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R: Fit a Smoothing Spline
gc_smooth.spline {gcplyr} R Documentation Fit a Smoothing Spline Description This function is a wrapper for stats::smooth.spline, which fits a cubic smoothing spline to the supplied data, but includes...
 cran-help  matching: spline, spline and spline

Size: 1.8K
R: Regression Spline Functions and Classes
...regression splines using the B-spline basis, bs, and the natural cubic spline basis, ns. For a complete list of functions, use library(help = "splines"). Author(s) Douglas M. Bates
 r-help  matching: spline, spline and spline

Size: 2.1K
R: Plots a spline correlogram
plot.spline.correlog {ncf} R Documentation Plots a spline correlogram Description ‘plot’ method for class "spline.correlog". Usage ## S3 method for class 'spline.correlog' plot(x, ylim = c(-1, 1)...
 cran-help  matching: spline, spline and spline

Size: 2.4K
R: Spectral smoothing by splines
spc.smooth.spline {hyperSpec} R Documentation Spectral smoothing by splines Description Smoothing splines Usage spc.smooth.spline(spc, newx = wl(spc), ...) Arguments spc hyperSpec object newx wavelengh...
 cran-help  matching: spline, spline and spline

Size: 2.6K
R: Summarizing spline correlograms
summary.spline.correlog {ncf} R Documentation Summarizing spline correlograms Description ‘summary’ method for class "spline.correlog". Usage ## S3 method for class 'spline.correlog' summary(object...
 cran-help  matching: spline, spline and spline

Size: 2.4K
R: Computes background quantities using splines
...with following components med.spline The spline computed from the median values. iqr.spline The spline computed from IQR values. mean.spline The spline computed from mean values. sd.spline The spline...
 cran-help  matching: spline, spline and spline

Size: 1.8K
R: Print function for spline.correlog objects
...for class "spline.correlog". Usage ## S3 method for class 'spline.correlog' print(x, ...) Arguments x an object of class "spline.correlog", usually, as a result of a call to spline.correlog or related).
 cran-help  matching: spline, spline and spline

Size: 2.6K
R: Generate a B-spline design matrix
...splines and number of basis functions. Usage, xl, xr,, nbasis, comp = NULL) Arguments x the positions where spline to be evaluated. xl lower intervall boundary where spline...
 cran-help  matching: spline, spline and spline

Size: 1.9K
R: Computes the matrix of L2 inner products of the splines given...
inner_product_matrix_splines {ghcm} R Documentation Computes the matrix of L2 inner products of the splines given in list_of_splines as produced by splines::interpSpline. The splines are assumed...
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Size: 1.5K
R: Pander method for smooth.spline class
...spline class Description Prints an smooth.spline object in Pandoc's markdown. Usage ## S3 method for class 'smooth.spline' pander(x, ...) Arguments x an smooth.spline object ... igroned parameters...
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Size: 2.3K
R: Make a design matrix for regression spline
...for plotting the calibration curve smooth spline to use (rms::rcs, splines::ns, splines::bs currently supported via 'rcs', 'ns', 'bs'). smooth = 'none' results in x as only predictor (i.e., no spline) ...
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Size: 2.2K
R: Polynomial-spline fit with equally-spaced knots {npmlda} R Documentation Polynomial-spline fit with equally-spaced knots Description Polynomial-spline fit with equally-spaced knots Usage, Xvec, Yvec, nKnots = 2, Degree = 3...
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Size: 3.0K
R: Spline Arrow
spline.arrow {RFOC} R Documentation Spline Arrow Description Given a set of points, draw a spline and affix an arrow at the end. Usage spline.arrow(x, y = 0, kdiv = 20, arrow = 1, length = 0.2, col...
 cran-help  matching: spline, spline and spline

Size: 1.6K
R: Create spline basis matrix
...creates basis matrix for spline model using cubic splines. Usage make_spline_basis(dof, tgrid) Arguments dof An integer degrees of freedom. tgrid A grid of time values. Value A matrix of cubic spline...
 cran-help  matching: spline, spline and spline

Size: 2.2K
R: Construct default splines
default.splines {hero} R Documentation Construct default splines Description Construct a list of hero_bsplines using the default values suggested by Ruppert, Wand, and Carroll (2003). Specifically, if...
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Size: 2.0K
R: Calculate the penalised loglikelihood of a smooth.spline
...spline Description Calculate the penalised loglikelihood of a smooth.spline using the integrated second derivative. The likelihood consists of 1) the (weighted) residuals sum of squares, 2) a penalty...
 cran-help  matching: spline, spline and spline

Size: 1.2K
R: spline transformation
transformseries.spline {mem} R Documentation spline transformation Description spline transformation Usage transformseries.spline(i.x, i.positive = F, ...) [Package mem version 2.18...
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Size: 1.7K
R: Fit and subtract a smoothing spline to each spectrum in a...
...bc_spline(mrs_data, spar = 0.5, nknots = 100) Arguments mrs_data mrs_data object. spar smoothing parameter typically between 0 and 1. nknots number of spline knots. Value smoothing spline subtracted...
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Size: 2.5K
R: Construct B-spline basis This is an internal function which...
...B-spline basis This is an internal function which constructs B-spline basis to be used in pclm estimation Description Construct B-spline basis This is an internal function which constructs B-spline...
 cran-help  matching: spline, spline and spline

Size: 1.7K
R: Spline property for a Billboard.js chart
...Spline property for a Billboard.js chart Usage bb_spline(bb, ...) Arguments bb A billboard htmlwidget object. ... See
 cran-help  matching: spline, spline and spline

Size: 2.1K
R: Predict time-varying parameters using splines.
spline_par {calibrar} R Documentation Predict time-varying parameters using splines. Description Predict time-varying parameters using splines. Usage spline_par(par, n, knots = NULL, periodic = FALSE...
 cran-help  matching: spline, spline and spline

Size: 1.8K
R: Smoothing spline regression
smooth_spline {stfit} R Documentation Smoothing spline regression Description Smoothing spline regression Usage smooth_spline(x, y, x.eval = x, minimum.num.obs = 4, ...) Arguments x independent...
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Size: 2.0K
R: Fill with "cubic spline interpolation"
fill_spline {transx} R Documentation Fill with "cubic spline interpolation" Description Fill with "cubic spline interpolation" Usage fill_spline(body, idx, ...) Arguments body ⁠[numeric vector]...
 cran-help  matching: spline, spline and spline

Size: 1.8K
R: Spline variable categorical target.
spline_variablec {vtreat} R Documentation Spline variable categorical target. Description Return a spline approximation of the change in log odds. Usage spline_variablec(varName, x, y, w = NULL)...
 cran-help  matching: spline, spline and spline

Size: 1.8K
R: Spline variable numeric target.
spline_variable {vtreat} R Documentation Spline variable numeric target. Description Return a spline approximation of data. Usage spline_variable(varName, x, y, w = NULL) Arguments varName character...
 cran-help  matching: spline, spline and spline

Size: 2.9K
R: Spline correction for Fraser-Reid approximations
...are interpolated using splines. The function takes as input an object of class fr and returns the same object with different rstar values. Usage spline.corr(fr, method = c("cobs", "smooth.spline"))...
 cran-help  matching: spline, spline and spline

Size: 2.6K
R: Generate a grouped results table for spline fits with average...
...spline fits with average and standard deviations Description Generate a grouped results table for spline fits with average and standard deviations Usage table_group_fluorescence_spline(flTable, html...
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Size: 3.5K
R: Monotonic interpolating splines
cm.spline {demography} R Documentation Monotonic interpolating splines Description Perform cubic spline monotonic interpolation of given data points, returning either a list of points obtained by...
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Size: 2.8K
R: Fit splines to IBD probabilities
spline_IBD {polyqtlR} R Documentation Fit splines to IBD probabilities Description Fits splines to IBD probabilities at a grid of positions at user-defined spacing. Usage spline_IBD(IBD_list, gap...
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Size: 3.9K
R: Splines basis functions
MIC.splines.basis {SPREDA} R Documentation Splines basis functions Description Creation splines basis for M_splines, I_splines and C_splines Usage MIC.splines.basis(x, df = NULL, knots = NULL, boundary...
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Size: 1.6K
R: peak spline
peak_spline {IDSL.IPA} R Documentation peak spline Description illusterates a smoothe peak using cubic spline smoothing method Usage data("peak_spline") Format A data frame with 100 observations on...
 cran-help  matching: spline, spline and spline

Size: 1.6K
R: Summary Method for Bootstrapped Splines Analysis
summary.boot_splines_analysis {eyetrackingR} R Documentation Summary Method for Bootstrapped Splines Analysis Description Summary Method for Bootstrapped Splines Analysis Usage ## S3 method for class...
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Size: 1.7K
R: Plot differences in bootstrapped-splines data
...boot_splines_analysis {eyetrackingR} R Documentation Plot differences in bootstrapped-splines data Description Plot the means and CIs of bootstrapped spline difference estimates and intervals (either...
 cran-help  matching: spline, spline and spline

Size: 1.6K
R: Plot bootstrapped-splines data
...Plot bootstrapped-splines data Description Plot the means and CIs of bootstrapped splines (either within-subjects or between-subjects) Usage ## S3 method for class 'boot_splines_data' plot(x...
 cran-help  matching: spline, spline and spline

Size: 2.1K
R: Spline based index.
...Spline based index. Description (Taken from tourr git repo) Compares the variance in residuals of a fitted spline model to the overall variance to find functional dependence in 2D projections...
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Size: 2.0K
R: Function to define spline as TensorFlow layer
...Function to define spline as TensorFlow layer Description Function to define spline as TensorFlow layer Usage layer_spline( units = 1L, P, name, trainable = TRUE, kernel_initializer = "glorot_uniform"...
 cran-help  matching: spline, spline and spline

Size: 1.7K
R: Spline fill missing observations
spline_fill {dateutils} R Documentation Spline fill missing observations Description Spline fill missing observations from the first observation to the last, leaving NA observations in the head...
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Size: 1.6K
R: Spline fill missing observations
spline_fill_trend {dateutils} R Documentation Spline fill missing observations Description Spline fill missing observations, designed for filling low frequency trend estimates Usage spline_fill_trend(x)...
 cran-help  matching: spline, spline and spline

Size: 2.2K
R: Spline approximations of the cumulative hazard functions
...Spline approximations of the cumulative hazard functions Description Creates a spline approximation for the vector of cumulative hazards of each transition. Usage cumhaz_splines(cumhaz) Arguments...
 cran-help  matching: spline, spline and spline

Size: 1.9K
R: Smoothing Splines
ts_fil_spline {tspredit} R Documentation Smoothing Splines Description Fits a cubic smoothing spline to a time series. Usage ts_fil_spline(spar = NULL) Arguments spar smoothing parameter. When spar...
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Size: 2.3K
R: Get spline coefficients for a single person
...spline coefficients for a single person Description Get spline coefficients for a single person Usage individual_spline(person, idvar, yvar, tvar, data, boundaryKnots, innerKnots, degree, intercept)...
 cran-help  matching: spline, spline and spline

Size: 3.2K
R: Scan spline degrees of freedom
...Scan spline degrees of freedom Description This function holds the regularization parameter value fixed and scans spline degrees of freedom. Usage scan_spline_dof( reported, delay_dist, dof_grid...
 cran-help  matching: spline, spline and spline

Size: 2.2K
R: Define a Restricted Cubic Spline Survival Distribution
...Define a Restricted Cubic Spline Survival Distribution Description Define a restricted cubic spline parametric survival distribution. Usage define_surv_spline(scale = c("hazard", "odds", "normal")...
 cran-help  matching: spline, spline and spline

Size: 3.1K
R: M-spline basis function
...M-spline basis function Description Calculate the M-spline basis functions (a M-spline basis is a B-spline basis normalized so that the integral is 1). Usage M.spline(time, xi1, xi3) Arguments time...
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Size: 3.1K
R: I-spline basis function
I.spline {joint.Cox} R Documentation I-spline basis function Description Calculate the I-spline basis functions (the integrals of the M-spline basis functions). Usage I.spline(time, xi1, xi3)...
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Size: 2.7K
R: Prepare input for BUGS model when fitting a spline for a...
spline.prep {AHMbook} R Documentation Prepare input for BUGS model when fitting a spline for a covariate Description Function chooses knots and creates design matrices for fixed and random-effects...
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Size: 3.7K
R: Generating MIC Spline Bases
...of monotonic spline bases, including M-splines, I-splines, and C-splines, denoted by MIC splines. The definitions of the spline bases are described in Meyer (2008). Usage, df...
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Size: 2.5K
R: Generate a grouped results table for spline fits with average...
...table for spline fits with average and standard deviations Description Generate a grouped results table for spline fits with average and standard deviations Usage table_group_growth_spline(gcTable...
 cran-help  matching: spline, spline and spline

Size: 2.3K
R: Spline columns to match timestamps.
...{PVplr} R Documentation Spline columns to match timestamps. Description Often timestamps of two data frames will be mismatched. To produced matching timestamps, columns that may be splined will be...
 cran-help  matching: spline, spline and spline

Size: 2.5K
R: Evaluate a spline at provided covariate values
...spline at provided covariate values Description Evaluate a spline at provided covariate values Usage spline_values( smooth, data, model, unconditional, overall_uncertainty = TRUE, frequentist = FALSE...
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Size: 2.5K
R: Univariate score estimation via the smoothing spline method...
...smoothing spline method of Cox 1985 and Ng 1994. Description Univariate score estimation via the smoothing spline method of Cox 1985 and Ng 1994. Usage spline_score(x, df = 5, tol = 0.001, nmax = NULL)...
 cran-help  matching: spline, spline and spline

Size: 3.6K
R: Spline interpolation
smooth_spline {smoothr} R Documentation Spline interpolation Description Spline interpolation uses stats::spline() to interpolate between existing vertices using piecewise cubic polynomials. The...
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Size: 3.9K
R: Expand feature matrix using basis splines
expand_spline {grpreg} R Documentation Expand feature matrix using basis splines Description Performs a basis expansion for many features at once, returning output that is compatible for use...
 cran-help  matching: spline, spline and spline

Size: 3.4K
R: Scan spline regularization parameter
...Scan spline regularization parameter Description This function holds degrees of freedom fixed and scans regularization parameter values. Usage scan_spline_lam( reported, delay_dist, lam_grid, method...
 cran-help  matching: spline, spline and spline

Size: 4.4K
R: Panel Function to Add a Spline Smooth
...spline {lattice} R Documentation Panel Function to Add a Spline Smooth Description A predefined panel function that can be used to add a spline smooth based on the provided data. Usage panel.spline(x...
 cran-help  matching: spline, spline and spline

Size: 3.8K
R: Estimate confidence intervals for bootstrapped splines data
...confidence intervals for bootstrapped splines data Description Deprecated. Performing this analysis should be done by calling analyze_time_bins(test="boot_splines"). Usage analyze_boot_splines...
 cran-help  matching: spline, spline and spline

Size: 3.8K
R: Spline Basis Expansions
spliunes {BoomSpikeSlab} R Documentation Spline Basis Expansions Description Spline basis expansions of a continuous variable. Usage BsplineBasis(x, knots = NULL, numknots = 3) MsplineBasis(x, knots...
 cran-help  matching: spline, spline and spline

Size: 3.4K
R: Predict from Smoothing Spline Fit
...Spline Fit Description Predict a smoothing spline fit at new points, return the derivative if desired. The predicted fit is linear beyond the original data. Usage ## S3 method for class 'smooth.spline'...
 r-help  matching: spline, spline and spline

Size: 4.9K
R: Bootstrap resample splines for time-series data.
...smoother, resolution, alpha, ... ) ## S3 method for class 'time_sequence_data' make_boot_splines_data( data, predictor_column, within_subj, aoi = NULL, bs_samples = 1000, smoother = "smooth.spline"...
 cran-help  matching: spline, spline and spline

Size: 4.3K
R: Tidy a(n) smooth.spline object
augment.smooth.spline {broom} R Documentation Tidy a(n) smooth.spline object Description Tidy summarizes information about the components of a model. A model component might be a single term...
 cran-help  matching: spline, spline and spline

Size: 3.9K
R: Splines on the sphere
...Splines on the sphere Description Spline interpolation and smoothing on the sphere. Usage interpolate_spline( observations, targets, value, lon_obs = lon, lat_obs = lat, lon_targets = lon, lat_targets...
 cran-help  matching: spline, spline and spline

Size: 3.8K
R: Get the polynomial coefficients of a spline.
...of a spline. Description Given a natural spline function Y:\R\to\R, defined as a series of Y values on a discrete X grid, obtain its corresponding piecewise polynomial coefficients. Supported splines...
 cran-help  matching: spline, spline and spline

Size: 4.7K
R: Define the B-splines Used for the Time-varying Coefficients...
Usage splines( df = NULL, degree = 3L, lb_tau = 0, noncentered = FALSE, override = FALSE ) Arguments df [integer(1)] Degrees of freedom, i.e., the total number of spline coefficients. See splines::bs().
 cran-help  matching: spline, spline and spline

Size: 5.7K
R: Geoms and stats for spline smoothing
stat_spline {ggformula} R Documentation Geoms and stats for spline smoothing Description Similar to geom_smooth, this adds spline fits to plots. Usage stat_spline( mapping = NULL, data = NULL, geom...
 cran-help  matching: spline, spline and spline

Size: 5.0K
R: Representing local principal curves through a cubic spline.
lpc.spline {LPCM} R Documentation Representing local principal curves through a cubic spline. Description Fits a natural cubic spline component-wise through the series of local centers of mass. This...
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Size: 4.7K
R: Evaluate a scalar spline at arbitrary locations.
evaluate_spline {castor} R Documentation Evaluate a scalar spline at arbitrary locations. Description Given a natural spline function Y:\R\to\R, defined as a series of Y values on a discrete X grid...
 cran-help  matching: spline, spline and spline

Size: 4.4K
R: Fit Exponential Growth Model with Smoothing Spline
...Fit Exponential Growth Model with Smoothing Spline Description Determine maximum growth rates from the first derivative of a smoothing spline. Usage fit_spline(time, y, optgrid = length(time)...
 cran-help  matching: spline, spline and spline

Size: 2.9K
R: Evaluate a spline at provided covariate values
...a spline at provided covariate values Description The function spline_values2() has been renamed to spline_values() as of version 0.9.0. This was allowed following the removal of evaluate_smooth...
 cran-help  matching: spline, spline and spline

Size: 5.3K
R: Fit Exponential Growth Model with Smoothing Spline
...Growth Model with Smoothing Spline Description Determine maximum growth rates from log-linear part of the growth curve for a series of experiments by using smoothing splines. Usage all_splines...
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Size: 5.2K
R: Bezier spline interpolation of observations.
...spline interpolation of observations. Description Calculate a Bezier spline interpolation of irregular observations to regular-length time intervals. Usage spline_interp(di, area_map=NULL, t_reg=NULL...
 cran-help  matching: spline, spline and spline

Size: 4.2K
R: Penalized Linear Spherical Spline
...Spherical Spline Description This function fits a penalized piecewise geodesic curve (linear spherical spline) to the given data. Usage penalized_linear_spherical_spline( t, y, initial_control_points...
 cran-help  matching: spline, spline and spline

Size: 5.5K
R: Get the Control Polygon and the Spline Function
...Polygon and the Spline Function Description Generate data.frames for interpolating and plotting a spline function, given a cpr_cp or cpr_cn object. Usage get_spline(x, margin = 1, at, n = 100, se...
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Size: 6.5K
R: Convex splines
...Convex splines Description step_spline_convex() creates a specification of a recipe step that creates convex spline features. Usage step_spline_convex( recipe, ..., role = "predictor", trained = FALSE...
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Size: 6.2K
R: Natural splines
...Natural splines Description step_spline_natural() creates a specification of a recipe step that creates natural spline features. Usage step_spline_natural( recipe, ..., role = "predictor", trained...
 cran-help  matching: spline, spline and spline

Size: 6.7K
R: Monotone splines
...Monotone splines Description step_spline_monotone() creates a specification of a recipe step that creates monotone spline features. Usage step_spline_monotone( recipe, ..., role = "predictor", trained...
 cran-help  matching: spline, spline and spline

Size: 6.5K
R: Basis splines
...Basis splines Description step_spline_b() creates a specification of a recipe step that creates b-spline features. Usage step_spline_b( recipe, ..., role = "predictor", trained = FALSE, deg_free = 10...
 cran-help  matching: spline, spline and spline

Size: 7.2K
R: Non-negative splines
...Non-negative splines Description step_spline_nonnegative() creates a specification of a recipe step that creates non-negative spline features. Usage step_spline_nonnegative( recipe, ..., role...
 cran-help  matching: spline, spline and spline

Size: 5.5K
R: Monte Carlo predictive sampler for spline regression
...predictive sampler for spline regression Description Compute direct Monte Carlo samples from the posterior predictive distribution of a STAR spline regression model. Usage spline_star_exact( y, tau...
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Size: 4.9K
R: Plot spline curve for a fitted additive model
...Plot spline curve for a fitted additive model Description Plots a spline curve for a single variable using a grpreg or cv.grpreg object for which an additive model was fit. Usage plot_spline( fit...
 cran-help  matching: spline, spline and spline

Size: 8.4K
R: The propensity-spline prediction estimator
...of combinations of the covariates, propensity spline basis, and treatment values. Usage prop_spline_est(Y, treat, covar_formula = ~ 1, covar_lin_formula = ~ 1, covar_sq_formula = ~ 1, data, e_treat_1...
 cran-help  matching: spline, spline and spline

Size: 8.0K
R: Uni- and multivariate spline correlograms
spline.correlog {ncf} R Documentation Uni- and multivariate spline correlograms Description spline.correlog is the function to estimate the spline (cross-)correlogram from spatial data. Either...
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Size: 11.7K
R: A piecewise rational quadratic spline, as developed in Conor...
...spline, as developed in Conor et al.(2019). Description This transformation represents a monotonically increasing piecewise rational quadratic function. Outside of the bounds of knot_x/knot_y, the...
 cran-help  matching: spline, spline and spline

Size: 7.8K
R: Cubic spline fitting
...Cubic spline fitting Description The function cub_spline_est is an implementation of the (un)constrained cubic spline estimates proposed by Daouia, Noh and Park (2016). Usage cub_spline_est(xtab, ytab...
 cran-help  matching: spline, spline and spline

Size: 4.9K
R: Interpolate spline
...Interpolate spline Description Interpolate signal using polyharmonic interpolation. Usage img_interpolate_spline( train_points, train_values, query_points, order, regularization_weight = 0, name...
 cran-help  matching: spline, spline and spline

Size: 7.0K
R: Estimation for Bayesian STAR spline regression
...for Bayesian STAR spline regression Description Compute samples from the predictive distributions of a STAR spline regression model using either a Gibbs sampling approach or exact Monte Carlo sampling...
 cran-help  matching: spline, spline and spline

Size: 9.4K
R: Spline-based representation of functional data
tfb_spline {tf} R Documentation Spline-based representation of functional data Description Represent curves as a weighted sum of spline basis functions. Usage tfb_spline(data, ...) ## S3 method...
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Size: 9.1K
R: Vector Cubic Smoothing Spline
vsmooth.spline {VGAM} R Documentation Vector Cubic Smoothing Spline Description Fits a vector cubic smoothing spline. Usage vsmooth.spline(x, y, w = NULL, df = rep(5, M), spar = NULL, i.constraint...
 cran-help  matching: spline, spline and spline

Size: 9.1K
R: Quadratic spline frontiers
...spline frontiers Description This function is an implementation of the (un)constrained quadratic spline smoother proposed by Daouia, Noh and Park (2016). Usage quad_spline_est(xtab, ytab, x, kn...
 cran-help  matching: spline, spline and spline

Size: 3.9K
R: Functional Data Analysis using Splines and Orthogonal Spline Bases
...'Splinets' object deriva Derivatives of splines dintegra Calculating the definite integral of a spline. evspline Evaluating splines at given arguments. exsupp Correcting support sets and reshaping the...
 cran-help  matching: spline and spline

Size: 1.9K
R: Demonstrate a polynomial spline and its B-spline...
DemoSpl {gps} R Documentation Demonstrate a polynomial spline and its B-spline representation Description Demonstrate a cubic spline and its B-spline representation. Usage DemoSpl(uniform = TRUE)...
 cran-help  matching: spline and spline

Size: 1.8K
R: Generate a spline basis, slightly adapted from : "Splines,...
bbase {spant} R Documentation Generate a spline basis, slightly adapted from : "Splines, knots, and penalties", Eilers 2010. Description Generate a spline basis, slightly adapted from : "Splines, knots...
 cran-help  matching: spline and spline

Size: 3.7K
R: I-Spline Basis for Monotonic Polynomial Splines
IsplineBasis {CMLS} R Documentation I-Spline Basis for Monotonic Polynomial Splines Description Generate the I-spline basis matrix for a monotonic polynomial spline. Usage IsplineBasis(x, df = NULL...
 cran-help  matching: spline and spline

Size: 2.8K
R: Term for a B-Spline Basis for Polynomial Splines
bs_term {VAJointSurv} R Documentation Term for a B-Spline Basis for Polynomial Splines Description Term for a B-Spline Basis for Polynomial Splines Usage bs_term( x = numeric(), df = NULL, knots = NULL...
 cran-help  matching: spline and spline

Size: 3.8K
R: M-Spline Basis for Polynomial Splines
MsplineBasis {CMLS} R Documentation M-Spline Basis for Polynomial Splines Description Generate the M-spline basis matrix for a polynomial spline. Usage MsplineBasis(x, df = NULL, knots = NULL, degree...
 cran-help  matching: spline and spline

Size: 3.6K
R: Regression Spline Functions and Classes
...Spline bs B-Spline Basis for Polynomial Splines interpSpline Create an Interpolation Spline ns Generate a Basis Matrix for Natural Cubic Splines periodicSpline Create a Periodic Interpolation Spline...
 r-help  matching: spline and spline

Size: 2.8K
R: B-Spline Interpolation and Regression
...B-spline values from their coefficients qw and knots xk bspline bspline: build and use B-splines for interpolation and regression. bsppar Retrieve parameters of B-splines dbsp Derivative of B-spline...
 cran-help  matching: spline and spline

Size: 5.9K
R: Smoothing Spline Basis for Polynomial Splines
ssBasis {bigsplines} R Documentation Smoothing Spline Basis for Polynomial Splines Description Generate the smoothing spline basis matrix for a polynomial spline. Usage ssBasis(x, knots, m=2, d=0, xmin...
 cran-help  matching: spline and spline

Size: 4.7K
R: GSL (GNU Scientific Library) B-spline/B-spline Derivatives {crs} R Documentation GSL (GNU Scientific Library) B-spline/B-spline Derivatives Description generates the B-spline basis matrix for a polynomial spline and (optionally) the B-spline...
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Size: 6.2K
R: I-Spline Basis for Polynomial Splines
iSpline {splines2} R Documentation I-Spline Basis for Polynomial Splines Description Generates the I-spline (integral of M-spline) basis matrix for a polynomial spline or the corresponding derivatives...
 cran-help  matching: spline and spline

Size: 4.2K
R: General P-Splines
...B-splines DemoKnots Demonstrate ordinary cubic B-splines on three types of knots DemoNull Demonstrate the null space of P-splines DemoPBS Demonstrate the construction of periodic B-splines DemoRhoLim...
 cran-help  matching: spline and spline


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