3K
CRAN: Package redcapAPI
...'REDCap' Access data stored in 'REDCap' databases using the Application Programming Interface (API). 'REDCap' (Research Electronic Data CAPture; <>, Harris, et al. (2009) <doi...
 cran-info  matching: redcap

Size: 6.8K
CRAN: Package REDCapExporter
...REDCap Projects Export all data, including metadata, from a REDCap (Research Electronic Data Capture) Project via the REDCap API <
 cran-info  matching: redcap

Size: 9.8K
REDCapCAST: REDCap Castellated Data Handling Originally forked from the R part of 'REDCapRITS' by Paul Egeler. See <>. 'REDCap' database casting and handling...
 cran-info  matching: redcap

Size: 10.8K
CRAN: Package ReviewR
...multiple versions of the 'OMOP' common data model as well as the 'MIMIC-III' data model. In addition, chart review information is captured and stored securely via the Shiny interface in a 'REDCap'...
 cran-info  matching: redcap

Size: 7.6K
CRAN: Package BiostatsUHNplus
...and REDCap Tools and code snippets for summarizing nested data, adverse events and REDCap study information. Version: 0.0.10 Depends: R (≥ 4.2) Imports: afex, coda, cowplot, dplyr, forcats, ggh4x...
 cran-info  matching: redcap

Size: 5.3K
CRAN: Package rccola convenience functions for entering / handling API keys and pulling data directly into memory. By default it will load from REDCap instances, but other sources are injectable via inversion...
 cran-info  matching: redcap

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