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Size: 2.0K
R: deSolve.lsoda.wrapper
...deSolve.lsoda.wrapper Description The function serves as a wrapper for lsoda using a much simpler interface which allows the use of matrices in the definition of the derivative. To use lsoda we have...
 cran-help  matching: lsoda, lsoda and lsoda

Size: 2.6K
R: Wrapper for lsoda
...for lsoda Description This is a wrapper to call lsoda from deSolve and solve the ODE. Package deSolve needs to be installed to run this wrapper. Usage lsoda_wrapper(t, y, model, verbose = FALSE...
 cran-help  matching: lsoda, lsoda and lsoda

Size: 3.4K
R: A Simple Wrapper for lsoda
...for lsoda Description This function acts as a simple wrapper for lsoda, allowing for multiple parameter sets and initial conditions. It also allows lsoda to be used within the idmodelr framework.
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Size: 2.9K
R: Optional inputs for lsoda
...inputs for lsoda Description These are settings for the differential equation solver (lsoda) that can be accessed via the R interface. The code listing below is taken directly from the lsoda source...
 cran-help  matching: lsoda and lsoda

Size: 3.0K
R: About the lsoda differential equation solver used by mrgsolve
...About the lsoda differential equation solver used by mrgsolve Description The differential equation solver is a C++ translation of DLSODA from ODEPACK. The C++ translation was created by Dilawar Singh...
 cran-help  matching: lsoda and lsoda

Size: 25.3K
R: Solver for Ordinary Differential Equations (ODE), Switching...
...ordinary differential equations (ODEs). The R function lsoda provides an interface to the FORTRAN ODE solver of the same name, written by Linda R. Petzold and Alan C. Hindmarsh. The system of ODE's...
 cran-help  matching: lsoda and lsoda

Size: 2.3K
R: Conversion between character and integer ODE integration...
...solving ODEs. Currently this supports: "liblsoda" thread safe lsoda. This supports parallel thread-based solving, and ignores user Jacobian specification. "lsoda" – LSODA solver. Does not support ...
 cran-help  matching: lsoda

Size: 3.7K
R: Node depth probbaility density for protracted birth-death...
...pbd_brts_density( pars1, pars1f = c(function(t,pars) {pars[1]},function(t,pars) {pars[2]}, function(t,pars) {pars[3]}, function(t,pars) {pars[4]}), methode = "lsoda", brts ) Arguments pars1 Vector...
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Size: 2.0K
R: Create solver settings.
...atol = 1e-08, rtol = 1e-08, hmax = NA, maxsteps = 70000L, method = "liblsoda" ) Arguments atol absolute solver tolerance, default is 1e-08 rtol relative solver tolerance, default is 1e-08 hmax limit...
 cran-help  matching: lsoda

Size: 1.8K
R: Solver settings class. See ?mrgsolve::update. See...
...settings class. See ?mrgsolve::update. See ?rxode2::rxSolve. Slots atol absolute solver tolerance, default is 1e-08 rtol relative solver tolerance, default is 1e-08 hmax limit how big a solver step...
 cran-help  matching: lsoda

Size: 2.9K
R: set_ode_solver
...solvers and their corresponding NONMEM advans: +—————————-+——————+ | Solver | NONMEM ADVAN | +============================+==================+ | CVODES | ADVAN14...
 cran-help  matching: lsoda

Size: 4.4K
R: Use this function to create objects of class NlModel.
...of the constructors of class NlModel. It is used by some more specialized wrapper functions, but can also be used directly. Usage GeneralNlModel( t, TO, ivList, inputFluxes, solverfunc = deSolve.lsoda...
 cran-help  matching: lsoda

Size: 4.8K
R: Loglikelihood for protracted birth-death model of...
...pbd_loglik( pars1, pars1f = c(function(t,pars) {pars[1]},function(t,pars) {pars[2]}, function(t,pars) {pars[3]}, function(t,pars) {pars[4]}), pars2 = c(1,1,2,1,"lsoda",0,0), brts, missnumspec = 0...
 cran-help  matching: lsoda

Size: 3.2K
R: Make Mean-field Approximation (ODE) Numerical Integrator for...
...a first order mean-field ODE approximation for a SPN. Usage step_ODE(S, Sout, haz, method = "lsoda") Arguments S a stoichiometry Matrix-class object Sout an optional matrix to track of event firings.
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Size: 3.4K
R: Make Mean-field Approximation (ODE) Numerical Integrator for...
...Decoupled Epi Dynamics Description Make a function closure to implement a first order mean-field ODE approximation for a SPN. Usage step_ODE_decoupled(S, Sout, haz, method = "lsoda", human_ode = "SIS")...
 cran-help  matching: lsoda

Size: 8.1K
R: Produce predictions from a kinetic model using specific...
...variables. Usage mkinpredict(x, odeparms, odeini, outtimes, ...) ## S3 method for class 'mkinmod' mkinpredict( x, odeparms = c(k_parent_sink = 0.1), odeini = c(parent = 100), outtimes = seq(0, 120, by...
 cran-help  matching: lsoda

Size: 15.8K
R: General Solver for Ordinary Differential Equations
...solvers Usage ode(y, times, func, parms, method = c("lsoda", "lsode", "lsodes", "lsodar", "vode", "daspk", "euler", "rk4", "ode23", "ode45", "radau", "bdf", "bdf_d", "adams", "impAdams", "impAdams_d"...
 cran-help  matching: lsoda

Size: 9.7K
R: Morris Screening for General ODE Models
...(mod, pars, state_init, times, binf = 0, bsup = 1, r = 500, design = list(type = "oat", levels = 10, grid.jump = 1), scale = TRUE, ode_method = "lsoda", parallel_eval = FALSE, parallel_eval_ncores = NA...
 cran-help  matching: lsoda

Size: 3.6K
R: Implementation of a general model for linear non-autonomous...
...This function implements a linear model with scalar modifier for inputs and compartmental matrix. Usage linearScalarModel( t, A, C0, u, gamma, xi, xi_lag = 0, solver = deSolve.lsoda.wrapper...
 cran-help  matching: lsoda

Size: 3.6K
R: additional function to create Models
To ensure backward compatibility this function remains as a wrapper. In future versions it might take on the role of an abstract factory that produces several classes of models (i.e autonomous or non-...
 cran-help  matching: lsoda

Size: 3.6K
R: Implementation of a one pool model
...This function creates a model for one pool. It is a wrapper for the more general function GeneralModel. Usage OnepModel(t, k, C0, In, xi = 1, solver = deSolve.lsoda.wrapper, pass = FALSE) Arguments t...
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Size: 16.1K
R: Collection of Parameter Sets (Butcher Arrays) for the...
...constant naming one of the pre-defined methods of the Runge-Kutta family of solvers. The most common methods are the fixed-step methods "euler", "rk2", "rk4" or the variable step methods "rk23bs" ...
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Size: 11.3K
R: Sobol' Sensitivity Analysis for General ODE Models
...method: ODEsobol(mod, pars, state_init, times, n = 1000, rfuncs = "runif", rargs = "min = 0, max = 1", sobol_method = "Martinez", ode_method = "lsoda", parallel_eval = FALSE, parallel_eval_ncores = NA...
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Size: 10.1K
R: General Solver for Delay Differential Equations.
...on past values of the state variables or their derivatives. Usage dede(y, times, func=NULL, parms, method = c( "lsoda", "lsode", "lsodes", "lsodar", "vode", "daspk", "bdf", "adams", "impAdams", "radau")...
 cran-help  matching: lsoda

Size: 4.4K
R: create objects of class Model_14
...where the actual class of the created model will be determined by the supplied parameters. Usage GeneralModel_14( t, A, ivList, initialValF, inputFluxes, Fc = NULL, inputFc = Fc, di = -0.0001209681, ...
 cran-help  matching: lsoda

Size: 4.0K
R: Implementation of the Yasso07 model
...0.0033), p = c(p1 = 0.32, p2 = 0.01, p3 = 0.93, p4 = 0.34, p5 = 0, p6 = 0, p7 = 0.035, p8 = 0.005, p9 = 0.01, p10 = 5e-04, p11 = 0.03, p12 = 0.92, pH = 0.04), C0, In, xi = 1, solver = deSolve.lsoda...
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Size: 4.1K
R: Function to simulate the approximate protracted speciation...
...Simulating the protracted speciation process according to the approxiomate model of Lambert et al. 2014. This function differs from pbd_sim that 1) it requires that the speciation-initiation rate...
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Size: 4.2K
R: Implementation of the Yasso model.
...YassoModel( t, ks = c(a_fwl = 0.54, a_cwl = 0.03, k_ext = 0.48, k_cel = 0.3, k_lig = 0.22, k_hum1 = 0.012, k_hum2 = 0.0012), p = c(fwl_ext = 0.1, cwl_ext = 0.1, fwl_cel = 0.1, cwl_cel = 0.1, fwl_lig ...
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Size: 17.3K
R: Continuously Stirred Tank Reactor
...lsoda(y, Time, CSTR2, parms); CSTR2 calls CSTR2in. When metrology error can not be ignored, use CSTRfn (which calls CSTRfitLS). To estimate parameters in the CSTR differential equation system (kref...
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Size: 4.0K
R: Implementation of a two pool model with series structure
...creates a model for two pools connected in series. It is a wrapper for the more general function GeneralModel. Usage TwopSeriesModel( t, ks, a21, C0, In, xi = 1, solver = deSolve.lsoda.wrapper, pass...
 cran-help  matching: lsoda

Size: 4.3K
R: Implementation of a one-pool C14 model pool. It is a wrapper for the more general function GeneralModel_14. Usage OnepModel14( t, k, C0, F0_Delta14C, In, xi = 1, inputFc, lambda = -0.0001209681, lag = 0, solver = deSolve.lsoda.wrapper...
 cran-help  matching: lsoda

Size: 4.3K
R: Implementation of the RothCModel
...RothCModel( t, ks = c(k.DPM = 10, k.RPM = 0.3, k.BIO = 0.66, k.HUM = 0.02, k.IOM = 0), C0 = c(0, 0, 0, 0, 2.7), In = 1.7, FYM = 0, DR = 1.44, clay = 23.4, xi = 1, solver = deSolve.lsoda.wrapper, pass...
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Size: 4.0K
R: models for unconnected pools
...convenient wrapper functions TwopParallelModel and ThreepParallelModel but can also be used independently. Usage ParallelModel( times, coeffs_tm, startvalues, inputrates, solverfunc = deSolve.lsoda...
 cran-help  matching: lsoda

Size: 4.1K
R: General m-pool linear model with series structure
...a model for m number of pools connected in series. It is a wrapper for the more general function GeneralModel. Usage SeriesLinearModel( t, m.pools, ki, Tij, C0, In, xi = 1, solver = deSolve.lsoda...
 cran-help  matching: lsoda

Size: 4.1K
R: Implementation of a three pool model with series structure
...creates a model for three pools connected in series. It is a wrapper for the more general function GeneralModel. Usage ThreepSeriesModel( t, ks, a21, a32, C0, In, xi = 1, solver = deSolve.lsoda...
 cran-help  matching: lsoda

Size: 4.2K
R: Implementation of a linear two pool model with parallel...
...(parallel) pools. It is a wrapper for the more general function ParallelModel that can handle an arbitrary number of pools. Usage TwopParallelModel( t, ks, C0, In, gam, xi = 1, solver = deSolve.lsoda...
 cran-help  matching: lsoda

Size: 4.9K
R: Check shared library (DLL/.so) of a compiled model.
...Check shared library (DLL/.so) of a compiled model and create a list of symbols. Usage checkDLL(func, jacfunc, dllname, initfunc, verbose, nout, outnames, JT = 1) Arguments func character: name...
 cran-help  matching: lsoda

Size: 8.9K
R: Morris Screening for Objects of Class 'ODEnetwork' work. Usage ## S3 method for class 'ODEnetwork' ODEmorris(mod, pars, times, binf = 0, bsup = 1, r = 500, design = list(type = "oat", levels = 10, grid.jump = 1), scale = TRUE, ode_method = "lsoda"...
 cran-help  matching: lsoda

Size: 4.5K
R: Implementation of a three pool model with parallel structure
...pools. It is a wrapper for the more general function ParallelModel that can handle an arbitrary number of pools. Usage ThreepParallelModel( t, ks, C0, In, gam1, gam2, xi = 1, solver = deSolve.lsoda...
 cran-help  matching: lsoda

Size: 8.5K
R: Ancillary arguments for controlling nhm fits
...nhm.control(tmax=NULL, coarsen=FALSE, coarsen.vars=NULL,, checks=FALSE,rtol=1e-6, atol=1e-6, fishscore=NULL, linesearch=FALSE, damped=FALSE, damppar=0,obsinfo=TRUE,splits=NULL,ncores=1...
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Size: 5.5K
R: Plot transition probabilities or intensities from a fitted...
...nhm. Usage ## S3 method for class 'nhm' plot(x, what="probabilities",time0=0, state0=1, times=NULL, covvalue=NULL, ci=TRUE, sim=FALSE, coverage=0.95, B=1000, rtol=1e-6, atol=1e-6, main_arg=NULL, xlab...
 cran-help  matching: lsoda

Size: 5.2K
R: Implementation of the Century model
...belowgroun = 0.094, MET.belowground = 0.35, ACT = 0.14, SLW = 0.0038, PAS = 0.00013), C0 = rep(0, 7), surfaceIn, soilIn, LN, Ls, clay = 0.2, silt = 0.45, xi = 1, xi_lag = 0, solver = deSolve.lsoda...
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Size: 5.3K
R: Compute state occupation or transition probabilities from a...
...transition probabilites from a non-homogeneous Markov or misclassification type hidden Markov multi-state model fitted using nhm. Usage ## S3 method for class 'nhm' predict(object, time0=0, state0=1...
 cran-help  matching: lsoda

Size: 6.8K
R: Stable and unstable manifolds
...plot. Usage drawManifolds( deriv, y0 = NULL, parameters = NULL, tstep = 0.1, tend = 100, col = c("green", "red"), add.legend = TRUE, state.names = c("x", "y"), method = "lsoda", ... ) Arguments deriv...
 cran-help  matching: lsoda

Size: 4.9K
R: Implementation of a two pool model with feedback structure
...creates a model for two pools connected with feedback. It is a wrapper for the more general function GeneralModel. Usage TwopFeedbackModel( t, ks, a21, a12, C0, In, xi = 1, solver = deSolve.lsoda...
 cran-help  matching: lsoda

Size: 9.6K
R: Sobol' Sensitivity Analysis for Objects of Class 'ODEnetwork' work. Usage ## S3 method for class 'ODEnetwork' ODEsobol(mod, pars, times, n = 1000, rfuncs = "runif", rargs = "min = 0, max = 1", sobol_method = "Martinez", ode_method = "lsoda", parallel_eval...
 cran-help  matching: lsoda

Size: 5.7K
R: Run the streambugs ODE model
...ode routine. Usage run.streambugs( y.names, times, par, inp = NA, C = FALSE, file.def = NA, file.res = NA, file.add = NA, return.res.add = FALSE, tout.add = NA, verbose = TRUE, method = "lsoda", rtol...
 cran-help  matching: lsoda

Size: 5.1K
R: Implementation of a two-pool C14 model with series structure
...GeneralModel_14 that can handle an arbitrary number of pools. Usage TwopSeriesModel14( t, ks, C0, F0_Delta14C, In, a21, xi = 1, inputFc, lambda = -0.0001209681, lag = 0, solver = deSolve.lsoda.wrapper...
 cran-help  matching: lsoda

Size: 5.2K
R: Implementation of the Introductory Carbon Balance Model...
...Model (ICBM). This is simply a two pool model connected in series. Usage ICBMModel( t, ks = c(k1 = 0.8, k2 = 0.00605), h = 0.13, r = 1.32, c0 = c(Y0 = 0.3, O0 = 3.96), In = 0, solver = deSolve.lsoda...
 cran-help  matching: lsoda

Size: 5.2K
R: Implementation of a two-pool C14 model with parallel...
...GeneralModel_14 that can handle an arbitrary number of pools. Usage TwopParallelModel14( t, ks, C0, F0_Delta14C, In, gam, xi = 1, inputFc, lambda = -0.0001209681, lag = 0, solver = deSolve.lsoda...
 cran-help  matching: lsoda

Size: 13.5K
R: Solve System of ODE (Ordinary Differential Equation)s by...
...Runge-Kutta 4th order integration. Usage euler(y, times, func, parms, verbose = FALSE, ynames = TRUE, dllname = NULL, initfunc = dllname, initpar = parms, rpar = NULL, ipar = NULL, nout = 0, outnames...
 cran-help  matching: lsoda

Size: 5.2K
R: Implementation of a two-pool C14 model with feedback...
...GeneralModel_14 that can handle an arbitrary number of pools. Usage TwopFeedbackModel14( t, ks, C0, F0_Delta14C, In, a21, a12, xi = 1, inputFc, lambda = -0.0001209681, lag = 0, solver = deSolve.lsoda...
 cran-help  matching: lsoda

Size: 5.2K
R: General m-pool linear C14 model with series structure
...the more general function GeneralModel_14. Usage SeriesLinearModel14( t, m.pools, ki, Tij, C0, F0_Delta14C, In, xi = 1, inputFc, lambda = -0.0001209681, lag = 0, solver = deSolve.lsoda.wrapper, pass...
 cran-help  matching: lsoda

Size: 5.9K
R: Generating-functions (Constructors) to Create Objects of...
...‘odeModel’, ‘rwalkModel’ and ‘gridModel’. Description These functions can be used to create simObj instances without using new explicitly. Usage odeModel(obj = NULL, main = NULL, equations...
 cran-help  matching: lsoda

Size: 5.3K
R: Implementation of a three-pool C14 model with series...
...GeneralModel_14 that can handle an arbitrary number of pools. Usage ThreepSeriesModel14( t, ks, C0, F0_Delta14C, In, a21, a32, xi = 1, inputFc, lambda = -0.0001209681, lag = 0, solver = deSolve.lsoda...
 cran-help  matching: lsoda

Size: 9.9K
R: Parameter Fitting for odeModel Objects
...(lapply(yobs, sd)), initialize = TRUE, weights = NULL, debuglevel = 0, fn = ssqOdeModel, method = c("Nelder-Mead", "BFGS", "CG", "L-BFGS-B", "SANN", "PORT", "newuoa", "bobyqa"), lower = -Inf, upper...
 cran-help  matching: lsoda

Size: 5.4K
R: Implementation of a three-pool C14 model with parallel...
...that can handle an arbitrary number of pools. Usage ThreepParallelModel14( t, ks, C0, F0_Delta14C, In, gam1, gam2, xi = 1, inputFc, lambda = -0.0001209681, lag = 0, solver = deSolve.lsoda.wrapper...
 cran-help  matching: lsoda

Size: 2.3K
R: automatic title
...(t) { return(matrix(nrow = 1, ncol = 1, 0)) }), initialValues = numeric(), inputFluxes = BoundInFluxes(function(t) { return(matrix(nrow = 1, ncol = 1, 1)) }, 0, 1), solverfunc = deSolve.lsoda.wrapper...
 cran-help  matching: lsoda

Size: 2.2K
R: automatic title
...automatic title Usage ## S4 method for signature 'Model_by_PoolNames' initialize( .Object, times, mat, initialValues, inputFluxes, timeSymbol, pass = FALSE, solverfunc = deSolve.lsoda.wrapper...
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Size: 1.8K
R: SolverOptions
DDEsolver equal to 'deSolve' or 'PBS' sets the R package used to solve the DDEs. The 'tol' option sets the relative tolerances and 'hbsize' sets the size of the history buffer. The remaining two...
 cran-help  matching: lsoda

Size: 6.1K
R: Implementation of a radiocarbon version of the Century model
...described in Parton et al. (1987). Usage CenturyModel14( t, ks = 52 * c(STR.surface = 0.076, MET.surface = 0.28, STR.belowgroun = 0.094, MET.belowground = 0.35, ACT = 0.14, SLW = 0.0038, PAS = 0.00013)...
 cran-help  matching: lsoda

Size: 2.8K
R: solve_de
...solve_de Usage solve_de( sim, params, inits, Tmax, numsteps = 10000, solver = "ode", sizestep = NULL, verbose = FALSE, data.times = NULL, method = "lsoda", ... ) Arguments sim function; solver...
 cran-help  matching: lsoda

Size: 6.6K
R: Maximization of loglikelihood under protracted birth-death...
...protracted birth-death model of diversification Usage pbd_ML( brts, initparsopt = c(0.2,0.1,1), idparsopt = 1:length(initparsopt), idparsfix = NULL, parsfix = NULL, exteq = 1, parsfunc = c(function(t...
 cran-help  matching: lsoda

Size: 2.7K
R: Simulates a continuous dynamic system
...time between observations start.x initial conditions parms parameters for the system observed function of the state Details Simulates a dynamic system of provided ODEs. Uses lsoda in odesolve...
 cran-help  matching: lsoda

Size: 2.4K
R: Internal method to supervise creation of objects of this...
...usually not necessary for user code to call this method. It's purpose is to enforce some sanity checks since it gets automatically called by new whenever an object of this class is created Usage ## S4...
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Size: 11.4K
R: Simulation of Ecological (and Other) Dynamic Systems
...equations, individual-based (or agent-based) and other models as well. It supports structuring of simulation scenarios (to avoid copy and paste) and aims to improve readability and re-usability of...
 cran-help  matching: lsoda

Size: 15.1K
R: Calculates the Discrepancy of a Model Solution with...
...observed data, estimates the residuals, and the variable and model costs (sum of squared residuals). Usage modCost(model, obs, x = "time", y = NULL, err = NULL, weight = "none", scaleVar = FALSE, cost...
 cran-help  matching: lsoda

Size: 2.6K
R: Model prediction function for ODE models without...
...Xs, missing the sensitivities. Usage Xf( odemodel, forcings = NULL, events = NULL, condition = NULL, optionsOde = list(method = "lsoda") ) Arguments odemodel Object of class odemodel. forcings see Xs...
 cran-help  matching: lsoda

Size: 5.7K
R: Implementation of a three pool model with feedback structure
...model for three pools connected with feedback. It is a wrapper for the more general function GeneralModel. Usage ThreepFeedbackModel( t, ks, a21, a12, a32, a23, C0, In, xi = 1, solver = deSolve.lsoda...
 cran-help  matching: lsoda

Size: 2.4K
R: euler
...lsoda.wrapper and has the same interface. It is much slower than ode and should probably be considered less capable in solving stiff ode systems. However it has one main advantage, which consists ...
 cran-help  matching: lsoda

Size: 7.1K
R: Constructor for class Model
...can be given in different form as long as they can be converted to the necessary internal building blocks. (See the links) Usage Model( t, A, ivList, inputFluxes, solverfunc = deSolve.lsoda.wrapper...
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Size: 2.9K
R: IntegrateForward
IntegrateForward {CollocInfer} R Documentation IntegrateForward Description Solves a differential equation going forward based on a proc object. Usage IntegrateForward(y0,ts,pars,proc,more)...
 cran-help  matching: lsoda

Size: 2.9K
R: Internal method to supervise creation of objects of this...
...supervise creation of objects of this class Description It is usually not necessary for user code to call this method. It's purpose is to enforce some sanity checks since it gets automatically called...
 cran-help  matching: lsoda

Size: 8.0K
R: General Solvers for Initial Value Problems of Ordinary...
...General Solvers for Initial Value Problems of Ordinary Differential Equations (ODE), Partial Differential Equations (PDE), Differential Algebraic Equations (DAE) and delay differential equations (DDE).
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Size: 7.3K
R: Bootstrap analysis under protracted birth-death model of...
pbd_bootstrap {PBD} R Documentation Bootstrap analysis under protracted birth-death model of diversification Description Likelihood maximization for protracted birth-death model of diversification...
 cran-help  matching: lsoda

Size: 3.0K
R: Internal deSolve Functions
...currently tried by the integrator. Details Function timestep is intended to return the current or next timestep of the integration. It works only under specific circumstances and should not be used by...
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Size: 8.6K
R: Performs a Simulation of the Model Passed as the Argument
...volumes and substance and organism concentrations of all reactors at all points in time. This function integrates the system of ordinary differential equations numerically using the function ode of...
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Size: 2.6K
R: Simulated time series data for a deterministic linear damped...
...theTimes. Measured time Points Examples # The following was used to generate the data #-------------------------------------- ## Not run: Osc <- function(t, prevState, parms) { x1 <- prevState[1] # x1...
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Size: 3.9K
R: Chemostat Model
...simecol example: Model of continuos culture of microorganisms (chemostat). Usage data(chemostat) Format An S4 object according to the odeModel specification. The object contains the following slots...
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Size: 23.3K
R: Solver for Ordinary Differential Equations (ODE), Switching...
...(ODEs) and including root-finding. The R function lsodar provides an interface to the FORTRAN ODE solver of the same name, written by Alan C. Hindmarsh and Linda R. Petzold. The system of ODE's...
 cran-help  matching: lsoda

Size: 3.8K
R: sim_area_single_concept_with_risk
...users are recommended to use the function simulate_single_concept. Usage sim_area_single_concept_with_risk( state_vars, parms, event_times, time_span = 100L, time_frac = 4L, integ_method = "lsoda"...
 cran-help  matching: lsoda

Size: 17.3K
R: Fit a kinetic model to data with one or more state variables
...each step of the optimisation, the kinetic model is solved using the function mkinpredict(), except if an analytical solution is implemented, in which case the model is solved using the degradation...
 cran-help  matching: lsoda

Size: 3.6K
R: Model prediction function for ODE models.
...returning ODE output and sensitivities. Usage Xs( odemodel, forcings = NULL, events = NULL, names = NULL, condition = NULL, optionsOde = list(method = "lsoda"), optionsSens = list(method = "lsodes")...
 cran-help  matching: lsoda

Size: 8.6K
R: Bootstrap likelihood ratio test of protracted birth-death...
...a given set of phylogenetic branching times. It then performs a bootstrap likelihood ratio test of the protracted birth-death (PBD) model against the constant-rates (CR) birth-death model. Finally, it...
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Size: 4.8K
R: Run Allometric Trophic Networks Models
Help Pages .filter_extinct Filter Extinct Species create_Lmatrix Make L matrix create_matrix_parameter Make parameter matrix create_model_Scaled Initialize an ATN model, following Delmas et al. 2017...
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Size: 3.7K
R: Simulation of 'simObj' model objects
...sim(obj, animation=FALSE, delay=0, ...) Arguments obj an object of class simObj or one of its subclasses. initialize re-initialize the object if the object contains a user-defined initializing...
 cran-help  matching: lsoda

Size: 9.0K
R: Solver for Ordinary Differential Equations; Assumes a Banded...
...include transport only between adjacent layers and that model only one species. Usage, times, func, parms, nspec = NULL, dimens = NULL, bandup = nspec, banddown = nspec, method = "lsode"...
 cran-help  matching: lsoda

Size: 7.8K
R: Implementation of a three-pool C14 model with feedback...
...arbitrary connections. GeneralModel_14 can also handle input data in different formats, while this function requires its input as Delta14C. Look at it as an example how to use the more powerful tool ...
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Size: 4.3K
R: Ordinary Differential Equations
...called directly by users Usage ode.model(parms = NULL, derparms = NULL, code = NULL, bolus = NULL, infusion = NULL, xdata = NULL, covdata = NULL, issim = 0, check = FALSE, options = list(method='lsoda'))...
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Size: 8.8K
R: popModel
...solverOptions = list(), checkForNegs = TRUE, ntol = 0.01, plotFigs = TRUE, saveFig = FALSE, figType = "eps", figName = "stagePopFig", sumOverStrains = TRUE, plotStrainsFig = TRUE, saveStrainsFig = ...
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Size: 9.1K
R: general constructor for class Model_14
...set of building blocks for the Model_14 for n arbitrarily connected pools. Usage Model_14( t, A, ivList, initialValF, inputFluxes, inputFc, c14DecayRate = -0.0001209681, solverfunc = deSolve.lsoda...
 cran-help  matching: lsoda

Size: 4.3K
R: Lotka-Volterra-Type Model with Resource, Prey and Predator
...Lotka-Volterra-Type Model with Resource, Prey and Predator Description simecol example: predator prey-model with three equations: predator, prey and resource (e.g. nutriens, grassland). Usage data(lv3)...
 cran-help  matching: lsoda

Size: 4.0K
R: Mean field model
...a cellular automaton Usage run_meanfield(mod, init, times, ...) Arguments mod The cellular automaton model (produced by camodel init The initial landscape, or a vector of covers summing to one, whose...
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Size: 4.1K
R: Methods for Function 'initialize' in Package 'simecol'
...‘simecol’ Description This function is used to initialize objects derived from the simObj superclass, it is by default automatically called during object creation and by sim. Usage ## S4 method...
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Size: 4.9K
R: Delay Differential Equations
...called directly by users Usage dde.model(parms = NULL, derparms = NULL, code = NULL, bolus = NULL, infusion = NULL, xdata = NULL, covdata = NULL, issim = 0, check = FALSE, options = list(method='lsoda'))...
 cran-help  matching: lsoda

Size: 4.5K
R: The Uniform Period Chaotic Amplitude Model
upca {simecol} R Documentation The Uniform Period Chaotic Amplitude Model Description simecol example: resource-predator-prey model, which is able to exhibit chaotic behaviour. Usage data(upca) Format...
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Size: 15.4K
R: Solver For Multicomponent 1-D Ordinary Differential Equations
...differencing. Usage ode.1D(y, times, func, parms, nspec = NULL, dimens = NULL, method= c("lsoda", "lsode", "lsodes", "lsodar", "vode", "daspk", "euler", "rk4", "ode23", "ode45", "radau", "bdf", "adams"...
 cran-help  matching: lsoda

Size: 3.8K
R: Run the StrathE2E model with a given configuration.
...single deterministic run of the StrathE2E model for a configuration defined by an R-list object compiled by a prior call of the e2e_read() function. Usage e2e_run(model, nyears = 20, quiet = TRUE, csv...
 cran-help  matching: lsoda

Size: 4.2K
R: Generate an example (template) of a dosing regimen shiny app
...given a (hardcoded) PK/PD model. Usage genShinyApp.template( appDir = "shinyExample", verbose = TRUE, ODE.config = list(ode = "model", params = c(KA = 0.294), inits = c(eff = 1), method = "lsoda"...
 cran-help  matching: lsoda

Size: 13.4K
R: Setting Analysis Options
...Usage system_set_option(cfg, group, option, value) Arguments cfg ubiquity system object group options are grouped together by the underlying activity being performed: "estimation", "general", "logging"...
 cran-help  matching: lsoda

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