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Size: 1.7K
R: contr.ordinal
contr.ordinal {traineR} R Documentation contr.ordinal Description Returns a matrix of contrasts for the train.kknn. Usage contr.ordinal(n, contrasts = TRUE) Arguments n A vector containing levels...
 cran-help  matching: contr, contr and contr

Size: 1.7K
R: contr.dummy
contr.dummy {traineR} R Documentation contr.dummy Description Returns a matrix of contrasts for the train.kknn. Usage contr.dummy(n, contrasts = TRUE) Arguments n A vector containing levels of a factor...
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Size: 1.7K
R: contr.metric
contr.metric {traineR} R Documentation contr.metric Description Returns a matrix of contrasts for the train.kknn. Usage contr.metric(n, contrasts = TRUE) Arguments n A vector containing levels...
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Size: 1.4K
R: .contr
contr {imagefluency} R Documentation .contr Description Returns the RMS contrast of an image matrix. Usage .contr(img) Arguments img A matrix of numeric values or integer values. Value a numeric...
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Size: 1.6K
R: caret contr.ltfr
reexports {mikropml} R Documentation caret contr.ltfr Description These objects are imported from other packages. Follow the links below to see their documentation. caret contr.ltfr dplyr %>% rlang...
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Size: 2.9K
R: Contrast Matrices
contr.dummy {kknn} R Documentation Contrast Matrices Description Returns a matrix of contrasts. Usage contr.dummy(n, contrasts = TRUE) contr.ordinal(n, contrasts = TRUE) contr.metric(n, contrasts...
 cran-help  matching: contr and contr

Size: 2.8K
R: Contrast matrices
contr.cum {Epi} R Documentation Contrast matrices Description Return a matrix of contrasts for factor coding. Usage contr.cum(n) contr.diff(n) contr.2nd(n) contr.orth(n) Arguments n A vector of levels...
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Size: 2.1K
R: Create contrast matrix
...diff If FALSE all non-zero entries are +1, otherwise the second non-zero element in each row will be -1. ... Additional arguments to lower level functions Examples contr(2,n=5) contr(as.list(2:4),n=5) ...
 cran-help  matching: contr and contr

Size: 2.3K
R: Contrast matrices
contr.wsum {vcrpart} R Documentation Contrast matrices Description Returns a category-weighted contrast matrix Usage contr.wsum(x, weights =, length(x)), sparse = FALSE)...
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Size: 2.5K
R: Mean difference contrast matrix
contr.meandif {RoBSA} R Documentation Mean difference contrast matrix Description Return a matrix of mean difference contrasts. This is an adjustment to the contr.orthonormal that ascertains that...
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Size: 2.5K
R: Mean difference contrast matrix
contr.meandif {BayesTools} R Documentation Mean difference contrast matrix Description Return a matrix of mean difference contrasts. This is an adjustment to the contr.orthonormal that ascertains that...
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Size: 2.5K
R: Mean difference contrast matrix
contr.meandif {RoBMA} R Documentation Mean difference contrast matrix Description Return a matrix of mean difference contrasts. This is an adjustment to the contr.orthonormal that ascertains that...
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Size: 2.5K
R: Calculates contrasts for a weighted factor variable based on... equivalent to contr.wec from the wec package, but allows for weighted contrasts. Usage contr.wec.weighted (x, omitted, weights) Arguments x grouping variable of class factor omitted Label...
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Size: 2.2K
R: Orthornomal contrast matrix
...Orthornomal contrast matrix Description Return a matrix of orthornomal contrasts. Code is based on stanova::contr.bayes and corresponding to description by Rouder et al. (2012) Usage contr.orthonormal...
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Size: 2.2K
R: Orthornomal contrast matrix
...Orthornomal contrast matrix Description Return a matrix of orthornomal contrasts. Code is based on stanova::contr.bayes and corresponding to description by Rouder et al. (2012) Usage contr.orthonormal...
 cran-help  matching: contr and contr

Size: 2.2K
R: Orthornomal contrast matrix
...Orthornomal contrast matrix Description Return a matrix of orthornomal contrasts. Code is based on stanova::contr.bayes and corresponding to description by Rouder et al. (2012) Usage contr.orthonormal...
 cran-help  matching: contr and contr

Size: 2.1K
R: Cell Means Contrast Matrix
contr.niets {mvdalab} R Documentation Cell Means Contrast Matrix Description This function generates a cell means contrast matrix to support PLS models. Usage contr.niets(n, contrasts)...
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Size: 2.8K
R: Successive Differences Contrast Coding
contr.sdif {MASS} R Documentation Successive Differences Contrast Coding Description A coding for factors based on successive differences. Usage contr.sdif(n, contrasts = TRUE, sparse = FALSE)...
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Size: 3.4K
R: Full-factorial-based real-valued contrasts for s^el levels
...Full-factorial-based real-valued contrasts for s^el levels Full-factorial-based polynomial contrasts for s^el levels Usage contr.FFbHelmert(n, s, contrasts = TRUE, slowfirst = TRUE) contr.FFbPoly(n, s...
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Size: 2.6K
R: Contrast Matrix for Constraints about the Mean
...the number of levels. contrasts A logical value indicating whether or not contrasts should be computed. Details This function corrects contr.sum to display labels properly. Value A matrix of computed...
 cran-help  matching: contr and contr


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